DB2 Manager
User Guide
Version 1.1
EC 132056
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First Edition (September 2004)
This edition contains189 pages.
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First Edition
StorageTek Protected
Table of contents
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................8
INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................8
PRODUCT FUNCTIONS ...............................................................................................9
DB2 MANAGER STORAGE CONFIGURATION ............................................................13
PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................14
DB2 MANAGEMENT PROCESSING ............................................................................15
PRE-REQUISITES FOR DB2 MANAGER IMPLEMENTATION........................................16
ARCHIVE MANAGER IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................18
DB2 MANAGER IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES....................................................18
Update DB2 Manager parameter library......................................................................20
VERIFY DB2 MANAGER INSTALLATION..................................................................32
GENERAL PARAMETER FORMAT ..............................................................................34
ENVCNTL PARAMETERS .......................................................................................35
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
TAPECNTL PARAMETERS .....................................................................................37
TAPECNTL: MAXDRDR...............................................................................................38
TAPECNTL: TAPEWAIT...............................................................................................41
CONTROL REGION INITIALIZATION ..........................................................................44
CONTROL REGION COMPONENTS .............................................................................46
PROCESSING REQUESTS FOR ACCESS TO MIGRATED ROWS.......................................48
SQL SELECT processing...............................................................................................48
DB2 MANAGER OPERATOR INTERFACE...................................................................50
Display summary status.................................................................................................51
Terminate DB2 Manager control region.......................................................................62
SMF PROCESSING ...................................................................................................63
OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................70
DB2 Manager User Guide
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INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................75
ENABLING A DB2 TABLE FOR MIGRATION PROCESSING ..........................................75
OTDBP100 - THE TABLE MIGRATION UTILITY........................................................80
DATA MANAGEMENT PROCESSING ..........................................................................88
DB2 database reorganization........................................................................................88
OTDBP120 - THE ROW RESTORE UTILITY...............................................................93
OTDBP130 - THE PRE-FETCH UTILITY....................................................................99
DB2 Manager User Guide
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OTDBP140 - THE TABLE ANALYSIS UTILITY ........................................................105
OTDBP170 - THE DATABASE HOUSEKEEPING UTILITY .........................................109
OTD100XX – TABLE MIGRATION UTILITY MESSAGES ...........................................118
OTD120XX – ROW RESTORE UTILITY MESSAGES ..................................................125
OTD130XX – PRE-FETCH UTILITY MESSAGES .......................................................129
OTD140XX – TABLE ANALYSIS UTILITY MESSAGES..............................................132
OTD170XX – DATABASE HOUSEKEEPING UTILITY MESSAGES...............................137
OTD220XX – CONTROL REGION SCHEDULER MESSAGES.......................................154
OTD250XX – CONTROL REGION TAPE READER MESSAGES....................................157
OTD254XX – CONTROL REGION DISK READER MESSAGES ....................................160
DB2 Manager User Guide
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OTD260XX – CONTROL REGION WRITER MESSAGES .............................................162
DB2 MANAGER ERROR AND REASON CODES.........................................................166
CONTROL REGION RETURN CODES.........................................................................169
APPENDIX A: SAMPLE JCL MEMBERS .................................................................................172
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
This Lifecycle Director DB2 Manager User Guide provides all the information
required for installation, implementation and operation of the DB2 Manager
product for the enabling of Lifecycle Director support for the storage and
retrieval of table rows using IBM's DB2 relational database management
For ease of reference, the product will be referred to as DB2 Manager
throughout the remainder of this manual. In addition, the Archive Manager
component of Lifecycle Director which is used by DB2 Manager for storage of
migrated data will be referred to as Archive Manager throughout the
remainder of the document.
The manual assumes some familiarity with DB2 concepts and its
implementation. Information on these topics may be obtained from the
appropriate IBM manuals where necessary.
Version 1.1 of the product will support all releases of DB2 from version 4
hardware requirements for DB2 Manager implementation.
Implementation of version 2.5 or higher of the Archive Manager tape
database management component is a pre-requisite for DB2 Manager
installation. Users should refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for the
version of Archive Manager installed at their installation for information
regarding that product component.
Any additional installation or release-dependent information not contained in
this manual will be supplied to customers as part of the DB2 Manager
distribution package.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Product Description
Storage Technology's DB2 Manager software product is designed to
implement Archive Manager support for storage of table rows using IBM's
DB2 relational database management product. Archive Manager is a
Storage Technology archival database management product, which primarily
uses tape cartridge media for storage of archived objects. Archive Manager
also optionally enables disk copies of objects in an Archive Manager
database to be retained. The product supplies a range of facilities to optimize
the storage and retrieval of objects in an archive database.
Installation of Archive Manager on the host system is a pre-requisite for DB2
Manager implementation. Migrated rows are stored as objects in a standard
Archive Manager database, each Archive Manager database consisting of a
discrete set of tape cartridge volumes (plus optional disk copy datasets).
DB2 Manager uses a separate Archive Manager database for each DB2 table
which has been enabled for archival with DB2 Manager.
DB2 Manager enables applications developed to use DB2 as a data manager
to extend the range of storage options supported by DB2 to include an
Archive Manager database. Version 1.1 of DB2 Manager includes support
for all versions of DB2 from version 4 upwards.
Implementation of the product requires no modifications to applications which
use standard SQL processing to access DB2 tables. This means that
customer-developed or vendor-supplied DB2 SQL applications will be able to
store and retrieve table rows in Archive Manager without modification.
As is the case for all Archive Manager applications, usage of DB2 Manager to
access tape-resident objects in an online processing environment requires
the implementation of an automated tape processing facility, using the
StorageTek 4400 ACS range of products.
There are no functional limitations in DB2 Manager which would prevent its
implementation in a manual tape-processing environment, using free-
standing tape cartridge drives. However, the need for manual operator
intervention in this environment would mean that SQL commands issued from
an online processing system, which required access to a tape-resident
object, would wait indefinitely for a response (depending on the time taken to
manually satisfy the tape-handling request). A guaranteed level of service for
processing these requests can only be supplied through the implementation
of an automated tape handling strategy.
Note that a single SQL command issued from an application problem may
generate access to multiple rows from one or more tables. In these
instances, DB2 will create a temporary table containing the result of the SQL
DB2 Manager User Guide
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request. Standard DB2 processing then requires the use of a cursor
mechanism in order to access each row from the result table, rows being
retrieved via an SQL FETCH command. In cases where rows in the result
table have been migrated from DB2 to Archive Manager, the resulting FETCH
commands may generate one or more tape mounts in order to service the
application program’s SQL request. Access to rows is not necessarily
performed in the physical sequence in which migrated rows are stored in the
Archive Manager database – this may generate an excessive amount of tape
mount activity, with a correspondingly negative effect on application response
For this reason, implementation of DB2 Manager for migration of data from a
DB2 table may not be suitable in instances where applications process the
table in the following manner:
Sequential processing of the table. This can occur if the application
needs to access all rows in the table (e.g. for historical data analysis), or if
access to specific rows in the table is not performed via index processing.
Many rows are required to satisfy a single SQL command. If migrated
rows are among those required to satisfy the SQL command, then
extended response times may be encountered.
Note that use of Archive Manager disk copy processing (where copies of
objects in the Archive Manager database are held in sequential disk
datasets) is enabled, then the above restrictions will not necessarily apply.
Only one DB2 Manager control region is started per MVS system – this will
support access to migrated rows from multiple DB2 subsystems executing on
that MVS system.
ꢀProduct Functions
The functions supplied by the DB2 Manager product can be categorized into
three main areas:
1. Migration of rows from a DB2 table.
2. Enabling of access to migrated rows.
3. Management of migrated rows.
These functions are discussed in the following sections.
Row migration
The primary function of DB2 Manager is to enable individual rows from within
a DB2 table to be migrated from DB2 to an Archive Manager database.
Migrated rows will be stored as part of a standard Archive Manager object in
the Archive Manager database, and will be replaced in the VSAM tablespace
dataset by an 18-byte archive “stub” which will contain information about the
location of the row in the Archive Manager database. This will allow space
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
within the table to be released and re-used, enabling a reduction in the
overall size of the DB2 tablespace used for table storage.
Reduction in the tablespace size will give a corresponding reduction in the
overall amount of disk space required to support DB2 database usage, and
also reduce the amount of DB2 housekeeping processing (in particular,
image-copy and re-organization processing) required for the database
containing the table(s) enabled for DB2 Manager migration processing.
Migration of rows is performed using a batch utility which is supplied with the
specified rules, which are specified using SQL command syntax, allowing
maximum flexibility for selection of rows to be migrated.
In order to be eligible for migration of rows by DB2 Manager, a table must
have the following characteristics:
A DB2 edit procedure (OTDBP300) must be defined for the table. This
edit procedure (known as the “DB2 Manager SQL intercept”) intercepts all
row insert, update and retrieve operations performed by DB2 on the table,
and determines whether migration of an unmigrated row is to be
performed, or whether retrieval of a migrated row is required.
The table must have at least two partitions. One of these partitions is
used as the “archive partition”, and will be used exclusively for storage of
the archive stubs for migrated rows. All unmigrated rows will be held in
the one or more remaining partitions of the table.
An additional single-character column must be defined for the table. This
will contain an archive indicator identifying whether a row is migrated or
unmigrated. Views of the table are defined to allow existing applications
to access the table without modification.
Refer to the discussion on product implementation in chapter 2 of this manual
for a full description of the actions required in order to enable a table for
migration processing by DB2 Manager.
Access to migrated rows
DB2 Manager allows access to migrated rows without requiring any
modifications to applications which use SQL to access tables containing
migrated rows. All types of applications (batch, TSO, CICS, IMS etc.) are
supported. Multiple migrated rows from a single table may be accessed via
a single SQL command, using a cursor operation to retrieve individual rows.
An application may also access migrated rows from more than one table via a
single SQL command, using standard DB2 JOIN or UNION processing.
The DB2 Manager “control region” (an OS/390 started task) must be started
in order to enable this retrieval support. All Archive Manager database
access will be performed from the control region, allowing full shared access
to the Archive Manager database(s) containing migrated data.
Retrieval of migrated rows
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
A migrated row which has been retrieved from an Archive Manager database
is presented back to the calling application on reference via SQL. No
indication is given to the application that the row has been retrieved from
Archive Manager, and the contents of the row will be identical to those prior
to migration of the row from DB2.
The following factors will govern the length of time taken to access a
migrated row stored in a tape-resident object in an Archive Manager
- The time taken to mount a tape. This is dependent on the automatic
library robot accessor utilization rate.
- The time taken to locate an object on a tape once mounted. This will
depend on the amount of data held per Archive Manager tape volume
(user-controlled via Archive Manager database initialization
- Tape drive availability. Lack of tape drives will prevent immediate
recall of objects from tape.
DB2 Manager provides the following controls to optimize tape recall
- Specification of the maximum number of tape drives to be used by
DB2 Manager for object retrieval. These controls are similar to those
provided by the online recall component of Archive Manager (ie)
drives required by DB2 Manager for tape object retrieval will be
dynamically allocated and released as required, up to the maximum
specified in the DB2 Manager drive control parameters.
- Parameterized controls are provided to allow users to limit the length
of queues of retrieval requests for any one specific tape volume. All
requests subsequent to the first for a mounted tape will be satisfied by
repositioning the tape. However, it may take up to 30 seconds to
reposition a tape; in order to provide a control over the length of time
taken to retrieve any one object, a limit may be placed on the number
of requests queued for an active tape.
If insufficient resources are available to satisfy an object retrieval request,
DB2 Manager will reject the request with the appropriate SQL error and
reason codes, or may optionally queue the request internally until sufficient
resources become available or until a customer-specified time interval has
The above controls are specified using the DB2 Manager parameter library,
and are processed during control region initialization. They may be
dynamically adjusted during DB2 Manager operation via control region
command processing.
Update of migrated rows
If an application updates a migrated row after retrieval from an Archive
Manager database, the migrated copy of the row will be invalidated and the
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
updated row will be stored back in the DB2 table from which it was originally
migrated. All reference to the migrated copy of the row in the Archive
Manager database will have been deleted, causing this row to be
unreferenced. This will effectively “re-migrate” the row from Archive
Manager to DB2. The updated row will be stored back in a non-archive
partition of the table - the corresponding 18-byte archive stub in the archive
partition will be deleted allowing this space to be re-used for another archive
A migrated row which has been updated and stored back in DB2 will
subsequently become eligible for re-migration to Archive Manager under the
control of the DB2 Manager batch migration utility. Selection of that row via
the SQL command used to control row migration for a table will cause it to be
migrated from DB2 to Archive Manager – however, it should be noted that the
migrated row will be stored in a different Archive Manager object from that
used for storing the previous migrated copy of the row.
The Archive Manager object containing a migrated row which has been
updated and restored in the DB2 table will continue to remain in the Archive
Manager database until all migrated rows stored in that object have been
invalidated through update or deletion processing. The DB2 Manager
database housekeeping utility is used to delete Archive Manager objects
which no longer contain any active migrated rows. Following deletion of the
Archive Manager object, the base Archive Manager object management and
database maintenance utilities may be used to reclaim tape space occupied
by the deleted object, if required. Refer to chapter 6 of this manual for a
detailed description of this process.
It should be noted that frequent updating of a row after it first becomes
eligible for migration is likely to cause multiple instances of migration and re-
migration activities, which may result in a high proportion of invalidated space
in the Archive Manager database. Tables which are accessed by
applications in this manner may not be appropriate for migration processing
Deletion of migrated rows
Migrated rows may be deleted by an application program using an SQL
DELETE command. Deletion of the row will cause the migrated copy of row
to be retrieved from the Archive Manager database, and the archive stub will
then be deleted from the archive partition of the DB2 table, causing all
reference to the migrated row to be removed.
DB2 Manager housekeeping processing is used to synchronize deletion of a
migrated row from the DB2 table with deletion of the Archive Manager object
containing the migrated row, in an identical manner to that described for row
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Management of migrated rows
A set of batch utilities is supplied with the product in order to assist in
management of migrated rows. The following utilities are supplied with v1.1
of the product:
Row restore utility. This will allow migrated rows to be returned to the
table from which they were migrated. Customer-specified rules, using
SQL command syntax, are used to select migrated rows for restore.
Table analysis utility. This will analyze a table which has been enabled
for row migration, and produce a detailed or summary report on the
contents of the table. A detailed report will identify each row which has
been migrated (by DB2 key), and identify the Archive Manager object
containing the migrated row.
Archive Manager database housekeeping utility. This will process a table
which has been enabled for row migration, and delete any objects in the
Archive Manager database associated with the DB2 table, which no
longer contain any active migrated rows.
Detailed descriptions of each of the above utilities may be found in chapter 6
of this manual.
ꢀDB2 Manager storage configuration
Archive Manager is used for storage and retrieval of migrated rows, so all the
functions and benefits of the base Archive Manager product are available for
use with DB2 Manager.
One or more Archive Manager databases must be defined on the system for
storage of migrated rows. One Archive Manager database is required for
each DB2 table which has been enabled for DB2 Manager migration
processing. DB2 Manager will enforce the one-for-one relationship between
DB2 table and Archive Manager database during migration processing.
The Archive Manager database must be defined with a primary keylength of 4
bytes. Each object in the database will contain one or more migrated rows –
the maximum number of migrated rows per object is controlled via the
OBJSIZE parameter in the DB2 Manager ENVCNTL parameter library
member. A migrated row will be stored as a single record within the object –
the product does not currently include support for DB2 LOBs, so the
maximum size of any row which is eligible for migration is 32k bytes.
The location of a migrated row within an Archive Manager database is
determined by the following entities:
1. Archive Manager database identifier. This is a unique 4-character
identifier established by the customer, and is used to identify a single
Archive Manager database throughout the product. The identifier of the
database to be used to hold a migrated row is specified via execution
parameter to the migration utility.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
2. Primary key. This is a 4-byte (fullword) binary value, which is
automatically assigned by DB2 Manager during migration processing. A
primary key value of 1 will be assigned to the object containing the first
row archived from a table after it has been enabled for archival. All rows
within a single Archive Manager object will have the same primary key
identifier. DB2 Manager will increment the primary key by 1 when
creating a new object.
3. Archive date. This is automatically assigned by DB2 Manager during
archival processing, and will be equal to the system date on which the
row is archived.
4. Record offset. This is the record number within the object, which contains
the migrated row (starting at 0, and continuing up to n-1, where ‘n’ is the
value of the OBJSIZE parameter at time of archival).
A concatenation of these four values will uniquely index each migrated row
within the Archive Manager database. This information is held in the archive
stub used by DB2 Manager to replace the migrated row in the DB2 table.
All facilities supplied by the base Archive Manager product for managing data
within the Archive Manager database are available for use with an DB2
Manager implementation. This includes the following:
Multiple tape copies
Disk (‘K’) copy processing
Disaster recovery support
Multiple storage levels per database
Tape recycling
Tape backup/recovery support
Dynamic load balancing
ꢀProduct implementation
Implementation of DB2 archival solutions using DB2 Manager is aimed at
tables and applications with the following characteristics:
A high proportion of row retrieval requests are satisfied from a small
proportion of the rows (eg) 90% of the requests reference only 10% of
the rows. This can occur with tables which hold historical information –
customer transactions etc.
Data access patterns of this nature will permit an aggressive row archive
policy to be implemented while limiting the impact on overall DB2
response times, giving significant benefits in terms of reduced disk space
utilization and/or DB2 housekeeping overhead.
Once archived, data rows are unlikely to be updated frequently.
Updating of an archived row via SQL command will cause the row to be
returned from Archive Manager storage to DB2 storage (ie) “unarchiving”
the row. The row will be subsequently re-archived under control of the
archival selection criteria specified by the customer.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Rows which have a high likelihood of being updated after archival may
cause a significant amount of archival and re-archival processing. A
table containing rows which are likely to be updated in this manner are
not suitable for migration using DB2 Manager.
DB2 Manager does not impose limitations on the way in which rows are
referenced from a DB2 application program. Every possible means of
accessing a migrated row via SQL commands is supported, including joins
and unions.
Multiple migrated and un-migrated rows from one or more tables may be
accessed via a single SQL command from a DB2 application program.
However, if a large number of migrated rows is referenced by execution of
such a command, then it may take a substantial length of time for execution
of that command to be completed if migrated rows are not resident on
Archive Manager disk storage. Table migration via DB2 Manager may not
be appropriate if retrieval requests of this nature are likely to be performed on
a frequent basis.
Alternatively, in these circumstances replacement of a single SQL command
via a row-by-row operation using DB2 cursor processing will give a program
control over the number of retrievals of migrated rows which may be required
to complete an operation – in this case there will be a one-for-one
relationship between a single FETCH command and a single migrated row
retrieval operation.
ꢀDB2 management processing
Database backup and recovery
There is no change required to backup and recovery processing procedures
for tablespaces containing tables which have been enabled for DB2 Manager
migration. Image copies should be taken normally as for non-enabled
tables. However, as the size of the tablespaces used for storage of tables
may now have been substantially reduced, the length of time taken for image-
copy processing will be reduced by a corresponding amount.
Restore of a tablespace containing a migration-enabled table is performed in
an identical manner to that of a tablespace containing a non-enabled table.
DB2 will restore the 18-byte stubs containing information about migrated
rows, as well as restoring non-migrated rows, to the condition they were in at
the time the image-copy was taken. The stubs contain all the information
necessary to access migrated rows from Archive Manager.
Database reorganization
Tables which have been enabled for migration processing must be defined in
a partitioned tablespace. This tablespace will have one partition for
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
exclusive storage of migrated row stubs, and one or more partitions for
storage of non-migrated rows.
Database reorganization processing should not be performed on the partition
containing the migrated row stubs, unless absolutely necessary.
Reorganization of this partition will cause all migrated rows to be retrieved
from Archive Manager. If Archive Manager objects are held on tape storage
only, this is likely to generate a substantial amount of tape activity and could
take an excessive length of time to complete. However, all rows stored in
this partition will be a fixed 18 bytes in length. In this case, deletion of rows is
not likely to cause fragmentation in the tablespace, as deleted space can be
re-used as required. The requirement for reorganization of this partition is
thus not mandatory.
Reorganization of other (non-migrated) partitions in the tablespace should be
performed as normal. Regular reorganization will, in particular, be required
for a period of time after implementation of DB2 Manager migration, in order
to reclaim disk space occupied by rows which have been migrated to Archive
Manager. This will allow these tablespace partitions to be reduced in size,
eventually down to the size needed for the “working-set” of unmigrated rows
(ie) rows which have yet to be migrated to Archive Manager.
ꢀPre-requisites for DB2 Manager implementation
In order to use DB2 Manager version 1.1 on a system for implementation of
Archive Manager support for storage and retrieval of DB2 table rows, the
following software pre-requisites are required:
- OS/390 V1.1 or higher
- DB2 V4 or higher
- Archive Manager V2.5 or higher
- Support for 3480/3490/3590 device types.
The following hardware pre-requisites will be required:
- 3480/3490/3590-compatible cartridge tape devices.
- A correctly sized STK 4400 ACS library configuration.
Sizing of the hardware requirements is dependent on a number of factors
relating to the volume and usage of DB2 tables which are to be eligible for
row migration. This may be a complex task, and should be performed in
conjunction with the StorageTek customer support representative for your
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DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Installation and Implementation
This section describes the activities required to install and implement DB2
Manager for use in migrating and retrieving DB2 table rows to and from
Archive Manager in a host system environment.
After all activities described in this section have been successfully completed,
DB2 Manager will be fully installed and Archive Manager support for DB2
may then be enabled.
ꢀArchive Manager implementation
DB2 Manager uses the Archive Manager component of Storage Technology's
Lifecycle Director product to perform its row migration and retrieval
operations. Installation of Archive Manager on the same host system is
therefore a mandatory pre-requisite for DB2 Manager implementation and
Prior to proceeding with DB2 Manager implementation, customers should
verify that installation and implementation of Archive Manager has been
completed successfully. Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for
details on implementation of this product. The installation verification
procedure (IVP) supplied with the product should be executed to verify that
Archive Manager has been successfully installed on the system on which
DB2 Manager implementation is to be performed.
Note that DB2 Manager does not use CICS support within Archive Manager.
Archive Manager implementation and IVP activities relating to CICS need not
be undertaken unless this support is needed for other (non-DB2) applications
within the organization.
ꢀDB2 Manager implementation procedures
The following activities are required when installing DB2 Manager. A full
description of each activity is provided in the section indicated in brackets.
Install distribution libraries with SMP/E
Update DB2 Manager parameter library
Perform MVS host system modifications
Perform DB2 system modifications
Define Archive Manager databases
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Install distribution libraries
DB2 Manager V1.1 is distributed on a standard-labeled magnetic tape
cartridge in SMP/E RELFILE format. The cartridge has a serial number of
OTD110. The distribution tape will contain the following datasets:
Dataset Name
SMP/E modification control
statements for installation of
the product.
Partitioned dataset in
containing JCL for use during
product installation.
DB2 Manager distribution
load library, in SMP/E
RELFILE format.
DB2 Manager distribution
LPA library, in SMP/E
RELFILE format.
DB2 Manager distribution
DBRM library, in SMP/E
RELFILE format.
DB2 Manager sample JCL
library, in SMP/E RELFILE
DB2 Manager sample
parameter library, in SMP/E
RELFILE format.
To install DB2 Manager, perform the following steps:
1) Copy the installation JCL (file 3) from the distribution tape to disk. The
following JCL may be used for this purpose:
DD DISP=(OLD,KEEP),UNIT=unit-name,
DSN=DB2 Manager.install.JCL.library,
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
On completion of the above step a partitioned dataset containing JCL to
be used during the remainder of the installation process will have been
2) Edit member SMPEDEF from the installation JCL dataset unloaded in the
preceding step, as described within the dataset member itself. This job
will define and initialize the SMP/E consolidated software inventory (CSI)
dataset and create other SMP/E system datasets and the DB2 Manager
target and distribution libraries. If any of these datasets are already in
existence, delete them prior to running this job or amend the job to
remove dataset creation or initialization processing, as required.
After editing the member, submit it. Verify that all job steps complete with
condition code 0, and that all datasets are created and cataloged
3) Edit JCL member SMPERCV, as described within the member itself. This
job performs SMP/E RECEIVE processing for the DB2 Manager V1.1
function SYSMOD.
After editing the member, submit it. Verify that SMP/E processing has
completed with condition code 0.
4) Edit JCL member SMPEAPP, as described within the member itself. This
job performs SMP/E APPLY processing for the DB2 Manager V1.1
function SYSMOD.
After editing the member, submit it. Verify that SMP/E processing has
completed with condition code 0.
5) Optionally edit and submit JCL member SMPEACC. This job performs
SMP/E ACCEPT processing for the DB2 Manager V1.1 function
SYSMOD. Processing of this job may be deferred until later. However,
no service can be applied to the product until SMP/E ACCEPT processing
has been performed successfully.
The DB2 Manager product distribution libraries will have been successfully
created on completion of the above steps. Continue with product installation
processing in the following section.
Update DB2 Manager parameter library
The DB2 Manager parameter library unloaded in the previous step will
contain sample parameters for the following two DB2 Manager parameter
library members:
parameters which inform DB2 Manager of its operating
parameters which control the DB2 Manager control region
configuration and environment.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
After unloading the sample parameter library, review all parameter values,
and amend as necessary to reflect the host system's operating environment,
and your own requirements for DB2 Manager migration and retrieval
Refer to chapter 3 of this manual for a full description of the DB2 Manager
parameter library and the format of individual parameters.
Perform MVS host system modifications
The following MVS system changes will be required in order to implement
DB2 Manager:
a. APF-authorize DB2 Manager and Archive Manager load libraries.
The DB2 Manager load library (file 4 from the distribution tape) and the
Archive Manager load library (created during the Archive Manager installation
process) should both be APF-authorized (APF-authorization is optional for
stand-alone Archive Manager operation). Refer to IBM system
documentation for a description of how to perform this procedure on your
b. Create DB2 Manager control region procedure.
The JCL member LCDDB2 from the distributed JCL library (file 3 on the
distribution tape) should be copied to a system procedure library and
amended as appropriate. The member and procedure name may be
modified as required. Update the procedure with the names of the load and
parameter libraries created during the distribution tape unload process. A
listing of the distributed LCDDB2 procedure is given in appendix A.
The LCDDB2 procedure must be started in order to initiate DB2 Manager
control region processing. Note that the control region started task may be
given any name chosen during install processing. The procedure will be
referred to as LCDDB2 throughout the remainder of this manual.
c. Assign DB2 Manager user identification.
A unique system user identification (eg. LCDDB2) should be assigned for
DB2 Manager use, using whatever system security product is installed on the
host system. This user id should be assigned to execution of the DB2
Manager control region,.
The DB2 Manager user id may be used to control access to protected system
resources, as determined by the system security administrator.
d. Update the system Program Properties Table (PPT).
The PPT should be updated in order to identify the DB2 Manager control
region program OTDBP200 as a non-swappable system task. Refer to IBM
system documentation for a description of how to perform this procedure on
your system.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
The following is an example of how to specify the PPT entry in the
appropriate SCHEDxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB:
e. Update FLPA or MLPA definitions.
The DB2 Manager SQL intercept module OTDBP300 from the distribution
LPA library must be installed in the FLPA or MLPA. There are no functional
considerations for DB2 Manager between installation of this module in the
FLPA or MLPA, and consequently the choice may be left to the system
programmer responsible for the administration of the system on which the
installation is being performed.
Using the FLPA will eliminate paging for execution of module OTDBP300, but
will reduce the total amount of real storage available for system use by about
2k bytes. If the amount of real storage available is limited, allow the above
module to be paged as normal by installing it in the MLPA.
To install in the FLPA, perform the following tasks:
Add module OTDBP300 to member IEAFIXxx in SYS1.PARMLIB.
OTDBP300 is on the distributed DB2 Manager LPA library – this library
should be specified in the INCLUDE parameter as the location of the
required module, or the module copied to another library which already
has an entry in the SYS1.PARMLIB member.
Add the NOPROT option to the FIX parameter in the IEASYSxx member
in SYS1.PARMLIB, as follows:
To install in the MLPA, perform the following tasks:
Add module OTDBP300 to member IEALPAxx in SYS1.PARMLIB.
OTDBP300 is on the distributed DB2 Manager LPA library – this library
should be specified in the INCLUDE parameter as the location of the
required module, or the module copied to another library which already
has an entry in the SYS1.PARMLIB member.
Add the NOPROT option to the MLPA parameter in the IEASYSxx
member in SYS1.PARMLIB, as follows:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
f. Allocate DB2 Manager SMF record identifier.
The DB2 Manager control region will optionally create SMF records during
object retrieval processing. This option is controlled via the SMFRECID
parameter in the ENVCNTL parameter library member.
If it is required that DB2 Manager should create SMF records, a unique SMF
user record identifier (in the range 128-255) should be assigned for DB2
Manager use. The allocated value should then be identified to DB2 Manager
via the ENVCNTL SMFRECID parameter.
g. Perform tape management system changes.
Primary tape datasets created by DB2 Manager will all have a high-level
qualifier of
where ‘hlq’ is the high-level qualifier defined for the Archive Manager
Backup or duplex tape datasets (as created during object migration) will all
have high-level qualifiers of
where ‘hlq’ is the high-level qualifier defined for the Archive Manager
is the copy identifier, and ‘n’ is the Archive Manager storage level (‘0’ or ‘1’).
The copy identifier ‘x’ may take the following values:
B - indicates the primary backup copy created by the Archive
Manager database backup utility OTASP110.
C - indicates the duplex copy created during the object storage
process (by table migration utility OTDBP100). This copy will only
be created if Archive Manager duplexing has been enabled for the
database being updated.
D - indicates the duplex backup copy created by the Archive Manager
database backup utility OTASP110. This copy will only be created
if Archive Manager backup duplexing has been enabled for the
database being updated.
Any tape management software present on the system should be amended
as required to establish appropriate scratch pool and retention period
controls. If required, the retention period or expiry date of tape volumes
created in an Archive Manager database may be specified via the Archive
Manager database administration procedure, in TSO/ISPF.
Where possible, a retention period of ‘CATALOG’ should be established for
each DB2 Manager scratch pool. When used with the Archive Manager
‘AUTOUNCAT’ facility, this will facilitate automatic return of tape volumes to
the scratch pool after release by the Archive Manager database maintenance
utility. Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for further information
about tape scratch pools and the tape database maintenance utility.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Primary or secondary DB2 Manager tape datasets will be released under the
following circumstances:
The Archive Manager tape backup utility will automatically uncatalog
backup datasets which are being recreated during the migration process
(this will occur when objects are added to a partially-used volume during
the migration process; the backup of the partially-used volume will be
The Archive Manager tape database management utility will release
volumes from within a storage group database which contain less than a
user-supplied threshold of active objects. Released volumes will be
automatically uncataloged by the utility if the AUTOUNCAT option has
been specified for that storage group database via the Archive Manager
database maintenance facility.
h. Perform STK Host Software Component (HSC) changes.
The relevant modifications should be made to the HSC software which
controls operation of the StorageTek library configuration and environment, in
order to ensure that scratch tapes used during the DB2 Manager object
migration process are located within the library configuration. All Archive
Manager tape datasets will have a high level qualifier as specified during the
It is essential for object retrieval processing that all primary volumes within an
Archive Manager database can be mounted automatically in response to an
object recall request. For this reason, all such cartridges should be located
within a StorageTek library configuration.
Appropriate controls should also be established to handle creation of backup
and duplex tape datasets as required (eg) use scratch tapes from non-library
drives with automatic cartridge loaders (for subsequent storage on library
shelving), or use scratch tapes from within a remote library configuration (for
automatic offsite storage).
Refer to the relevant StorageTek manual, or contact your StorageTek
Software Support Representative (SSR) for details on how to implement the
above controls.
i. Update automated reply software controls.
Occasionally, it may happen that there are no tape drives available to satisfy
a request from DB2 Manager for object retrieval from a non-mounted tape
When this occurs, normal allocation recovery processing will be performed by
the host system control program, resulting in the display of message IEF247I
followed by the following message:
While this reply is outstanding, DB2 Manager will be unable to service the
request which caused allocation recovery to be entered.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
To avoid any unnecessary and unpredictable delays due to this situation, any
automated operator reply facility which is present on the host system should
be configured to reply 'CANCEL' to the above message for any DB2 Manager
retrieval request (ie) a request for retrieval from an Archive Manager tape
DB2 Manager will handle a reply of 'CANCEL' in the following manner:
1. For row retrieval requests, a ‘resource unavailable’ response will be
raised by DB2 Manager. An SQL –652 error is then returned to the caller
and a reason code placed field SQLERRD(6) in the SQLCA (refer to
chapter 7 of this manual for a description of these codes), or optionally
the request will be held internally in DB2 Manager until a tape drive
becomes available or until a customer-specified time interval has elapsed
(at which time the request will be rejected as above). For rejected
requests, the calling application may be amended to handle this type of
error in a special manner (eg) to display a retry message to the end user.
2. For row migration requests, DB2 Manager will retry the allocation at one-
minute intervals, up to a retry limit of 30. If, after this limit has been
reached, allocation has still not been successful, an error is returned to
the DB2 Manager migration utility, and the program will terminate.
Perform DB2 system modifications
DB2 Manager requires its own DB2 database for execution. This database
must be defined in all DB2 systems which are to be used by DB2 Manager
and the appropriate authorities granted before the product can be used.
Each DB2 system must also be updated with details of the plan(s) required
by DB2 Manager. The following activities will need to be performed:
a. Create LCDDB2 system database and grant access authorities.
DB2 Manager uses its own database for retention of internal information.
This is a DB2 database containing the following tables:
LCDDB2.REGISTRY. This table is used for registration of tables which
have been enabled for row migration, and identifies the Archive Manager
database used for storing migrated rows from each of the tables. It is
automatically maintained during DB2 Manager migration processing.
LCDDB2.PLAN_TABLE. This table is used internally by DB2 Manager for
DB2 EXPLAIN processing when validating customer-specified row
selection criteria.
During normal operation, DB2 Manager will need to access and update
resources in its system database. The following table identifies these
database resources and the level of access required to each.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Resource type
Resource name
Access required
Member OTDBDEF in the distributed DB2 Manager JCL library supplies a job
to allocate and define this database, and to grant the above authorities. Edit
this member, following the instructions at the head of the member, and
submit the job. A copy of the supplied OTDBDEF job can be found in
appendix A of this manual.
b. Create DB2 Manager application plan.
DB2 Manager requires one or more DB2 plans for execution of its batch
utilities. Plan names are specified via the PLAN execution parameter for
each utility.
It should be noted in this context that DBRMs shipped with the base product
or with service packages are created with the VERSION(AUTO) pre-compiler
option. This will allow multiple copies of the same package to be bound to a
single DB2 plan, to allow different versions of DB2 Manager programs to
execute using that plan. Alternatively, separate plans can be created and
execution controlled via use of the PLAN execution parameter.
Edit member OTDBPKG in the distributed DB2 Manager JCL library (file 3 on
the distribution tape). This contains JCL to create DB2 packages from
DBRMs supplied with the product. Instructions for editing the JCL are
provided at the top of the file.
After executing member OTDBPKG, edit and submit member OTDBPLAN in
the distributed DB2 Manager JCL library (file 3 on the distribution tape). This
contains JCL to create the application plan to be used by DB2 Manager and
to grant DB2 authorities for access to the plan. Again, instructions for editing
the JCL are provided at the top of the file.
A copy of the supplied OTDBPKG and OTDBPLAN jobs can be found in
appendix A of this manual.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Define Archive Manager databases
DB2 Manager uses the Archive Manager component of the Lifecycle Director
of DB2 product for storage and retrieval of objects. Migrated rows are held in
one or more Archive Manager databases, one Archive Manager database
being used per DB2 table which has been enabled for migration processing
(ie) there is a one-for-one correspondence between DB2 tables and Archive
Manager databases in the DB2 Manager configuration. This one-for-one
correspondence is enforced during row migration processing.
Each Archive Manager database must be defined prior to first migrating rows
from a DB2 table to DB2 Manager.
Definition of an Archive Manager database is performed using the standard
Archive Manager database administration dialogs under TSO/ISPF. Refer to
the Archive Manager User Manual for a full description of the Archive
Manager database definition procedure.
This section summarizes the procedure for the definition of an DB2 Manager
migrated row database.
1. Logon to the Archive Manager database administration dialog in
TSO/ISPF. Consult the person(s) responsible for Archive Manager
database administration in your installation if you are unsure of how to
invoke this facility.
2. From the main Archive Manager database administration menu, enter the
name to be assigned to the database’s primary index dataset in the
‘primary index name’ field. Any valid unique name may be chosen for this
Select option 3 from this menu, and press ENTER. Panel OTSN4300
(the base database definition panel) will be displayed.
Length of primary Enter the value ‘4’.
Archive Manager Enter the user SVC number allocated for
user SVC no Archive Manager during the product installation
procedure. This must be a numeric value in the
range 200-255. Consult the person(s)
responsible for installing Archive Manager on
your system if you are unsure of this value.
HLQ for this Enter the 1-30 character high level qualifier to be
database assigned by Archive Manager for all system
datasets created within the database.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Data retention This entry should be allowed to default to a
period value of 0 years and 0 days (ie) no automatic
expiry. Archive Manager objects should not be
allowed to expire. They will be explicitly deleted
by the DB2 Manager database housekeeping
utility when they do not contain any more active
migrated rows.
Lifecycle Director
Archive Manager V2.6
Base Database Definition
Enter values
Primary index name ===> OTDB.V1R1.TEST.INDEX
Length of primary key ===>
User SVC no ===>
HLQ for this database ===>
Data retention period ===>
System dataset unitname ===>
Online processing options:
Retain tapes on drive for ===>
Age range of tapes to be retained on drive ===>
days old
Audit options:
Retrieval logging options:
Audit trail on? ===>
Journal archiving enabled? ===>
SMF record id ===>
Batch retrieval logging on? ===>
CICS retrieval logging on? ===>
Figure 1 - base database definition panel OTSN4300
Online processing These fields should be left blank. Entries in
options these fields are only used by the CICS retrieval
interface in Archive Manager. This interface is
not used by DB2 Manager.
The ‘audit options’ fields are optional, and may be entered as
required. Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a description
of these fields and their usage.
After all required entries have been made, press 'ENTER'. When all
entries have been accepted, the storage level definition panel
OTSN4301 will be displayed to allow storage level 0 to be defined for
the Archive Manager database.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Lifecycle Director
Archive Manager V2.6
Storage Level Definition
Enter values
Primary index name ===> OTDB.V1R1.TEST.INDEX
Storage level ===> 0
Database blocksize ===>
Maximum blockcount per volume ===>
Unit name for scratch allocn: A ===>
C ===>
B ===>
D ===>
Tape usage options:
ICRC ===>
Retention period ===>
or Expiry date ===>
Dynamic load balancing ===>
Volsafe enabled: A ===>
C ===>
B ===>
D ===>
D/b maintenance options:
Duplexing options:
Recycle threshold ===>
AUTOUNCAT during recycle ===>
Disk compress threshold ===>
Duplex during archival ===>
Duplex during backup ===>
Disk copy options:
Unit name ===>
Primary alloc ===>
Secondary alloc ===>
Dataset blocksize ===>
Initial retention ===>
Release unused space ===>
Pre-fetch retention ===>
days Maximum blockcount ===>
Figure 2 - storage level definition panel OTSN4301
Enter the value ‘32760’.
Enter the unit name(s) to be used by Archive
Manager when dynamically allocating primary
and backup copies of new tape datasets in
storage level 0 in this Archive Manager database.
These should be a 1 to 8-character alphanumeric
identifier which identify a valid esoteric unit name
or device address on the host system control
Unit name for
All other fields on this panel are optional. Refer to the Archive Manager
User Manual for a description of these fields and their usage.
After all required entries have been made, press 'ENTER'. When all
entries have been accepted, the primary index Access Method Services
panel OTSN4302 will be displayed to enable customization of the primary
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
index definition parameters for the Archive Manager database being
5. After all database definition and initialization parameters have been
accepted, one or more Access Method Services (AMS) control panels will
be displayed to allow customization of AMS parameters used by Archive
Manager when defining system datasets for the database being defined.
AMS control panels will be displayed in the following sequence:
1. OTSN4302 - the primary index AMS control panel. This panel is
always displayed. Values entered on this panel will be used when
creating the primary index dataset (VSAM KSDS) for the database
being defined.
2. OTSN4303 - the journal dataset Archive Manager control panel. This
panel will only be displayed if the audit control option was enabled on
panel OTSN4300. Values entered on this panel will be used during
creation of the journal dataset (VSAM ESDS) for the database being
3. OTSN4304 - the journal archive database AMS control panel. This
panel will only be displayed if both the audit control facility and journal
archiving were enabled on panel OTSN4300. Values entered on this
panel will be used during creation of the journal archive database
primary index dataset (VSAM KSDS).
contain some or all of the following fields:
Optional entry. Enter the serial number (1-6
alphanumeric, national or special characters) of
the disk volume on which the dataset is to be
Volume serial
This parameter may be omitted if the volume is to
be automatically selected by the operating
For primary index definition (panel OTSN4302)
enter a value of ‘CYL’. For journal or journal
archive definitions (panels OTSN4303 and panel
OTSN4304), refer to the Archive Manager User
Manual for a discussion of sizing of these
Unit of
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Lifecycle Director
Enter values
Archive Manager V2.6
Access Method Services Control
Primary index name ===> OTDB.V1R1.TEST.INDEX
Primary index control:
Volume serial number ===>
Unit of allocation ===>
Primary allocation value ===>
Secondary allocation value ===>
Data CI size ===>
Index CI size ===>
Delete before define? ===>
Press ENTER after all details have been entered correctly.
After all database definition parameters have been accepted,
the primary index will be allocated and initialized.
Figure 3 - Access Method Services control panel OTSN4302
For primary index definition (panel OTSN4302),
enter the number of cylinders to be used for
allocation of the primary data extent of the index
dataset. Each object containing migrated rows
will occupy 40 bytes of index storage. The
maximum number of migrated rows is set using
the OBJSIZE parameter in the ENVCNTL
parameter library member. Ensure that the
primary index allocation value is sufficient to
contain the highest number of objects that are
expected to be held in this Archive Manager
allocation value
For journal or journal archive definitions (panels
OTSN4303 and panel OTSN4304), refer to the
Archive Manager User Manual for a discussion of
sizing of these datasets.
Enter the required secondary allocation value for
the index or journal datasets, as appropriate.
allocation value
Enter the control interval (CI) size to be used for
allocation of the data component of the dataset.
This should be a valid VSAM control interval size.
If omitted, a control interval size of 16k is used for
the data component.
Data CI size
Optional entry. Enter the control interval size to
Index CI size
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
be used for allocation of the index component of
the dataset (KSDS only). This should be a valid
VSAM control interval size. If omitted, a control
interval size of 2k is used for the index
Optional entry. Enter the value 'Y' if Archive
Manager should attempt to delete the dataset
before it is defined. Enter 'N' if no deletion
request should be issued.
Delete before
Press 'ENTER' after all required entries have been made on each panel. After
all AMS control panel entries have been accepted, the database will be
defined and initialized.
The above Archive Manager database definition procedure should be
executed once for each DB2 table which is to be processed by DB2 Manager.
ꢀVerify DB2 Manager installation
After all DB2 Manager installation activities, as specified in the preceding
sections, have been successfully performed, product implementation may be
verified by starting the DB2 Manager control region.
Before doing this, ensure that all necessary parameters in the ENVCNTL and
TAPECNTL parameter library members have been coded correctly, as
described in chapter 3.
The DB2 Manager control region may be started by entering the command:
START procedure_name
on the system console.
If ‘COMMAND=REPLY’ has been specified (or allowed to default) in the
ENVCNTL parameter library member, the operator reply message:
OTD20000 Enter request:
will be displayed on the console after successful initialization of the control
region. Operator commands may be entered by replying to the outstanding
operator reply message.
If ‘COMMAND=MODIFY’ has been specified in the ENVCNTL parameter
library member, operator commands may be entered using the MVS MODIFY
command structure.
Refer to chapter 4 of this manual for details of the operator commands
available to control and shutdown the DB2 Manager control region.
If any error occurs during control region initialization processing, refer to the
description of the displayed message in chapter 7 for details of the
initialization error. Perform the appropriate corrective action before restarting
the DB2 Manager control region.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DB2 Manager Parameter
DB2 Manager uses its own parameter library to allow users to control the
operation of the product. This parameter library is a partitioned dataset
containing the following members:
used to specify general parameters relating to the DB2
Manager operating environment.
TAPECNTL - used to specify controls relating to object retrieval processing
by the DB2 Manager control region.
A sample parameter library containing all of the above members is distributed
with the product on file 4 of the distribution tape. This file will provide a
sample specification of each of the parameters used by DB2 Manager. The
sample parameter library may be used for DB2 Manager operation at your
installation after updating the library members as required.
Use ISPF EDIT, or any equivalent editing facility present on your system, to
create and/or maintain these parameter library members.
DB2 Manager parameters will be validated during control region initialization
processing. Any invalid parameter used will be reported via a display in the
system and job logs, and initialization of the control region will terminate. In
this case, the parameter in error should be corrected on the parameter
library, and the DB2 Manager control region restarted.
ꢀGeneral parameter format
Each parameter library member will consist of a variable number of 80-byte
records, each record containing one or more separate parameter entries. In
general, each parameter entry must be completely contained within one
record (ie) continuation of any single parameter entry from one record to
another is not permitted. A single record may contain multiple parameter
A parameter entry has the general format:
keyword = value
Each keyword and its associated value are separated by an '=' sign, and
optionally one or more spaces. Multiple keyword parameter entries may be
specified in each parameter record, each 'keyword=value' string being
separated by one or more spaces, and optionally a single comma (',').
The first keyword parameter in a record may begin in any character position
from 1 onwards. Parameters may extend up to character position 80 of the
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
record. Individual keyword parameters may not be continued over more than
one record.
An asterisk ('*') in character position 1 will indicate a comment record, which
will be ignored for parameter validation processing.
Any departure from this general format will be indicated with individual
parameter descriptions.
ꢀENVCNTL parameters
These parameters are used to pass information to DB2 Manager about its
operating environment, and to control certain aspects of DB2 Manager
operation which do not fall into the categories controlled by other parameter
library members.
Parameters in this member have the general parameter format described on
SMFRECID = 0|nnn
Requirement: Optional
Default: 0
Validation: 'nnn' = 3 numeric digits in the range 128-255.
Use: The SMFRECID parameter is used to control the creation of
SMF records by DB2 Manager for the recording of migrated
row storage and retrieval activities.
A value of 0 indicates that no SMF recording is to be
performed by DB2 Manager.
A non-zero value (in the range 128-255) is used to specify the
value of the identifier of the SMF records written by DB2
Manager. The default value is 0 (ie) no SMF recording.
usage, and for a description of the DB2 Manager SMF record
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OBJSIZE = nnnnn
Requirement: Optional
Default: 1000
Validation: 'nnnnn' = a 1- to 5-digit numeric value in the range 1-65535.
Use: The OBJSIZE parameter is used to specify the maximum
number of migrated rows to be stored per Archive Manager
Notes: Increasing the maximum number of rows which may be stored
per Archive Manager object will reduce the size of the primary
index file required for indexing objects in the Archive Manager
database, but will add a little overhead to the time taken to
retrieved a migrated row from the database.
During row retrieval processing, Archive Manager will first of
all locate the start of the object containing the migrated row,
using a high-speed block locate process, then process the
object sequentially until the logical record containing the
migrated row is encountered. A larger number of migrated
rows (i.e. logical records) per object will increase the average
time taken to perform this sequential record locate process.
Note that the value specified (or defaulted) here for the global
OBJSIZE parameter will be used in conjunction with the
OTDBP100 COMMIT parameter specified during table
migration processing, in order to determine the number of
rows to be stored per object in the Archive Manager database.
The actual number of rows per objects will be the lower of the
two values (COMMIT or OBJSIZE).
Requirement: Optional
Default: 10
Validation: ‘nnnn’ = a 1- to 4-digit numeric value in the range 1-1440.
Use: The READTIMEOUT parameter specifies the maximum
number of minutes that the SQL intercept routine is to wait for
a response from the control region, during row retrieval
processing. If no request is received within this time, the
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
request will be rejected with a ‘timeout’ condition.
An SQL error of –652 will be returned to the requesting
application. Field SQLERRD(6) in the SQLCA will contain the
hexadecimal value x’0A’.
Requirement: Optional
Default: 10
Validation: ‘nnnn’ = a 1- to 4-digit numeric value in the range 1-1440.
Use: The WRITETIMEOUT parameter specifies the maximum
number of minutes a writer task is to wait for a request, when
connected to an Archive Manager database. If no request is
received within this time, the writer task will issue an Archive
Manager ‘disconnect without commit’ request to disconnect
from the Archive Manager database.
Any subsequent request from the table migration utility to store
a migrated row in that database will be rejected, and the utility
will terminate abnormally.
ꢀTAPECNTL parameters
These parameters are used to control operation of the DB2 Manager control
Parameters in this member have the general parameter format described on
Requirement: Optional
Default: 4
Validation: nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 0 - 255
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Use: The MAXTRDR parameter specifies the number of active
tape-reader subtasks which are to be created in the DB2
Manager control region.
Notes: This parameter indirectly controls the maximum number of
tape drives which may be concurrently allocated by the control
If TAPEWAIT=0 is specified, requests which cause this
maximum to be exceeded will receive a “resource busy”
condition from DB2 Manager - an SQL error code of –652 will
be returned to the calling application and field SQLERRD(6) in
the SQLCA will contain the hexadecimal value x’0A’.
Non-zero values of TAPEWAIT will cause requests which
encounter this condition to be held internally for processing
until a tape drive becomes available, or until the time limit
specified in the TAPEWAIT parameter is exceeded, at which
point a “resource busy” condition will be returned to the calling
application, as above.
This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET MAXTRDR’ operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXTRDR=4
will be used.
Requirement: Optional
Default: 4
Validation: nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 1 - 255
Use: The MAXDRDR parameter specifies the number of active disk-
reader subtasks which are to be created in the DB2 Manager
control region. This is set during control region initialization,
and may be varied thereafter using the ‘SET MAXDRDR’
operator command.
Notes: This parameter indirectly controls the maximum number of
Archive Manager ‘K’ copy files which are to be simultaneously
allocated by the DB2 Manager control region for retrieval of
disk-resident objects from Archive Manager.
Requests for retrieval of an object from an Archive Manager
‘K’ copy file are added to the disk-reader subtask with the
shortest queue length. Increasing the number of disk-reader
subtasks will reduce the average queue length per subtask,
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
and may improve retrieval response times.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXDRDR=4
will be used.
Requirement: Optional
Default: 4
Validation: nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 1 - 255
Use: The MAXTWTR parameter specifies the number of active
tape-writer subtasks which are to created in the DB2 Manager
control region.
Notes: Each execution of the DB2 Manager table migration utility will
acquire a single tape-writer subtask. The value of the
MAXTWTR controls the maximum number of row migration
jobs which may execute concurrently.
This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET MAXTWTR’ operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXTWTR=4
will be used.
Requirement: Optional
Default: 4
Validation: nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 1 - 255
Use: The MAXSCHED parameter specifies the number of active
scheduler subtasks which are to created in the DB2 Manager
control region.
Notes: A scheduler subtask is responsible for receiving requests from
the SQL intercept module, validating them and passing valid
requests to the appropriate component within the DB2
Manager control region for further processing.
Increasing the number of scheduler tasks will reduce the
average length of time that it takes to assign a row storage or
retrieval request to the appropriate subtask. However, each
DB2 Manager User Guide
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scheduler subtask introduces some processing overhead, so
care should be taken to avoid over-allocation of this setting.
This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET MAXSCHED’ operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXSCHED=4
will be used.
Requirement: Optional
Default: 4
Validation: nnn = 1-3 digit numeric value in range 1 - 256
Use: The MAXQLEN parameter specifies the maximum number of
retrieval requests which may be simultaneously queued for
any single tape-reader subtask in the control region.
Notes: DB2 Manager will queue requests for retrieval from an Archive
Manager tape volume which is already being processed, on a
'first-in first-out' basis, up to the maximum level specified in
this parameter.
If TAPEWAIT=0 is specified, requests which cause this
maximum to be exceeded will receive a “resource busy”
condition from DB2 Manager - an SQL error code of –652 will
be returned to the calling application and field SQLERRD(6) in
the SQLCA will contain the hexadecimal value x’0A’.
Non-zero values of TAPEWAIT will cause requests which
encounter this condition to be held internally for processing
until a tape drive becomes available, or until the time limit
specified in the TAPEWAIT parameter is exceeded, at which
point a “resource busy” condition will be returned to the calling
application, as above.
This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET MAXQLEN' operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of MAXQLEN=4
will be used.
DB2 Manager User Guide
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Requirement: Optional
Default: 0
Validation: nnnn = 1-4 digit numeric value in range 0 - 1440
Use: The RETAINTAPE parameter specifies the number of minutes
for which a tape is to remain mounted after all outstanding
retrieval requests from that tape have been processed by the
DB2 Manager control region.
A tape which has not been referenced for the specified interval
will be automatically dismounted. A dismount of a tape may
be forced by DB2 Manager prior to expiration of this time
interval if no free tape drive is available for allocation of a new
tape volume, and the tape is the least-recently referenced of
all currently mounted tape volumes.
A value of 0 indicates that tapes will be dismounted
immediately after the last outstanding request for retrieval from
each tape has been processed.
A value of 1440 indicates that tapes are held permanently on a
drive until a dismount is forced when there are no free tape
drives to satisfy a new request (as described above), or until
termination of the DB2 Manager control region.
Notes: This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET RETAINTAPE' operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of RETAINTAPE=0
will be used.
Requirement: Optional
Default: 0
Validation: nnnn = 1-4 digit numeric value in range 0 - 1440
Use: TAPEWAIT is an optional parameter which is used to control
whether retrieval requests for tape-resident Archive Manager
objects which cannot be immediately satisfied are rejected
(with a ‘resource unavailable’ reason code) or queued
internally until a tape retrieval resource becomes available, or
until a maximum wait limit has been exceeded. ‘nnnn’ must
be a 1-4 digit numeric character string in the range 0-1440,
which specifies the maximum number of minutes for which
requests are to be queued internally.
DB2 Manager User Guide
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If set to 0 (the default), no internal queuing of requests will
take place in the above circumstances and the request will be
rejected with a ‘resource unavailable’ reason code.
If the TAPEWAIT parameter value is in the range 1-1439,
requests will be queued internally until processed or until the
maximum queuing time in minutes (as specified in this
parameter) has been exceeded. Requests will then be
rejected with a ‘resource unavailable’ reason code (as above).
If the TAPEWAIT parameter value is 1440, then requests will
be held indefinitely in the internal queue until the necessary
resources to process the request become available.
Notes: This setting may be varied during DB2 Manager operation via
the 'SET TAPEWAIT’ operator command.
If this parameter is omitted, a default value of TAPEWAIT=0
will be used.
Requirement: Optional
Validation: The parameter values REPLY or MODIFY must be specified.
Use: This is an optional parameter which is used to control the
method by which operator commands are passed to the DB2
Manager control region. The default value of ‘REPLY’ will
cause the control region to output the operator reply message
OTD20000 when it is ready to receive an operator command.
If ‘MODIFY’ is specified, no operator reply message will be
displayed. Operator commands must be entered via an MVS
MODIFY command
The value of this setting cannot be modified during control
region operation
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DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DB2 Manager Control Region
All access to Archive Manager databases containing migrated rows is
performed via the DB2 Manager control region. This is a started task, which
must be initiated prior to performing any DB2 row migration or retrieval
This chapter describes the operation and control of the DB2 Manager control
The DB2 Manager control region performs the following functions:
• Enables DB2 Manager for Archive Manager database processing.
• Enables interception of all SQL insert, update and retrieve commands for
DB2 tables which have been enabled for DB2 Manager migration
• Establishes the environment for object storage and retrieval from Archive
• Processes SQL retrieve and update requests for rows which have been
migrated to Archive Manager.
• Performs object storage processing when migrating rows to an Archive
Manager database.
• Performs SMF record creation to record DB2 Manager row access activity.
• Processes requests from the operator interface facility.
No other system activities are required in order to enable DB2 Manager row
storage and retrieval processing. In particular, no modifications are required
to existing application coding to allow access to rows which have been
migrated to an Archive Manager database.
ꢀControl region initialization
The DB2 Manager control region is initiated as an MVS started task. Any
valid procedure name may be assigned to this started task. The procedure
used for starting this task was created during the DB2 Manager installation
process. JCL to execute this procedure is supplied in the sample JCL library
distributed with the product.
The following points should be noted regarding creation and maintenance of
the LCDDB2 procedure:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
The distributed DB2 Manager and Archive Manager load libraries must be
available to this task, either via the system linklist, or from the procedure's
STEPLIB concatenation.
The DB2 Manager control region must run with APF-authorization. Both
the DB2 Manager and Archive Manager load libraries must therefore be
APF-authorized. If these libraries are specified via the STEPLIB
concatenation, failure to APF-authorize either of them will result in the
loss of APF-authorization for the control region itself. This is likely to
cause a system 047 abend during control region processing.
The installed DB2 Manager parameter library should be specified in the
procedure's SYSPARM DD card. Parameter settings should be reviewed
and set as required prior to control region start-up (see chapter 3).
The primary index for each Archive Manager database containing rows
which have been migrated from DB2 must be identified in a DD entry in
the control region procedure. Each entry should have a DD name of
OTASXXXX (where XXXX is the 4-character identifier of the Archive
Manager database, as specified in the execution parameters of the table
primary index of the Archive Manager database (e.g.)
To start DB2 Manager control region initialization, enter the system operator
command – note that a procedure name of LCDDB2 is used in the following
The DB2 Manager control region will display a number of informational
messages during initialization processing. After successful initialization, if
‘COMMAND=REPLY’ was specified (or defaulted) in the TAPECNTL
parameter library member the following operator reply message will be
OTD20000 Enter request:
If ‘COMMAND=MODIFY’ was specified, the following message will be
OTD20021 Initialization completed successfully
DB2 Manager has now initialized successfully, and support has been enabled
for access to rows which have been migrated from DB2 to Archive Manager.
Any errors encountered during the initialization process will be displayed on
the system console, and DB2 Manager initialization terminated. The
appropriate message in chapter 7 of the user manual should be consulted to
identify the cause of the error. Take the recommended action to rectify the
problem then restart the control region.
Note that DB2 does not need to be started for successful initialization of the
DB2 Manager control region to take place.
DB2 Manager User Guide
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ꢀControl region components
The control region must be initialized in order to enable DB2 Manager to
access migrated rows, and to allow migration of rows from DB2 to Archive
access mechanism. This also shows the MLPA/FLPA-resident SQL
intercept processor OTDBP300, which must be defined as a DB2 row edit
procedure for each table which is to be enabled for migration processing by
DB2 Manager. OTDBP300 will pass any request which requires access to a
migrated row to the DB2 Manager control region, and wait for processing of
the request to complete before returning control to the calling application.
DB2 Manager
control region
control region
FLPA/MLPA storage
Figure 4: Structure of DB2 Manager control region
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Control processor. This component is responsible for initiation and
termination of the control region, and for processing operator
Writer tasks. There will be one or more writer tasks – the number of
writer tasks is controlled via the MAXTWTR initialization parameter.
A single writer task will be used exclusively for storage of migrated
rows in an Archive Manager database, during execution of the DB2
Manager table migration utility. The existence of multiple writer
tasks will enable multiple row migration jobstreams to be executed
concurrently on different Archive Manager databases.
Tape reader tasks. There will be one or more tape reader tasks – the
number of these tasks is controlled by the MAXTRDR initialization
parameter. A tape reader task will be invoked by the DB2 Manager
SQL intercept processor during object retrieval, update and deletion
processing, when a migrated row is to be retrieved from a tape-
resident Archive Manager object. Each reader task will be able to
process a single tape volume at any one time. The number of tape
reader tasks controls the number of tape volumes which may be
processed concurrently for this type of processing.
Disk reader tasks. There will be one or more disk reader tasks – the
number of these tasks is controlled by the MAXDRDR initialization
parameter. A disk reader task will be invoked by the DB2 Manager
SQL intercept during object retrieval, update and deletion processing,
when a migrated row is to be retrieved from a disk-resident Archive
Manager object. The number of disk reader tasks controls the
number of disk retrieval requests which may be processed
Scheduler tasks. There will be one or more scheduler tasks – the
number of these tasks is controlled by the MAXSCHED initialization
parameter. A scheduler task is responsible for validating requests
received from the DB2 Manager SQL intercept processor, and
assigning the request to an appropriate reader or writer task.
Increasing the number of scheduler tasks will reduce the length of
time a request waits for validation and assignment processing, but will
increase the processing overhead associated with the control region.
Housekeeping task. A single housekeeping task will be initiated
during control region initialization processing. It is responsible for
monitoring outstanding requests, and terminating stalled requests.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
ꢀProcessing requests for access to migrated rows
Once DB2 Manager initialization has been completed, batch, TSO, CICS or
IMS programs will be able to access migrated rows using standard SQL
processing, without modification.
DB2 Manager implements support for access to migrated rows which is made
via SQL SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE commands. Note that any rows
created in a table via an SQL INSERT command will be stored in DB2. It is
not possible to directly store a row in an Archive Manager database – a row
must be migrated from a DB2 table to an Archive Manager database, using
the DB2 Manager table migration utility.
SQL SELECT processing
Any reference to a migrated row generated via an SQL SELECT command
will cause the DB2 Manager SQL intercept processor to pass a request to the
DB2 Manager control region. This request will be processed by a scheduler
task, which will perform some initial validation.
If the object containing the required row is disk-resident, the scheduler will
pass the request to the disk reader task with the shortest request queue.
If the object containing the required row is tape-resident only, the scheduler
will pass the request to the most appropriate tape reader task. This is
selected using the following hierarchy:
1. A busy task which is processing the tape volume containing the object
to be retrieved, and whose request queue is not greater than the
maximum specified in the MAXQLEN initialization parameter.
2. A waiting task which has no tape mounted.
3. A waiting task which currently has a tape mounted.
If there is no tape reader task satisfying any of the above conditions, the
request will be rejected with a “resource unavailable” condition, unless a non-
zero value is specified for the TAPEWAIT initialization parameter. In these
circumstances, the request is queued internally and retried until it has been
successfully assigned to a tape reader task, or until the time interval specified
in the TAPEWAIT parameter has been exceeded, in which case it will be
description of the TAPEWAIT parameter.
When a request has been passed to a tape or disk reader task, the task will
locate the object containing the migrated row and extract the logical record
containing the row. This will be passed back to the SQL intercept routine,
which will in turn pass the required row back to the calling application.
The RETAINTAPE initialization parameter may be used to retain a tape
volume on a drive for a specified period of time when a tape reader task has
processed all outstanding requests for retrieval of objects from that tape
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
volume. This will improve response times for subsequent requests to the
same tape volume, but may cause an additional processing overhead if the
tape has to be dismounted prior to the task allocating a different tape volume
description of the RETAINTAPE parameter.
Note that the above retrieval processing is performed for each migrated row
which is referenced via an SQL SELECT command. Where multiple
migrated rows are referenced via a single SQL SELECT command and a
program cursor used to process the resulting result table, each SQL FETCH
command referencing a migrated row will cause a retrieval request to be
passed to the control region. This may generate substantial tape handling
activity, and result in extended response times in order to access all
referenced rows.
On completion of the SQL command, a standard SQL return code will be
passed back to the program indicating the success of the request. This can
be checked by the program using standard SQL error handling. A return
code of 0 indicates that the retrieval request was performed successfully.
Any error encountered during the DB2 Manager migrated row retrieval
process will generate an SQL error code of –652. Fields SQLERRD(6) and
SQLERRD(7) in the SQLCA will contain additional codes indicating the cause
of the error.
SQL UPDATE processing
A request from an application to update a migrated row (via an SQL UPDATE
request) will cause the row to be retrieved from the Archive Manager
database as described for SQL SELECT processing above.
An updated row will then be stored back in the DB2 table (i.e.) the row will be
migrated from Archive Manager back to DB2. All reference to the original
migrated row will be removed, causing that row to be “orphaned”. The
logical record containing this row will be unreferenced. However, the object
containing the logical record may contain other active migrated rows, so will
continue to exist in the Archive Manager database. The object containing
the restored row will be deleted by the DB2 Manager database housekeeping
utility when it no longer contains any active migrated rows. Refer to chapter 6
for a description of this utility. Database tape and disk space occupied by
the deleted object may be reclaimed, if required, using the Archive Manager
object management and database maintenance utilities. Refer to the
Archive Manager User Manual for information on this procedure.
Updated rows will become eligible once again for migration from DB2 to
Archive Manager, under control of the migration criteria input to the DB2
Manager table migration utility. On migration, the updated row will be written
to a different object in the same Archive Manager database as the originally
migrated row.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
SQL DELETE processing
A request by an application to delete a migrated row via an SQL DELETE
command will cause that row to be retrieved via the process described in the
preceding section.
The row will then be deleted, causing the archive stub for the row to be
removed from the DB2 table. All reference to the migrated row will then have
been removed, as for SQL UPDATE processing. Recovery of the space
occupied by deleted migrated rows is made in an identical manner to that for
updated migrated rows, as described in the preceding section.
SQL error codes
If an attempt to access a migrated row by DB2 Manager is unsuccessful, an
SQL return code of –652 is passed back to the calling application program.
A two-byte hexadecimal reason code will be placed in field SQLERRD(6) in
the SQL communication area (SQLCA), giving the reason for the failure. In
many cases, the control region will also write an error message in the system
Standard SQL error handling processing may be used by calling application
programs in order to deal with errors encountered during the migrated row
access procedure. No changes to existing error handling processing should
be required.
Refer to chapter 7 of the user manual for a list of the possible reason codes
generated by DB2 Manager during migrated row access processing.
ꢀDB2 Manager operator interface
DB2 Manager operator commands may be entered by replying to the
OTD20000 message on the system console (if COMMAND=REPLY has been
specified or defaulted in the TAPECNTL parameter library member), or via an
MVS MODIFY command (if COMMAND=MODIFY has been specified in the
TAPECNTL member). Only one command may be entered and processed at
any one time. When DB2 Manager has completed all processing for a
command a message will be displayed on the console indicating the result of
the request (and the OTD20000 message re-displayed if COMMAND=REPLY
is in effect). Further commands may then be entered by the operator.
Commands are available to perform the following functions:
Display detailed or summary status of DB2 Manager reader, writer and
scheduler tasks.
Alter the DB2 Manager reader, writer or scheduler task configuration.
Purge or force purge individual reader, writer or scheduler tasks.
DB2 Manager User Guide
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Terminate the DB2 Manager control region.
All messages issued by DB2 Manager in response to an operator request are
documented in chapter 7 of this manual. This section specifies operator
request formats, and gives examples of DB2 Manager responses to these
Display summary status
This request is used to produce a summary display of the status of the DB2
Manager control region processing configuration.
The DISPLAY command may be abbreviated to the single character 'D'.
DB2 Manager creates a number of tape and disk reader tasks in the control
region to perform retrieval of objects from Archive Manager. Each tape reader
task is capable of processing one tape volume at any one time. The number
of tape reader tasks created is initially equal to the value of the MAXTRDR
parameter at DB2 Manager initialization. Increasing this value during DB2
Manager operation will cause a similar increase in the number of tape reader
tasks. DB2 Manager will only be able to process as many tape volumes
simultaneously as there are initialized tape reader tasks.
Disk reader tasks may process multiple Archive Manager disk (‘K’) copy
datasets in one invocation (ie. the task’s request queue may contain requests
for retrieval of objects from different disk datasets). DB2 Manager attempts
to balance the length of the request queues for the disk reader tasks.
Increasing the value of MAXDRDR will reduce the average length of the disk
reader task request queues. For most operational environments, the default
MAXDRDR value of 4 will be sufficient. Note that the MAXQLEN parameter is
not used to control a disk reader task request queue length; there is no limit
to the number of requests which may be queued for each disk reader task.
If no disk reader tasks are available (MAXDRDR=0), a retrieval request for a
disk-resident object will be passed to an DB2 Manager tape reader task, if
one is available. This task will issue a standard Archive Manager object
retrieval request, which will still be satisfied wherever possible by Archive
Manager from an object’s disk copy. Setting the value of MAXDRDR to 0 in
these circumstances is not recommended, as it may cause requests for
retrieval of disk-resident objects to be rejected because there are no free
tape reader tasks.
Writer tasks are capable of updating a single Archive Manager database at
any one time. In addition, an Archive Manager database will not be updated
by more than one writer task simultaneously. The number of writer tasks is
controlled via the MAXTWTR initialization parameter.
A summary status request will display the current values of the MAXTRDR,
DB2 Manager User Guide
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the status of the internal scheduler queue lock and the length of the
scheduler queue, in message OTD20062.
In addition, message OTD20063 will be displayed for each reader, writer and
scheduler task in the system, giving the following details:
Status - this field indicates the current status of the identified task. It
can take the following values:
NULL - the task has never been initialized. It is not
available for object recall.
WAIT - the task is currently waiting for work. For tape
reader tasks, no tape volume is currently allocated.
WTRT - a tape reader task is currently waiting for work, and
the last tape volume accessed by the task is still
WTSH - a termination request has been made for a waiting
BUSY - the task is currently busy performing object
retrieval. For tape reader tasks, the task type will
indicate whether the tape volume being processed
will be retained on the drive after all outstanding
requests have been completed, or whether the tape
will be de-allocated and dismounted.
BYSH - the task is currently busy performing object
retrieval, but will terminate when all queued
requests have been completed.
TERM - a terminated task. A task may be terminated either
explicitly by operator command, or implicitly via a
reduction in the system MAXTRDR, MAXDRDR,
MAXTWTR and MAXSCHED settings. It may be
restarted by increasing the value of MAXTRDR,
terminated task is not available for object recall or
Qlen - this gives the number of requests queued for processing by
this task. All requests will be for retrieval of objects from the
tape or disk dataset currently being processed by this task.
The queue length will be non-zero for tasks with status =
BUSY. For waiting tasks, this value will always be zero.
For busy tasks and waiting tape reader tasks with tape volume still allocated,
message OTD20063 may also contain the following information:
DBID - this gives the 4-character identifier of the Archive Manager
database currently being processed.
Stg level - identifies the Archive Manager database storage level (in
range 0-7) containing the object currently being processed.
DB2 Manager User Guide
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Tape - identifies the sequence number within Archive Manager
Lastuse - for tasks with status = WTRT, this gives the time (in format
HH:MM:SS) that the last request for retrieval from this tape
volume was completed. This timestamp is used by DB2
Manager to determine which tape volume will be automatically
dismounted to satisfy a request for retrieval from another tape
volume, when there are no spare drives on the system. The
mounted tape volume which was least recently referenced will
be dismounted to allow the new request to be processed.
OTD20062 Maxtrdr=004 Maxdrdr=004 Maxtwtr=004 Maxsched=004 Maxqlen=100
OTD20062 Retaintape=0001 Tapewait=0004 Objsize=00100
OTD20062 Readtimeout=0005 Writetimeout=0005
OTD20062 Scheduler: Queue is unlocked; Queue length=000
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=WTRT Qlen=000
DBID=ST01 Stg_level=0 Tape=00002 Lastuse=14:04:52
OTD20063 Task T002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T003: Status=BUSY Qlen=001
DBID=ST02 Stg_level=0 Tape=00005
OTD20063 Task T004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W001: Status=BUSY Qlen=001 DBID=PD01
OTD20063 Task W002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20058 Display processing completed
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Display detail status
D(ISPLAY) T(ASK = (T|D|W|S)nnn
This request is used to produce a detailed display of the status of the DB2
Manager control region retrieval configuration. The DISPLAY command may
be abbreviated to the single character 'D'. The TASK parameter may be
abbreviated to the single character 'T'. 'nnn' is the numeric identifier of the
task to be displayed (where ‘nnn’ consists of 1-3 numeric characters in the
range 1-256). This should be preceded by the character ‘T’ for a tape reader
task, ‘D’ for a disk reader task, ‘W’ for a writer task and ‘S’ for a scheduler
task. If omitted, a default entry of ‘T’ will be used. This entry must be a valid
task number, as displayed via a summary status display request.
A detail status request will first of all display message OTD20063 for the
identified task. For busy tasks with a non-zero queue length, a detail status
request will display one set of OTD20066 and OTD20067 messages for each
request in the queue. These messages will display the following fields:
Request - the entry number of the request in the queue. The request
currently being processed will have an entry number of 1.
Type - identifies the type of request queued. This can take the
following values:
A request to connect to an Archive
Manager database for update processing
A row retrieval request
A row storage request
A request to commit updates to an Archive
Manager database
A request to disconnect from an Archive
Manager database after completion of update
DBID - the 4-character identifier of the Archive Manager database
being processed by the task
Jobname - the name of the job initiating the request
Stg level - the Archive Manager database storage level being processed
by the task. Will be present for storage or retrieval requests
Tape - the sequence number of the tape dataset within the Archive
Manager database storage level being processed by the task.
Will be present for storage and retrieval requests only.
Blockid - the 4-byte identifier of the block containing the object being
processed by the task. Will be present for storage and
retrieval requests only.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=BUSY Qlen=001
DBID=ST01 Stg_level=0 Tape=00002
OTD20066 Request 001: Type=Retrieve DBID=ST01 Jobname=WATERSGJ
OTD20067 Request 001: Stg_level=0 Tape=00002 Blockid=01400005
OTD20058 Display processing completed
Force purge task
F(ORCE) T(ASK = (T|D|W|S)nnn
The FORCE command is used to immediately terminate a tape or disk reader
task, writer task or scheduler task in the DB2 Manager control region. Force
purging a task does not allow any outstanding requests in the task queue to
be completed.
The command may be abbreviated to a single 'F'. The TASK parameter may
be abbreviated to a single 'T'. The value 'nnn' must be numeric, and should
be preceded by the character ‘T’ for tape reader tasks, ‘D’ for disk reader
tasks, ‘W’ for writer tasks and ‘S’ for scheduler tasks. If this character is
omitted, a default value of ‘T’ will be used. The task identifier entered here
must correspond to a valid task number, as displayed by the status summary
Both waiting and busy tasks are immediately terminated. For busy tasks, the
request currently being processed, and all subsequent requests in the task
queue, are abnormally terminated with a ‘resource unavailable’ condition.
This will generate an SQL error code of -652 and reason code of X'1015' to
the calling application.
When a task is force purged, the current value of the MAXTRDR, MAXDRDR,
MAXTWTR or MAXSCHED parameters is automatically decremented by 1,
depending on which type of task has been terminated. Once purged, a task
will not be available for object recall processing. Its status will appear as
'TERM' in any subsequent status display.
For busy tape reader and writer tasks, the current tape volume in use will be
de-allocated. The tape will be rewound and dismounted, and the tape drive
freed by DB2 Manager.
Tasks may only be force purged if a normal purge request has already been
queued for that task.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OTD20062 Retaintape=0001 Tapewait=0004 Objsize=00100
OTD20062 Readtimeout=0005 Writetimeout=0005
Maxtrdr=004 Maxdrdr=004 Maxtwtr=004 Maxsc ed= 04 Maxqlen=100
OTD20062 Scheduler: Queue is unlocked; Queue length=000
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=BUSY Qlen=001
DBID=ST01 Stg_level=0 Tape=00002
OTD20063 Task T002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20058 Display processing completed
OTD20073 Task T001 purge request is being processed
OTD20060 Task T001 has been shutdown successfully
OTD20062 Maxtrdr=003 Maxdrdr=004 Maxtwtr=004 Maxsched=004 Maxqlen=100
OTD20062 Retaintape=0001 Tapewait=0004 Objsize=00100
OTD20062 Readtimeout=0005 Writetimeout=0005
OTD20062 Scheduler: Queue is unlocked; Queue length=000
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20058 Display processing completed
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Purge task
P(URGE) T(ASK) = (T|D|W|S)nnn
The PURGE command is used to terminate a tape or disk reader task, a
writer task or a scheduler task in the DB2 Manager control region. All
outstanding requests in the task queue will be allowed to complete normally
before task termination.
The command may be abbreviated to a single 'P'. The TASK parameter may
be abbreviated to a single 'T'. The value 'nnn' must be numeric and should be
preceded by the character ‘T’ for tape reader tasks, ‘D’ for disk reader tasks,
‘W’ for writer tasks and ‘S’ for scheduler tasks. If this character is omitted, a
default value of ‘T’ will be used. The task identifier entered here must
correspond to a valid reader task number, as displayed by the status
summary command.
For waiting tasks (status = WAIT), the purge request will be executed
immediately. The identified task will be terminated, and will no longer be
available for object recall processing. It will appear with a type of TERM in
subsequent status display requests. Any tape allocation held by a purged
tape reader or writer task will be released - this will cause the allocated tape
to be rewound and dismounted, and the tape drive to be freed by DB2
For busy tasks (status=BUSY), a shutdown request will be added to the task
queue. This will allow requests which were outstanding at the time the purge
command was entered to be completed as normal. The task will then be
terminated, and will no longer be available for processing. It will appear with
a type of TERM in subsequent status display requests. For tape reader tasks,
the tape being processed by the identified task will be released, whether it
would have normally been retained on the tape drive after use or not.
Requests to purge a busy task for which a purge request has already been
queued will be rejected.
When a task is purged, the current value of the MAXTRDR, MAXDRDR,
MAXTWTR or MAXSCHED parameters is automatically decremented by 1,
depending on the type of task being purged.
OTD20062 Maxtrdr=003 Maxdrdr=004 Maxtwtr=004 Maxsched=004 Maxqlen=100
OTD20062 Retaintape=0001 Tapewait=0004 Objsize=00100
OTD20062 Readtimeout=0005 Writetimeout=0005
OTD20062 Scheduler: Queue is unlocked; Queue length=000
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OTD20063 Task D003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20058 Display processing completed
OTD20073 Task D001 purge request is being processed
OTD25409 Disk rdr task 001 terminated
OTD20062 Maxtrdr=003 Maxdrdr=003 Maxtwtr=004 Maxsched=004 Maxqlen=100
OTD20062 Retaintape=0001 Tapewait=0004 Objsize=00100
OTD20062 Readtimeout=0005 Writetimeout=0005
OTD20062 Scheduler: Queue is unlocked; Queue length=000
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20058 Display processing completed
Alter DB2 Manager configuration
S(ET) { MAXTRDR = nnn
{ MAXDRDR = nnn
{ MAXTWTR = nnn
{ MAXSCHED = nnn
{ MAXQLEN = nnn
{ TAPEWAIT = nnnn
{ OBJSIZE = nnnnn
The SET command is used to alter the current values of the DB2 Manager
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
WRITETIMEOUT parameters. The command may be abbreviated to the
single character 'S'.
WRITETIMEOUT are initially set during DB2 Manager control region
initialization from the corresponding parameters in the TAPECNTL and
ENVCNTL members of the DB2 Manager parameter library.
Valid parameters for the SET command are:
MAXTRDR - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
MAXTRDR parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. The value ‘nnn’ must be a 1-3 digit numeric
value in the range 0-255.
If the value of MAXTRDR is to be increased, DB2 Manager
will increase the number of initialized tape reader tasks, by
restarting terminated tasks, and/or adding new tasks.
If the value of MAXTRDR is to be decreased, DB2
Manager will terminate a number of existing tasks equal to
the decrease in the value of MAXTRDR. These tasks will
appear with the status TERM in any subsequent status
display, and will not be available for object recall
Note that processing of this command may take a little
time for significant changes in the value of MAXTRDR.
MAXDRDR - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
MAXDRDR parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. The value ‘nnn’ must be a 1-3 digit numeric
value in the range 0-255.
If the value of MAXDRDR is to be increased, DB2 Manager
will increase the number of initialized disk reader tasks, by
restarting terminated tasks, and/or adding new tasks.
If the value of MAXDRDR is to be decreased, DB2
Manager will terminate a number of existing disk reader
tasks equal to the decrease in the value of MAXDRDR.
These tasks will appear with the status TERM in any
subsequent status display, and will not be available for
object recall processing.
Note that processing of this command may take a little
time for significant changes in the value of MAXDRDR.
MAXTWTR - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
MAXTRDR parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. The value ‘nnn’ must be a 1-3 digit numeric
value in the range 1-255.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
If the value of MAXTWTR is to be increased, DB2 Manager
will increase the number of initialized writer tasks, by
restarting terminated tasks, and/or adding new tasks.
If the value of MAXTWTR is to be decreased, DB2
Manager will terminate a number of existing writer tasks
equal to the decrease in the value of MAXTWTR. These
tasks will appear with the status TERM in any subsequent
status display, and will not be available for object recall
Note that processing of this command may take a little
time for significant changes in the value of MAXTWTR.
MAXSCHED - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
MAXSCHED parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. The value ‘nnn’ must be a 1-3 digit numeric
value in the range 1-255.
If the value of MAXSCHED is to be increased, DB2
Manager will increase the number of initialized tape reader
tasks, by restarting terminated tasks, and/or adding new
If the value of MAXSCHED is to be decreased, DB2
Manager will terminate a number of existing tasks equal to
the decrease in the value of MAXSCHED. These tasks will
appear with the status TERM in any subsequent status
display, and will not be available for object recall
Note that processing of this command may take a little
time for significant changes in the value of MAXSCHED.
MAXQLEN - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
MAXQLEN parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. ‘nnn’ must be a 1-3 digit numeric value in the
range 1-256.
RETAINTAPE - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
RETAINTAPE parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. ‘nnnn’ must be a 1-4 digit numeric value in the
range 0-1440.This change will take immediate effect.
TAPEWAIT - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
TAPEWAIT parameter to the value specified in the SET
command. ‘nnnn’ must be a 1-4 digit numeric value in the
range 0-1440. This change will take immediate effect.
OBJSIZE - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the OBJSIZE
parameter to the value specified in the SET command.
‘nnnnn’ must be a 1-5 digit numeric value in the range 1-
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
65535. This change will take effect the next time a
database is connected for update processing by the DB2
Manager table migration utility.
READTIMEOUT - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
READTIMEOUT parameter to the value specified in the
SET command. ‘nnnn’ must be a 1-4 digit numeric value in
the range 1-1440. This change will take immediate effect.
WRITETIMEOUT - DB2 Manager will alter the current setting of the
WRITETIMEOUT parameter to the value specified in the
SET command. ‘nnnn’ must be a 1-4 digit numeric value in
the range 1-1440. This change will take immediate effect.
OTD20062 Maxtrdr=003 Maxdrdr=003 Maxtwtr=004 Maxsched=004 Maxqlen=100
OTD20062 Retaintape=0001 Tapewait=0004 Objsize=00100 Trace=OFF
OTD20062 Readtimeout=0005 Writetimeout=0005
OTD20062 Scheduler: Queue is unlocked; Queue length=000
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20058 Display processing completed
OTD20052 DB2 Manager configuration altered successfully
OTD26009 Tape wtr task 001 terminated
OTD26009 Tape wtr task 002 terminated
OTD20052 Configuration altered successfully
OTD20062 Maxtrdr=003 Maxdrdr=003 Maxtwtr=002 Maxsched=004 Maxqlen=100
OTD20062 Retaintape=0001 Tapewait=0004 Objsize=00100 Trace=OFF
OTD20062 Readtimeout=0010 Writetimeout=0005
OTD20062 Scheduler: Queue is unlocked; Queue length=000
OTD20063 Task T001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task T004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OTD20063 Task D002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task D004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W001: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W002: Status=TERM Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task W004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S001: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S002: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S003: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20063 Task S004: Status=WAIT Qlen=000
OTD20058 Display processing completed
Terminate DB2 Manager control region
The SHUTDOWN command is used to terminate the DB2 Manager control
region. The optional IMMED parameter is used to control the shutdown
If IMMED is not specified, DB2 Manager will allow all outstanding requests to
be completed normally before terminating the control region. However, no
new requests will be serviced by the control region after shutdown has been
If IMMED is specified, DB2 Manager will perform an immediate shutdown; all
current and outstanding retrieval requests will be terminated with a ‘resource
unavailable’ condition (SQL –652 error with reasons code X’1015’) and the
DB2 Manager control region terminated.
Terminating the control region will disable support for retrieval of migrated
rows via DB2 Manager. The shutdown request should not therefore be
performed without first verifying that no access to migrated rows will be made
while the control region is inactive.
If COMMAND=REPLY has been specified (or defaulted) in the TAPECNTL
parameter library member, DB2 Manager will issue message OTD20092 on
receiving the SHUTDOWN command:
OTD20092 Do you want to proceed with shutdown (y/n)?
To continue with shutdown processing, reply 'Y'. Any other reply will abort
shutdown processing. DB2 Manager will redisplay the standard operator reply
message OTD20000, and control region processing will continue as normal.
If COMMAND=MODIFY has been specified in the TAPECNTL member, DB2
Manager will not issue a confirmation request. Shutdown processing will
continue automatically.
13 OTD20000 Enter request:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
14 OTD20092 Do you want to proceed with shutdown (y/n)?
R 14,Y
OTD20093 Shutdown in progress
OTD20060 Task H001 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25009 Tape rdr task 004 terminated
OTD20060 Task T004 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25009 Tape rdr task 003 terminated
OTD20060 Task T003 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25009 Tape rdr task 002 terminated
OTD20060 Task T002 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25009 Tape rdr task 001 terminated
OTD20060 Task T001 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25409 Disk rdr task 004 terminated
OTD20060 Task D004 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25409 Disk rdr task 003 terminated
OTD20060 Task D003 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25409 Disk rdr task 002 terminated
OTD20060 Task D002 has been shutdown successfully
OTD25409 Disk rdr task 001 terminated
OTD20060 Task D001 has been shutdown successfully
OTD26009 Tape wtr task 004 terminated
OTD20060 Task W004 has been shutdown successfully
OTD26009 Tape wtr task 003 terminated
OTD20060 Task W003 has been shutdown successfully
OTD26009 Tape wtr task 002 terminated
OTD20060 Task W002 has been shutdown successfully
OTD26009 Tape wtr task 001 terminated
OTD20060 Task W001 has been shutdown successfully
OTD22009 Scheduler task 004 terminated
OTD20060 Task S004 has been shutdown successfully
OTD22009 Scheduler task 003 terminated
OTD20060 Task S003 has been shutdown successfully
OTD22009 Scheduler task 002 terminated
OTD20060 Task S002 has been shutdown successfully
OTD22009 Scheduler task 001 terminated
OTD20060 Task S001 has been shutdown successfully
OTD20095 Communications table storage area freed
OTD20096 Shutdown processing complete
ꢀSMF processing
DB2 Manager provides an option to implement the recording of migrated row
storage retrieval statistics by the control region, using the IBM System
Management Facility (SMF).
This option is invoked by users via the optional SMFRECID parameter of the
ENVCNTL member of the DB2 Manager parameter library.
Omitting this parameter, or specifying an SMFRECID of zero, will suppress
creation of SMF records by DB2 Manager.
Specifying a non-zero value, in the range 128 to 255, will cause DB2
Manager to create SMF records with the specified numeric identifier.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
If requested, DB2 Manager will create SMF records at the following points:
a. When all requests for retrieval of rows from a single tape cartridge volume
have been completed by a tape reader task (ie) immediately before a
busy task returns to wait status. The SMF record will contain one request
section for each request processed during invocation of that reader task.
b. When the limit of 100 request sections has been created by a tape reader
task while processing a request queue. An SMF record will be written by
the reader task before continuing to process the request queue. One or
more additional SMF records will subsequently be written by the reader
task, either when the limit of 100 request sections has again been
reached, or after all requests in the queue have been processed.
Note that there is no direct relationship between the number of requests
that may be processed during a single invocation of a tape reader task,
and the setting of the MAXQLEN parameter. After processing a request,
the queue length will be reduced by one; however, new requests may
continue to arrive and be added to the queue while the driver task is busy.
New requests will only be rejected if the number of outstanding requests
has reached the value of MAXQLEN.
In this way, there is no limit to the number of requests which may be
processed during a single invocation of a reader task, and consequently
no limit to the number of SMF records which may be written during that
c. When all queued requests for retrieval from the same Archive Manager
database have been completed by a disk reader task (ie) immediately
before a busy disk reader task processes a request for retrieval from a
different Archive Manager database, or returns to wait status if there are
no more requests in the queue.
d. During row migration processing, when the limit of 100 request sections
has been created by a writer task. An SMF record will be written by the
writer task before continuing with row migration processing. One or more
additional SMF records will subsequently be written by the writer task,
either when the limit of 100 request sections has again been reached,
when a disconnect or commit request is received, or when the task has
timed out waiting for receipt of another store request for the Archive
Manager database being updated.
Each request section in an SMF record will contain four timestamps relating
to the DB2 Manager retrieval request described by the record. These
timestamps are issued at the following points:
1. When the request for access to a migrated row is intercepted by DB2
2. Start of request processing by the control region scheduler.
3. Start of request processing by the reader or writer task in the control
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
4. Termination of request processing by the reader or writer task in the
control region.
Analysis of timestamp intervals will provide timings for the following activities:
• 4 - 1 :
• 2 - 1:
• 3 - 2:
• 4 - 3:
total time for DB2 Manager to process the request.
time spent in control region scheduler queue.
time spent in reader or writer task queue.
time taken to retrieve object from tape or disk and locate
migrated row (reader tasks) or to add migrated row to
Archive Manager object (writer tasks).
Careful analysis of this information will assist in identifying possible
performance problems during object retrieval processing.
The following sections describe the individual components that constitute the
DB2 Manager SMF record.
SMF header section
Each SMF record will have a standard SMF header section of length 18
Format Description
Record length. This is the length of
the entire SMF record, including this
Segment descriptor - binary zeroes.
System indicator - binary zeroes.
Record type (equal to the value of the
SMF record identifier specified
defined for the database being
Time since midnight, in hundredths of
a second, that the SMF record was
packed Date record was written, in the format
0cyydddF, where F is the sign.
System identification (from CVT).
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Record descriptor section
The SMF header section is immediately followed by the DB2 Manager record
descriptor section. It has a fixed length of 38 bytes.
Offset Length Format Description
Offset of database section. This is the
offset from the start of the SMF record
of the database section of the record.
Length of database section. This is the
length in bytes of a single database
The number of database sections
present in the record (always = 1).
Offset of request section. This is the
offset from the start of the SMF record
of the first request section in the record.
Length of request section. This is the
length in bytes of a single section. This
will always be 96 bytes.
The number of request sections
present in the record.
Reserved for future use.
Database section
The storage group section starts at the offset specified in the record
descriptor section of the DB2 Manager SMF record. It gives information about
the database being processed for object storage or retrieval. It has a fixed
length of 24 bytes. Only one database group section will be present per SMF
Offset Length
Format Description
Char DB2 Manager task issuing request:
’T’ – tape reader task
’D’ – disk reader task
’W’ – tape writer task
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Offset Length
Format Description
DB2 Manager reader/writer task
Identifier of Archive Manager database
being processed.
Reserved for future use
Request section
The request section starts at the offset specified in the record descriptor
section of the DB2 Manager SMF record. It gives information about each of
the individual requests processed by the DB2 Manager reader or writer task.
It has a fixed length of 96 bytes. A maximum of 100 request sections may be
present per SMF record.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Format Description
Request start timestamp. This gives the
date and time that the request was
received by the DB2 Manager edit
routine. It has the format:
bytes 0-3: time in hundredths of a
second since midnight that
request processing started.
bytes 4-7: date that request processing
started, in packed decimal
format 0cyydddF, where F is
the sign.
Scheduler timestamp. This gives the
date and time that the request was
received by the DB2 Manager control
region scheduler. It has the format:
bytes 0-3: time in hundredths of a
second since midnight that
the request was intercepted.
bytes 4-7: date that the request was
intercepted, in packed
decimal format 0cyydddF,
where F is the sign.
Reader/writer start timestamp. This
gives the date and time that the request
was first processed by the DB2
Manager reader or writer task. It has
the format:
bytes 0-3: time in hundredths of a
second since midnight that
the request was first
bytes 4-7: date that the request was
first processed, in packed
decimal format 0cyydddF,
where F is the sign.
Request end timestamp. This gives the
date and time that processing for this
request was completed by the DB2
Manager control region. It has the
following format:
bytes 0-3: time in hundredths of a
second since midnight that
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Format Description
request processing ended.
bytes 4-7: date that request processing
ended, in packed decimal
format 0cyydddF, where F is
the sign.
Return code.
Supplementary return code 1
Supplementary return code 2
Request type:
0 – read request
1 – connect request
2 – store request
3 – commit request
4 – disconnect request
5 – disconnect after timeout
Storage level (0-7)
Object residency indicator (‘T’ = tape,
‘D’ = disk; reader tasks only – contains
a space for writer tasks).
Sequence number within database of
tape or disk dataset being processed
(reader tasks only – contains low
values for writer tasks).
Tape resident objects: identifier of tape
or block of object containing retrieved
row (reader tasks only – contains low
values for writer tasks).
Disk resident objects:
byte 0: hex id of disk segment
containing object
bytes 1-3: id of disk block containing
object (in form TTTTRR)
Primary key of object containing
stored/retrieved row.
Archive date of object containing
stored/retrieved row (in format
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Format Description
Record number within object containing
stored/retrieved row
Number of records containing
stored/retrieved row
Requester’s jobname
Requester’s userid.
Identifier of system on which request
ꢀOperational considerations
This section discusses miscellaneous topics relating to the operation of the
DB2 Manager control region and its environment. This includes a discussion
of performance considerations for retrieval of migrated rows from an Archive
Manager database using DB2 Manager.
Use of the MAXTRDR parameter
The MAXTRDR parameter is used to limit the number of tape cartridge drives
that DB2 Manager will allocate concurrently for performing simultaneous
access to multiple tape volumes in response to migrated row retrieval
requests. It is intended to enable users to prevent DB2 Manager from
depleting the number of available cartridge drives on a system to the extent
that other work will be unable to complete.
Once at the MAXTRDR limit, DB2 Manager will reject any other request
which would require an extra tape drive in order for it to be satisfied, with a
‘resource unavailable’ condition, or optionally queue the request internally if a
non-zero value has been specified for the TAPEWAIT parameter in the
TAPECNTL parameter library member. In this latter case DB2 Manager will
retry the request at 1-second intervals until a tape drive becomes available or
until the TAPEWAIT interval is exceeded.
Rejection of a request due to the MAXTRDR value having been reached or
due to the TAPEWAIT interval having been exceeded will generate an SQL –
652 error and reason code (in field SQLERRD(6) in the SQLCA) of X’1015’.
The value chosen for MAXTRDR should ensure that occurrence of this
condition is minimized, while still allowing other work on the system to
continue without delay. If necessary, the value of MAXTRDR may be varied
during the day to correspond to variations in the system workload.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
In a mixed operating environment which consists of both library and free-
standing tape drives, the STK Host Software Component will ensure that all
primary DB2 Manager tapes will be located in a library storage module. The
value of MAXTRDR used in this environment should not exceed the total
number of drives available in the library configuration, otherwise allocation
requests for DB2 Manager tapes may be made to free-standing drives. This
will introduce unpredictable delays into the migrate row retrieval process; this
is obviously unacceptable in an online processing environment.
In any case, the value of MAXTRDR should not exceed the overall total
number of drives available, as this will cause a significant increase in the
incidence of allocation recovery, and consequent rejection of retrieval
Use of the MAXQLEN parameter
The MAXQLEN parameter places a limit on the maximum number of requests
which may be queued for a tape reader task (i.e.) the maximum number of
outstanding requests that may exist for retrieval of objects from any one tape
volume. It is intended to allow users to place a limit on the time that any
single request will spend in a tape reader task request queue.
Requests are added to the task request queue as they arrive from other DB2
Manager components (in response to application SQL commands) and
removed from the queue as they are completed. The request queue may
thus be in a state of change while it is being processed. The MAXQLEN
parameter places a limit on the number of outstanding requests in the queue,
not the total number of requests which may be processed from the queue by
the tape reader task.
If a tape needs to be mounted in response to the first request for that tape
volume that is received by a reader task, it will take the time required to
mount the tape and to locate the object containing the migrated row, in order
to process that request. Subsequent requests in the same queue will only
require an object locate operation.
If multiple requests for retrieval from the same tape volume arrive within a
very short period of time, then the last request to arrive will have to wait for all
preceding requests to be processed.
The above information may be used to select an appropriate value of the
MAXQLEN parameter at your installation, in order to limit the length of time
that a request must wait in the tape reader task queue when multiple
simultaneous requests have been issued.
Once at the MAXQLEN limit, DB2 Manager will reject any other request
which would cause this limit to be exceeded, with a ‘resource unavailable’
condition, or optionally queue the request internally (if a non-zero value has
been specified for the TAPEWAIT parameter in the TAPECNTL parameter
library member). In this latter case DB2 Manager will retry the request until a
tape drive becomes available or until the TAPEWAIT interval is exceeded.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Rejection of a request due to the MAXQLEN value having been reached or
due to the TAPEWAIT interval having been exceeded will generate an SQL –
652 error with a reason code of X'1015' in field SQLERRD(6) in the SQLCA.
Use of the MAXDRDR parameter
The MAXDRDR parameter is used to control the number of disk reader tasks
which are active in the DB2 Manager control region. A disk reader task is
used to perform retrieval of a migrated row from an Archive Manager
database when a disk (‘K’) copy exists of the object containing the row.
If the value of MAXDRDR is greater than 1, DB2 Manager will assign a new
disk object retrieval request to the disk reader task with the shortest request
queue. In this way, the length of the request queues will be balanced across
the allocated disk reader tasks. Increasing the value of MAXDRDR will
decrease the average disk reader task request queue length. However, there
will be a corresponding increase in the amount of virtual storage required by
the DB2 Manager control region. For most operational environments, the
default MAXDRDR value of 4 will be sufficient.
If the value of MAXDRDR is 0, then all object retrieval requests, whether
objects have a disk copy or not, will be processed by the tape reader tasks
currently allocated in the control region. Each tape reader task will issue a
standard Archive Manager object retrieval request; if a disk copy of an object
exists then Archive Manager will satisfy the retrieval request from disk (i.e.
the object will still be retrieved from disk, even though it is being processed
by a tape reader task). Setting the MAXDRDR value to 0 is not
recommended in these circumstances, as it may cause disk object retrievals
to be rejected unnecessarily if there are no available tape reader tasks to
process the request.
If an error occurs when Archive Manager attempts to retrieve the disk copy of
an object, Archive Manager will automatically re-drive the retrieval attempt
from tape. In these circumstances it is possible that a disk reader task will
attempt to process a tape dataset. This may cause contention for tape drives,
resulting in failure of the retrieval request, if all available drives are currently
being processed by the tape reader tasks. Retrieval of the tape copy of an
object by a disk reader task will not impact the ability of that task to continue
accepting and processing further disk object retrieval requests.
Allocation recovery
Allocation recovery occurs on MVS systems when there are no tape drives
available to satisfy an allocation request. In this case, the following message
will be output by the system:
Normal practice is for an operator (or automated operator facility) to reply
WAIT to this request. The job requiring the allocation will then wait until a
drive becomes available before being able to continue.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
In the DB2 Manager environment, lack of available tape drives will cause the
DB2 Manager control region to enter allocation recovery. Issuing a reply of
WAIT will now mean that the application issuing the SQL command which
caused the tape allocation request will have to wait indefinitely for another job
on the system to release a drive, before continuing.
In this case, the end-user response time would be unpredictable. For this
reason, it is recommended that a reply of 'CANCEL' be made to the IEF238D
message. This will be interpreted by DB2 Manager as a 'drive unavailable'
condition, and the retrieval request will be rejected with a ‘resource
unavailable’ condition or optionally queued internally (if a non-zero value has
been specified for the TAPEWAIT parameter in the TAPECNTL parameter
library member). In this latter case DB2 Manager will retry the request until a
tape drive becomes available or until the TAPEWAIT interval is exceeded. .
It is recommended that the reply of 'CANCEL' be performed by an automated
operator reply facility, if present on the system, rather than via manual
operator entry. In this way, there will be no delay between DB2 Manager
receiving the retrieval request, and the rejection of the request with a
‘resource unavailable’ condition. This will minimize delays to users in
receiving notification of the unavailability of resources in performing the
object access.
Shutdown processing
As an immediate shutdown does not allow outstanding migrated row storage
and retrieval requests to complete, whenever possible the DB2 Manager
control region should be shutdown normally (ie) use the SHUTDOWN
operator command without the IMMED parameter.
In this context, it is recommended that operators issue a summary status
display command before issuing the DB2 Manager shutdown request.
If there are any outstanding requests identified by the summary status
display, these should be allowed to complete before issuing a normal DB2
Manager shutdown request. If necessary, an immediate shutdown request
may be issued in order to abnormally terminate outstanding requests, and
perform DB2 Manager shutdown processing.
Additionally, if the scheduler lock, as displayed from the summary status
request, is constantly unavailable (ie. permanent LOCKED status), then an
immediate shutdown should be issued, as a normal shutdown attempts to
acquire this lock before proceeding. This situation, if it occurs, indicates an
internal DB2 Manager error condition, and should be communicated to your
DB2 Manager product support representative.
In extreme cases, the DB2 Manager control region may be cancelled if
required. Canceling the control region has the following consequences:
Any outstanding requests will be left unsatisfied in a wait state (ie) control
will never be returned to the calling application. These applications will
have to be abnormally terminated by an external source.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Extended CSA storage used by DB2 Manager (approximately 212k in
extended subpool 241) will not be released, and will be unavailable for
use by other jobs in the system until the next IPL.
'Resource unavailable' condition
DB2 Manager will return a ‘resource unavailable’ condition to an SQL
command which generates access to a migrated row (SQL –652 error and
reason code of X'1015' set in field SQLERRD(6) in the SQLCA) in the
following circumstances:
1. a row retrieval request requires a new tape cartridge volume to be
mounted, but DB2 Manager is unable to allocate a new drive because the
MAXTRDR limit has already been reached.
2. a row retrieval request requires access to a tape cartridge volume that is
already being processed, but the number of requests already queued for
that volume is at the limit specified by the MAXQLEN parameter.
3. allocation recovery has occurred due to lack of available tape cartridge
drives, and a reply of 'CANCEL' was made to the IEF238D message.
4. a ‘force purge’ command was issued by the operator for the task currently
processing the queue containing the row retrieval request.
5. an immediate DB2 Manager control region shutdown was issued by the
operator while a row retrieval request was being processed, or while it
was in a task request queue.
6. the DB2 Manager control region is in the process of terminating when the
SQL command was issued.
Note that the TAPEWAIT parameter of the TAPECNTL parameter library
member may be used to internally queue requests which have been rejected
in circumstances 1 to 3 above. In this case a request will be retried until
sufficient resources become available to satisfy it, or until the TAPEWAIT
interval has been exceeded, at which time it will be rejected as above. Use
of this facility may reduce the likelihood of ‘resource unavailable’ conditions
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DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Table migration processing
DB2 Manager provides functions to perform the migration of rows from DB2
to Archive Manager storage. These functions are provided by the DB2
Manager table migration utility, OTDBP100.
The table migration utility is executed as a batch process, and should be
scheduled to run at regular intervals in order to migrate rows from DB2 to an
Archive Manager database. The frequency of execution of this procedure will
be controlled by operational factors, such as the overall amount of DB2 disk
storage available, the rate of insertion of new rows, the frequency of update
of migrated rows, the rate of retrieval of migrated rows etc.
Careful planning is required when implementing a table migration strategy, in
order to optimize system performance by migrating rows at the appropriate
stage of their existence. Migration should be performed so that DB2 disk
storage requirements may be minimized without introducing performance
problems through the creation of an Archive Manager tape recall activity rate
which exceeds the performance capacity of the installed tape library
DB2 Manager requires that a table from which rows are to be migrated is
migration processing.
Following successful completion of migration processing, some DB2
database management is needed if it is required to reclaim disk space
requirement and describes how to do this.
ꢀEnabling a DB2 table for migration processing
Before initiating DB2 Manager row migration processing for a DB2 table, the
table must be enabled for this type of processing. This consists of a number
of activities as described in this section. These activities must be
successfully completed for each DB2 table which is to be processed by DB2
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DB2 tables which are to be eligible for processing by DB2 Manager must
adhere to the following restrictions:
Each row in the table must be indexed by a unique key. The indexing key
can consist of one or multiple columns in the table.
The table must not contain large objects (LOBs), ROWID or identity
columns or “distinct types”.
A table which does not satisfy all the above criteria will not be processed by
the DB2 Manager table migration utility.
Enabling activities
In order to enable a DB2 table for row migration by DB2 Manager, the
following actions must be performed:
A new partitioned tablespace must be created to hold a copy of the table
being enabled for migration processing. This should have one more
partition than the number of partitions in the tablespace containing the
table to be enabled for migration. The last partition in this tablespace will
be used for storage of all archive row stubs. Each stub will be 18 bytes in
length, and there will be one stub for each row in the table which has
been migrated to Archive Manager. This partition should be large
enough to hold archive stubs for the maximum number of migrated rows
present in the database.
A new table must be created in this tablespace. This should be an exact
copy of the original table, with the following modifications:
o The statement ‘EDITPROC OTDBP300’ is added to the SQL
o An additional column ‘OTDBIND’ is added to the SQL CREATE
TABLE command, with the following specification:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
For existing non-partitioned tables, a new partitioning index to the new
table must be created, as follows:
CREATE INDEX dbname.indexname
ON dbname.tabname
(PART 1 VALUES('0'),
For existing partitioned tables, the definition of the existing partitioning
index should be copied with the following modifications:
CREATE INDEX dbname.indexname
ON dbname.tabname
field1 ASC/DESC,
fieldn ASC/DESC
(PART 1 VALUES(‘0’,a,...,b)
PART n VALUES (‘0’,c,...,d)
PART n+1 VALUES (‘1’,y,...,z))
field1 is the first column in the existing clustering index
fieldn is the last column in the existing clustering index
n is the number of partitions defined in the existing clustering
‘a’ ... ‘b’ are the values of columns field1 to fieldn used to define partition
1 in the existing clustering index
‘c’ ... ‘d’ are the value of columns field1 to fieldn used to define partition n
in the existing clustering index
‘y’ ... ‘z’ are the lowest possible values for columns field1 to fieldn
All other existing indexes should be copied without modification to index
the new table.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
The contents of the existing table should be unloaded, and loaded into
the new table. This will create an exact copy of the original table, with the
modifications described above.
The original table should be dropped from DB2.
A view should be created of the new table. The view must have the same
name as that of the original table, and should be defined as follows:
CREATE VIEW dbname.tabname1
tabname1 is the name of the existing table
tabname2 is the name of the new table
field1 is the first column in the existing table
fieldn is the last column in the existing table
All views on the existing table should be re-created as originally defined.
Following completion of migrated table enablement processing, a table will be
eligible for processing by the DB2 Manager table migration utility.
No other implementation requirements are needed in order to enable
migration and retrieval processing for a DB2 table. In particular, no
modifications to existing application programs issuing SQL commands will be
required. DB2 Manager will automatically enable retrieval, deletion and
update of rows which have been migrated to an Archive Manager database.
Disabling activities
If it is required to disable DB2 Manager support for a DB2 table which had
previously been enabled for row migration by DB2 Manager, the following
actions must be performed:
Before performing any activities to disable DB2 Manager support for
a DB2 table, all migrated rows must be recalled to the table using
the DB2 Manager row retrieval utility OTDBP120. Failure to perform
this step prior to continuing with disabling processing will mean that data
in migrated rows will no longer be accessible and may be permanently
lost. Any attempt to access these rows from an SQL application will
result in an SQL error.
Views created for the migration-enabled table should be dropped.
A new partitioned tablespace must be created to hold a copy of the table
being disabled for migration processing. This should have one less
partition than the number of partitions in the tablespace containing the
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
migration-enabled table – the last partition in this table should be
removed when creating the disabled table. Alternatively, if the original
tablespace used to hold the table prior to enabling it for migration
processing still exists, this may be used.
A new table must be created in this tablespace. If the original definition
used to create the table prior to enabling it for migration processing
exists, this should be used. Otherwise the definition should be an exact
copy of that for the migration-enabled table, with the following
o The name of the table should be the name given to the view created
for accessing the migration-enabled table during migration enabling
o Remove the statement ‘EDITPROC OTDBP300’ from the SQL
Remove the column ‘OTDBIND’ from the SQL CREATE TABLE
If the migration-disabled table is partitioned, modify the existing
partitioning index by removing the column OTDBIND from the index
definition, modifying the VALUES statement to remove the OTDBIND
entries, and removing the PART entry for the last (removed) partition.
If the migration-disabled table is not partitioned, remove the partitioning
(PART) statements from the index definition.
All other existing indexes should be copied without modification to index
the migration-disabled table.
The contents of the migration-enabled table should be unloaded, and
loaded into the new table. Remove the entry for field OTDBIND from the
SYSIN file used for the re-load job. This process will create an exact
copy of the original table, with the modifications described above.
All views on the existing table (other than that having the name of the
migration-disabled table itself) should be re-created as originally defined.
A table will be disabled for migration processing following completion of the
above activities. DB2 Manager will then no longer be required when
accessing the table.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
ꢀOTDBP100 - the table migration utility
Migration of rows from a DB2 table to Archive Manager storage is performed
using the DB2 Manager table migration utility. This is executed as a batch
job, and processes a single DB2 table per execution. An SQLIN dataset
entry is used to specify the selection criteria for migration of table rows. This
this entry.
Rows from a single DB2 table will be stored in a single Archive Manager
database (identified to the utility via the SQLIN file). In addition, an Archive
Manager database may only contain rows from a single DB2 table. DB2
Manager enforces this one-for-one relationship between DB2 table and
Archive Manager database during execution of the table migration utility.
Multiple table migration jobs can be executed concurrently. However, each
job must process a different DB2 table – only one table migration procedure
per DB2 table is permitted at any one time. The table migration utility
communicates directly with the DB2 Manager control region in order to
connect and disconnect the Archive Manager database being updated.
Note that the DB2 Manager control region must be fully initialized prior to the
start of table migration processing.
A control region writer task will be assigned to the procedure during this
process. This task will store migrated rows in Archive Manager objects on
the latest tape dataset in storage level 0 of the Archive Manager database.
No other writer task may connect to the Archive Manager database for
update processing while this is in progress.
In addition, tape reader tasks will not be able to satisfy retrieval requests for
migrated rows stored in objects on the tape volume being updated by the
writer task. A ‘resource unavailable’ error (SQL –652 error and a reason
code of X’1015’ in field SQLERRD(6) in the SQLCA) will be returned to an
application program which generates such a request. If access to such rows
is required, it is recommended that Archive Manager (‘K’) copy processing be
enabled in order to hold copies of objects from at least the latest tape volume
in the database storage level on disk. This will permit retrieval of these
objects using control region disk reader tasks. Alternatively, the Archive
Manager “dynamic load balancing” facility could be implemented in order to
satisfy retrievals from the appropriate backup volume, if available. Refer to
the Archive Manager User Manual for a description of both these facilities.
Note that retrieval of migrated rows from objects held on tape volumes other
than the latest in the database storage level will be able to continue without
interruption while table migration processing is in progress for that Archive
Manager database.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
The table migration utility performs the following functions:
• It processes and validates a series of parameters from a SYSIN file, and
an object selection parameter from file SQLIN which will govern execution
of the utility. A parameter specification and validation report is written to
the SYSPRINT dataset.
• It sequentially processes all unmigrated rows in the DB2 table identified in
the SQLIN parameters and selects all rows which satisfy the migration
• Each selected row is passed to a writer task in the DB2 Manager control
region for storage as a component of an object in the Archive Manager
database specified in the SYSIN parameter. The number of rows per
object is controlled via the OBJSIZE parameter in the ENVCNTL member
of the DB2 Manager parameter library.
• On successful storage in the Archive Manager database, the migrated row
is replaced by an 18-byte “archive stub”, identifying that the row has been
migrated and recording its location in the Archive Manager database.
Index entries for the migrated row will be unaltered, and will continue to
exist as they had prior to row migration. The archive stub is stored in the
table’s archive partition (created during enabling of the table for migration
• The utility will commit updates to the Archive Manager database and the
DB2 table at the frequency specified in the COMMIT execution parameter.
Following successful completion of commit processing, access to all rows
migrated since the last commit point (or since the start of utility processing
for the first commit request) will be made via the DB2 Manager control
• When all rows have been successfully migrated, the utility will produce a
processing report indicating successful completion and providing totals of
the number of rows processed and the number of rows migrated during
utility execution.
• If the utility encounters a serious error which prevents continued
processing, it will terminate with a condition code 12 after producing an
error report identifying the cause of the error and a processing report
indicating unsuccessful completion and giving totals of the number of rows
processed and the number of rows successfully migrated up to the last
successful commit point.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
JCL requirements
The following JCL may be used to execute the utility:
//STEPLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Archive.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Execution.parameter.file,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Migration.criteria.file,DISP=SHR
DD entries should be specified as follows:
Enter the names of the DB2 Manager and Archive Manager
product load libraries.
SYSPRINT: This entry is used for all print reports created during utility
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 byte records, and is used for specification of the
specify parameter entries in this file.
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 bytes records, and is used for specification of
the migration selection criteria to be used by the utility for
selection of rows for migration from DB2 to DB2 Manager.
description of how to specify a migration selection criteria entry
in this file.
SYSIN parameter specification
Parameters used to control execution of the utility are specified in file SYSIN.
This must be a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing one or
more fixed-length 80-byte records, each record containing one or more
separate parameter entries. Each parameter entry must be completely
contained within one record (ie) continuation of any single parameter entry
from one record to another is not permitted. A single record may contain
multiple parameter entries, each being separated by one or more spaces,
and optionally a single comma (‘,’).
A parameter entry has the general format:
keyword = value
Each keyword and its associated value are separated by an '=' sign, and
optionally one or more spaces. The first keyword parameter in a record may
begin in any character position from 1 onwards. Parameters may extend up
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
to character position 71 of the record. Individual keyword parameters may not
be continued over more than one record.
An asterisk ('*') in character position 1 will indicate a comment record, which
will be ignored for parameter validation processing.
The following parameters may be specified:
LCDDBID = xxxx
This is a mandatory parameter and specifies the 4-character identifier of
the Archive Manager database to which rows are to be archived during
execution of the utility. This database must have been identified in the
Manager database in all DB2 Manager components.
The utility will verify that the Archive Manager database contains only
migrated rows from the DB2 table being processed in its current
execution. If this is not the case, an error report is produced and the
utility will terminate with condition code 12.
COMMIT = nnnnn
This is an optional parameter used to specify the frequency at which
Archive Manager and DB2 commit processing is to be performed by the
utility. ‘nnnn’ is a 1-5 digit numeric value in the range 1-65535,
specifying the number of rows to be processed between each commit
request. If this parameter is omitted, a default value of 1000 is used.
Once commit processing has been successfully completed, all rows
migrated since the last commit point (or since the beginning of the job, for
the first commit call) will have been successfully stored in the Archive
Manager database, and all subsequent access to those rows will be
performed by DB2 Manager.
The value specified (or defaulted) for the COMMIT parameter will also be
used in conjunction with the global OBJSIZE parameter (specified in the
ENVCNTL parameter library member) to determine the number of rows to
be stored per object in the Archive Manager database. The actual
number of rows per objects will be the lower of the two values (COMMIT
This is an optional parameter used to control restart processing. If the
previous execution of the utility terminated abnormally, the parameter
should be set to “YES”. If omitted, the default value of “NO” is used.
Failure to specify this parameter correctly may cause execution of the
utility to fail with an Archive Manager connect database return code of
‘15’, indicating that the utility is attempting normal connection to a
database which is in an “uncommitted” condition.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
This is an optional parameter used to cause a new tape volume in the
Archive Manager database to be opened at the start of migration
processing. If omitted, the default value of “NO” is used.
This mandatory parameter is used to specify the subsystem identifier of
the DB2 subsystem to be used during execution of the utility. The
subsystem identifier ‘xxxx’ can be 1-4 characters in length.
This is an optional parameter which is used to specify the DB2 plan name
to be used during execution of the utility, where ‘xxxxxxxx’ is the 1-8
character identifier of the plan. If omitted, a default value of OTDBL100 is
information about DB2 Manager plan creation processing.
This is an optional parameter specifying the number of primary extent
blocks to be used during allocation of temporary dataset OTDBS100 used
during execution of the utility. ‘nnnnnnn’ is a 1-7 digit numeric value in
the range 1-8388607. If omitted, a default value of 10000 will be used.
The length of each block will be equal to 100 times the concatenated field
lengths of the table columns which are used to uniquely index each row in
the unique index requirement).
This is an optional parameter specifying the number of secondary extent
blocks to be used during allocation of temporary dataset OTDBS100 used
during execution of the utility. ‘nnnnnnn’ is a 1-7 digit numeric value in
the range 1-8388607. If omitted, a default value of 10000 will be used.
The length of each block will be equal to 100 times the concatenated field
lengths of the table columns which are used to uniquely index each row in
the unique index requirement).
This is an optional parameter specifying the unit name to be used for
allocation of temporary dataset OTDBS100 used during execution of the
utility. ‘xxxxxxxx’ is any valid disk or VIO unit name. If omitted, a default
value of ‘VIO’ is used.
This is an optional parameter specifying the maximum number of rows to
be migrated from DB2 by the utility. The utility will terminate processing
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
at the first commit point (as controlled via the COMMIT parameter) after
reaching this value. ‘nnnnnn’ must be a 1-6 digit numeric value in the
range 0-999999. A value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum to the
number of rows to be migrated during execution of the utility. If this
parameter is omitted, a default value of 0 is used.
This is an optional parameter specifying the maximum time for which
execution of the utility is to continue. The utility will terminate processing
at the first commit point (as controlled via the COMMIT parameter) after
reaching this value. ‘nnnn’ must be a 1-4 digit numeric value in the range
0-999999. A value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum to the
execution time of the utility. If this parameter is omitted, a default value of
0 is used.
SQLIN entry specification
The SQLIN file is a fixed-block sequential dataset with a logical record length
of 80 bytes. It must contain one or more records containing a free-format text
description of the rule(s) to be used for selection of objects to be migrated
from DB2 to Archive Manager. Character positions 1-71 will be used for this
description. Contents of character positions 72-80 in each record will be
ignored. A maximum of 15 records may be present in the SQLIN file.
Rules for migration are specified in the format of a standard DB2-compatible
SQL SELECT command, which must have the general format:
SELECT key1, key2, .... keyn FROM table_name
WHERE migration_criteria
where ‘key1’, ‘key2’, …. ‘keyn’ are the names of the columns which are used
to establish a unique key for each row in the database, ‘table_name’ is the
name of the DB2 table which is to be processed by the utility (ie. the name of
the table itself, not the view of the table created during product installation
processing), and ‘migration_criteria’ are the criteria specified by the user for
selection of rows which are to be eligible for migration to Archive Manager
WHERE DATE < ’01.02.1997’
Note that migration criteria are specified using the standard DB2-compatible
SQL criteria specification format.
A unique key must exist for each row in the database in order for it to be
eligible for archival by the utility. The maximum number of key fields which
may be specified is 8. Any valid SQL selection criteria may be entered in
order to identify rows which are to be eligible for migration.
The archival utility will cause this statement to be validated by DB2 for correct
SQL syntax. Any invalid specification will cause an SQL error to be received
by the utility, which will cause it to terminate with a condition code of 12. In
these circumstances, the SQL statement should be corrected and the job
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
PARMLIB requirements
The following ENVCNTL parameter library entries are used by the DB2
Manager control region during table migration processing. It should be
verified that these are set as required prior to the start of table migration
processing. If not, they may be altered via the DB2 Manager ‘SET’ operator
This parameter should be set to the identifier of the
SMF records to be created by DB2 Manager during
table migration processing, or set to 0 if no SMF
recording is to take place.
This parameter should be set (or defaulted) to control
the maximum number of migrated rows to be stored
per Archive Manager object during table migration
processing. Note that the lower of the two values for
the ENVCNTL OBJSIZE parameter and the SYSIN
COMMIT parameter is used to determine the maximum
number of migrated rows per Archive Manager object.
This parameter will control the length of time that a
writer task will wait between receiving successive
requests when updating an Archive Manager database.
If no request is received when this time interval
expires, the writer task will disconnect the Archive
Manager database without committing updates. This
will cause the current tape volume to be dismounted,
and the database to be left in an “uncommitted”
condition. A rerun of the table migration job will then
be required with the execution parameter
“RESTART=YES” specified.
Print reports
The table migration utility will write a number of print reports to the
SYSPRINT dataset during execution. These consist of:
Parameter specification and validation report. This will contain a list
of SYSIN parameters specified (or defaulted) for execution of the utility,
and a validation error report if errors are detected in parameter
specification. It will also specify the SQL migration selection statement
coded in the SQLIN file.
Execution report. Any errors or warning conditions encountered during
execution of the utility will be identified in this report.
Summary processing report. At end of processing, the utility will write
the summary processing report which will identify the total number of
table rows processed, and the total number migrated, up to the last
successful commit point (for runs which do not terminate successfully) or
up to end of processing (for successful runs).
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Condition codes
The table migration utility will set a condition code on completion. This code
may take the following values:
0 -
4 -
the utility has been executed successfully.
a warning condition has been encountered during processing
of the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 -
an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 -
a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Utility failure and restart considerations
If the table migration utility fails to complete successfully (return code greater
than 8), consult the error report in the SYSPRINT dataset to identify the
cause of the problem. Refer to chapter 7 for a description of the message(s)
appearing in the error report. All rows successfully processed prior to the
last successful commit point before failure will have been successfully
migrated from DB2 to Archive Manager, and any access requests for those
objects will be satisfied by DB2 Manager from the appropriate Archive
Manager database.
After correcting the error, the utility may be rerun with an execution parameter
of “RESTART=YES” specified. The utility will automatically restart
processing from the last successful commit point during the failed execution.
No other special actions need to be taken prior to re-starting the failed table
migration job.
Operator commands
Execution of the utility may be terminated at any point by entering the
following command through the system console:
(STO)P jobname
where ‘jobname’ is the name of the job used to execute the object
management procedure.
The utility will acknowledge receipt of this command via message OTD10023,
and perform normal termination processing. All database updates performed
by the utility prior to termination will be committed, and the utility will
terminate with a condition code of 4.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Further executions of the table migration job for the appropriate DB2 table
may subsequently be performed as normal.
ꢀData management processing
Following successful execution of a table migration process, a number of
follow-up activities may be required in order to complete the management of
migrated and unmigrated data. These activities consist of the following:
DB2 table backup and recovery
DB2 table reorganization
Archive Manager database backup and recovery
DB2 table backup and recovery
There is no change required to backup and recovery processing procedures
for tablespaces containing tables which have been enabled for DB2 Manager
migration. Image-copies should be taken normally as for non-enabled
tables. However, as the size of the tablespaces used for storage of tables
may now have been substantially reduced, the length of time taken for image-
copy processing will be reduced by a corresponding amount.
Restore of a tablespace containing a migration-enabled table is performed in
an identical manner to that of a tablespace containing a non-enabled table.
DB2 will restore the 18-byte stubs containing information about migrated
rows, as well as restoring non-migrated rows, to the condition they were in at
the time the image-copy was taken. The stubs contain all the information
necessary to access migrated rows from Archive Manager.
DB2 database reorganization
Tables which have been enabled for migration processing must be defined in
migrated row stubs, and one or more partitions for storage of non-migrated
Database reorganization processing should not be performed on the partition
containing the migrated row stubs, unless absolutely necessary.
Reorganization of this partition will cause all migrated rows to be retrieved
from Archive Manager. If Archive Manager objects are held on tape storage
only, this is likely to generate a substantial amount of tape activity and could
take an excessive length of time to complete. However, all rows stored in
this partition will be a fixed 18 bytes in length. In this case, deletion of rows is
not likely to cause fragmentation in the tablespace, as deleted space can be
re-used as required. The requirement for reorganization of this partition is
thus not mandatory.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Reorganization of other (non-migrated) partitions in the tablespace should be
performed as normal. Regular reorganization will, in particular, be required
for a period of time after implementation of DB2 Manager migration, in order
to reclaim disk space occupied by rows which have been migrated to Archive
Manager. This will allow these tablespace partitions to be reduced in size,
eventually down to the size needed for the “working-set” of unmigrated rows
(ie) rows which have yet to be migrated to Archive Manager.
Reorganization of one or more partitions of a partitioned tablespace is
accomplished through the use of the PART keyword on the REORG
TABLESPACE utility command. Refer to the appropriate DB2 Utility Guide
and Reference manual for a complete description of this process.
Archive Manager database backup and recovery
Archive Manager database backup
After completion of the table migration process, standard Archive Manager
database backup procedures should be implemented, as documented in the
Archive Manager User Manual. The following Archive Manager database
system files should be backed up, using standard disk backup procedures:
Primary index dataset
Storage level 0 space management dataset
Journal dataset (optional – only required if journaling is enabled for
the Archive Manager database).
The tape volume(s) updated or created during table migration processing
should be backed up using the Archive Manager database backup utility
OTASP110. Standard Archive Manager archival and backup processing
enables the creation of up to 4 copies of each tape volume in an Archive
Manager database. The copies are identified as follows:
‘A’ copy - this is the primary copy created when writing objects to an Archive
Manager tape database. The primary copy will always exist.
‘B’ copy - this is a backup copy of the primary (‘A’) volume, created via
execution of the Archive Manager backup utility (OTASP110).
‘C’ copy - this is a duplex copy of the primary (‘A’) volume. The ‘C’ copy is
automatically created when writing objects to an Archive Manager
database for which the duplexing facility has been enabled via the
Archive Manager database administration facility. The duplex
copy is created at the same time as the primary copy (ie) two tape
drives will be allocated concurrently by Archive Manager.
‘D’ copy - this is a duplex copy of the backup (‘B’) volume. The ‘D’ copy is
automatically created by the Archive Manager backup utility, when
backing up a database for which the ‘duplex during backup’ facility
has been enabled via the Archive Manager database
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
administration facility. The backup duplex copy is created at the
same time as the backup copy.
Each copy will contain a single standard-labeled dataset. The contents of
each copy will be identical. The following dataset naming standards are used
by Archive Manager to identify each copy in an Archive Manager tape
‘A’ copy:
‘B’ copy:
‘C’ copy:
‘D’ copy:
‘hlq’ is the high-level qualifier for system datasets, as defined
during Archive Manager database definition processing (see
‘s’ is the storage level (0-7)
‘nnnnn’ is the sequence number of the dataset within the
Archive Manager database.
Objects are always written to storage level 0 when first migrated to tape.
They may subsequently be moved to other storage levels via execution of the
Archive Manager object management utility.
Archive Manager also provides a facility (via its database administration
process) to automatically control the tape cartridge devices to be used to
create each copy during the object migration or backup process
‘A’ copy to primary library location. This copy of the database
will be used for normal production access.
‘B’ copy to offsite location. This copy of the database will be
used for disaster recovery purposes.
‘C’ copy to alternate onsite location. This copy of the database
will be used for recovery after loss of an individual volume.
This location may be in another library storage module, for
automated recovery access, or on a free-standing device for
eventual shelf storage.
Note that if duplexing during archival is enabled for the Archive Manager
database, then a duplex tape volume will be created concurrently with the
primary tape volume during database update processing. In some
circumstances (e.g. if the duplex volume is created at a remote offsite
location) it may not be necessary to execute the Archive Manager database
backup utility. Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for full information
on these considerations.
Archive Manager database recovery
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Archive Manager database recovery may be required in the following
1. loss of an individual tape volume from with an Archive Manager tape
database (eg) due to media failure
2. loss of an entire Archive Manager database (eg) due to loss of data
In both the above cases, standard Archive Manager database recovery
procedures should be followed. A full description of these procedures may
be found in the ‘Recovery Control Processing’ section in the Archive Manager
User Manual.
The procedure in each case is summarized below:
1. Loss of individual tape volume(s)
Identify the dataset sequence number(s) of the tape volume(s) which
have become unavailable. A tape volume’s dataset sequence number
may be obtained from the name of the dataset contained on that volume.
for a description of Archive Manager dataset naming standards.
Set each sequence number (or range of sequence numbers) in recovery
status, using the standard Archive Manager database administration
dialog for the database containing the unavailable volumes. The copy to
be used for recovery (‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’) is established during this process.
Archive Manager will automatically access the appropriate backup copy
when retrieving objects from all volumes which have been placed in
recovery status.
The primary copy of all volumes which are in recovery status should be
re-created at a subsequent time using the Archive Manager database
recovery utility OTASP130. This utility will automatically remove a volume
from recovery status after its primary copy has been re-created. Volumes
may be manually removed from recovery status at any time via the
Archive Manager database administration dialog.
2. Loss of entire database
If an entire database has been lost (due to hardware malfunction or loss
of data center), the database must be placed in ‘disaster recovery’ status
via the standard Archive Manager database administration dialog. The
copy to be used for disaster recovery (‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’) is specified during
this procedure.
When a database is in disaster recovery status, all retrievals by Archive
Manager from that database will be performed from the appropriate
backup copy. In order to guarantee the continuance of established
service levels for DB2 applications, all volumes in that copy of the
database should be available for automated processing.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
If disaster recovery is being performed on another processor, all disk
datasets used by DB2 Manager and Archive Manager, and all user
catalog entries from the primary facility, must be restored for use on the
disaster recovery facility. There is no requirement for physical recovery of
any tape dataset prior to disaster recovery usage.
If necessary, the primary copy of the database may be re-created using
the standard Archive Manager database recovery utility (OTASP130).
After a primary volume has been re-created, it will be removed from
recovery status, and will be used thereafter to satisfy accesses to objects
on that volume, as normal.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DB2 Manager Utilities
A number of batch utility programs are supplied with DB2 Manager, for
provision of a range of facilities for supporting the DB2 Manager operational
environment, and for extending functional capabilities supplied with other
components of the product.
These utilities consist of:
OTDBP120 – the DB2 Manager row restore utility. This utility allows
customers to identify migrated rows which are to be restored from Archive
Manager to DB2 storage. The utility will retrieve selected rows from
Archive Manager storage, and restore them in the DB2 table from which
they were originally migrated.
OTDBP130 – the DB2 Manager pre-fetch utility. This utility allows
customers to pre-fetch Archive Manager objects containing identified
migrated rows from tape to disk storage within an Archive Manager
database. The migration status of rows processed by this utility will
remain unaltered.
OTDBP140 – the DB2 Manager table analysis utility. This scans a DB2
table and issues a print report giving a detailed and/or summary analysis
of the contents of the table, identifying rows which have been migrated to
Archive Manager storage.
OTDBP170 – the DB2 Manager database housekeeping utility. This
scans a DB2 table and deletes any objects from the corresponding
Archive Manager database which no longer hold active migrated rows.
This will allow utilities supplied with the base Archive Manager product to
reclaim space occupied by deleted objects.
ꢀOTDBP120 - the row restore utility
OTDBP120 is the DB2 Manager row restore utility program. The program is
executed as a batch job in order to retrieve one or more migrated rows from
an Archive Manager database and to return them to the DB2 table from which
they were originally migrated. After restore, the rows will be implicitly deleted
from the Archive Manager database, and will become resident in DB2 only.
They will then be eligible for migration back to Archive Manager by the table
migration utility OTDBP100 at some subsequent time.
The rows to be restored from Archive Manager are identified by the customer
via search criteria in an SQL command, in an identical manner to the way in
which rows are identified for selection for migration by OTDBP100.
Execution of the program is controlled via a series of execution parameters.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
A print report is issued by the utility giving details of the execution
parameters, the row restore selection criteria and summary information about
the rows restored from Archive Manager.
The DB2 Manager row restore utility performs the following functions:
It will process and validate a series of execution parameters from a
SYSIN file, and an SQLIN object selection parameter which will govern
execution of the utility. The utility will then obtain information from DB2
about the table to be updated.
It will scan the DB2 table, and select migrated rows for restore from the
Archive Manager database which satisfy the selection criteria specified in
the SYSIN dataset. An entry is written to an internal table for each
selected row.
After all rows in the table have been processed in this manner, the utility
will sort all entries in the table into ascending database sequence. This
will allow the utility to access the migrated rows in the most efficient
manner, with the minimum amount of tape handling processing.
The utility will process the sorted table sequentially. For each entry, the
utility will update the corresponding table row by setting the archive
indicator column (OTDBIND) back to ‘0’. This will cause the row to be
retrieved from the Archive Manager database, and the 18-byte archive
stub (in the table’s archive partition) to be replaced by the actual row (in
one of the table’s non-archive partitions).
Following successful update of a row, all subsequent access to that row
will be satisfied from the DB2 table as normal. Access to the migrated
row will have been lost. Storage space within the Archive Manager
database for that row may be reclaimed by executing the DB2 Manager
At the end of processing, a report will be produced giving the total number
of rows which have been restored.
JCL requirements
The following JCL may be used to execute the utility:
//STEPLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Archive.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
//OTASxxxx DD DSN=Archive.Manager.index.dataset,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Execution.parameter.file,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Row-restore.criteria.file,DISP=SHR
DD entries should be specified as follows:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Enter the names of the DB2 Manager and Archive Manager
product load libraries.
OTASxxxx: Enter the name of the primary index dataset of the Archive
Manager database used for storage of objects from the DB2
table being processed by the utility. ‘xxxx’ should be set to the
4-character value used to identify the Archive Manager
database in the DB2 Manager control region procedure (see
SYSPRINT: This entry is used for all print reports created during utility
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 byte records, and is used for specification of the
specify parameter entries in this file.
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 bytes records, and is used for specification of
the criteria to be used by the utility for restoration of rows from
entry in this file.
SYSIN parameter specification
Parameters used to control execution of the utility are specified in file SYSIN.
This must be a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing one or
more fixed-length 80-byte records, each record containing one or more
separate parameter entries. Each parameter entry must be completely
contained within one record (ie) continuation of any single parameter entry
from one record to another is not permitted. A single record may contain
multiple parameter entries, each being separated by one or more spaces,
and optionally a single comma (‘,’).
A parameter entry has the general format:
keyword = value
Each keyword and its associated value are separated by an '=' sign, and
optionally one or more spaces. The first keyword parameter in a record may
begin in any character position from 1 onwards. Parameters may extend up
to character position 71 of the record. Individual keyword parameters may not
be continued over more than one record.
An asterisk ('*') in character position 1 will indicate a comment record, which
will be ignored for parameter validation processing.
The following parameters may be specified:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
This mandatory parameter is used to specify the subsystem identifier of
the DB2 subsystem to be used during execution of the utility. The
subsystem identifier ‘xxxx’ can be 1-4 characters in length.
This is an optional parameter which is used to specify the DB2 plan name
to be used during execution of the utility, where ‘xxxxxxxx’ is the 1-8
character identifier of the plan. If omitted, a default value of OTDBL120 is
information about DB2 Manager plan creation processing.
COMMIT = nnnnn|0
This is an optional parameter used to specify the frequency at which DB2
commit processing is to be performed by the utility. ‘nnnnn’ is a 1-5 digit
numeric value in the range 0-99999, specifying the number of rows to be
restored between each commit request. A value of 0 indicates that no
explicit commit processing is to be performed by the program. If this
parameter is omitted, a default value of 0 is used.
Once commit processing has been successfully completed, all rows
restored since the last commit point (or since the beginning of the job, for
the first commit call) will have been successfully stored in the DB2 table,
and all subsequent access to those rows will be performed via DB2 only.
This optional parameter is used to control whether the selection criteria
specified by the user for restoring rows are to be capable of resolution via
table indexes only. The default value of “Y” indicates that the selection
criteria must be capable of resolution via indexes only. If this is not the
case, the program will issue an error message and terminate with a
condition code 12. A value of “N” indicates that the selection criteria do
not need to be capable of resolution via indexes only. In this case,
execution of the row restore job may cause the utility to sequentially
process all migrated rows from the Archive Manager database.
If this parameter is omitted, the default value of “Y” is used.
This is an optional parameter specifying the number of primary extent
blocks to be used during allocation of temporary dataset OTDBS120 used
during execution of the utility. ‘nnnnnnn’ is a 1-7 digit numeric value in
the range 1-8388607. If omitted, a default value of 10000 will be used.
The length of each block will be equal to 100 times the concatenated field
lengths of the table columns which are used to uniquely index each row in
the unique index requirement).
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
This is an optional parameter specifying the number of secondary extent
blocks to be used during allocation of temporary dataset OTDBS120 used
during execution of the utility. ‘nnnnnnn’ is a 1-7 digit numeric value in
the range 1-8388607. If omitted, a default value of 10000 will be used.
The length of each block will be equal to 100 times the concatenated field
lengths of the table columns which are used to uniquely index each row in
the unique index requirement).
This is an optional parameter specifying the unit name to be used for
allocation of temporary dataset OTDBS120 used during execution of the
utility. ‘xxxxxxxx’ is any valid disk or VIO unit name. If omitted, a default
value of ‘VIO’ is used.
SQLIN entry specification
The SQLIN file is a fixed-block sequential dataset with a logical record length
of 80 bytes. It must contain one or more records containing a free-format text
description of the rule(s) to be used for selection of rows to be restored from
Archive Manager to DB2. Character positions 1-71 will be used for this
description. Contents of character positions 72-80 in each record will be
ignored. A maximum of 15 records may be present in the SQLIN file.
Rules for row restore are specified in the format of a standard DB2-
compatible SQL SELECT command, which must have the general format:
SELECT key1, key2, .... keyn FROM table_name
WHERE row_restore_criteria
where ‘key1’, ‘key2’, …. ‘keyn’ are the names of the columns which are used
to establish a unique key for each row in the database, ‘table_name’ is the
name of the DB2 table which is to be processed by the utility, (ie. the name of
the table itself, not the view of the table created during product installation
processing), and ‘row_restore_criteria’ are the criteria specified by the user
for selection of rows which are to be restored to Archive Manager (eg):
WHERE ACNO = ‘123456789’
Note that row restore criteria are specified using the standard DB2-
compatible SQL criteria specification format. Note also that where more than
one unique index exists for the table, keys from any of these indexes may be
used in the SELECT statement. In these circumstances, the choice of
unique key(s) should be influenced by the search argument, in order to allow
selection of rows for restore to be performed via INDEXONLY processing
where possible.
The row restore utility will cause this statement to be validated by DB2 for
correct SQL syntax. Any invalid specification will cause an SQL error to be
received by the utility, which will cause it to terminate with a condition code of
12. In these circumstances, the SQL statement should be corrected and the
job restarted.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Print reports
The row restore utility will write a number of print reports to the SYSPRINT
dataset during execution. These consist of:
Parameter specification and validation report. This will contain a list
of SYSIN parameters specified (or defaulted) for execution of the utility,
and a validation error report if errors are detected in parameter
specification. It will also specify the SQL row restore selection statement
coded in the SQLIN file.
Execution report. Any errors or warning conditions encountered during
execution of the utility will be identified in this report.
Summary processing report. At end of processing, the utility will write
the summary processing report which will identify the total number of
table rows processed, and the total number restored, up to the last
successful commit point (for runs which do not terminate successfully) or
up to end of processing (for successful runs).
Condition codes
The row restore utility will set a condition code on completion. This code may
take the following values:
0 -
4 -
the utility has been executed successfully.
a warning condition has been encountered during processing
of the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 -
an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 -
a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Utility failure and restart considerations
If the row restore utility fails to complete successfully (return code greater
than 8), consult the error report in the SYSPRINT dataset to identify the
cause of the problem. Refer to chapter 7 for a description of the message(s)
appearing in the error report. All rows successfully processed prior to the
last successful commit point before failure will have been successfully
restored from Archive Manager to DB2, and any access requests for those
objects will be satisfied via DB2 only.
After correcting the error, the utility may be rerun normally. The utility will
automatically restart processing from the last successful commit point during
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
the failed execution. No special actions need to be taken prior to re-starting
the failed row restore job.
Clean-up processing
Following successful execution of the row restore utility, the storage used in
the Archive Manager database for rows which have been restored to DB2 will
no longer be accessible, and will be eligible for re-use. However, this space
cannot be re-used until the Archive Manager object holding a restored row
has been deleted from the Archive Manager database.
As multiple migrated rows may be held in each Archive Manager object, it is
not possible to delete the object until all migrated rows held therein have
been invalidated (either due to being restored to DB2, or to the row being
deleted from the DB2 table).
DB2 Manager provides a database housekeeping utility to perform cross-
reference processing between a DB2 table and its associated Archive
Manager database, and to delete Archive Manager objects which no longer
contain active migrated rows. Standard Archive Manager object
management and database maintenance processing can then be performed
to allow re-use of index storage and tape and/or disk copy storage used for
housekeeping processing requirements.
ꢀOTDBP130 - the pre-fetch utility
OTDBP130 is the DB2 Manager pre-fetch utility program. The program is
executed as a batch job in order to pre-fetch Archive Manager objects
containing migrated rows from tape to disk storage within the Archive
Manager database. After pre-fetching, the objects containing the selected
rows will be accessed from disk instead of from tape, improving performance
for access to migrated rows. Note that pre-fetching rows using this utility will
not affect the migration status of the rows - these will remain in Archive
Manager storage, and are not restored to the originating DB2 table. The
row restore utility OTDBP120 should be used if it is required to return
migrated rows to DB2 storage.
The rows to be pre-fetched by Archive Manager are identified by the
customer via search criteria in an SQL command, in an identical manner to
the way in which rows are identified for selection for migration by OTDBP100.
Execution of the program is controlled via a series of execution parameters.
A print report is issued by the utility giving details of the execution
parameters, the pre-fetch selection criteria and detailed and/or summary
information about the rows pre-fetched by Archive Manager.
Disk copies of pre-fetched objects are retained by Archive Manager for the
period of time specified in the database definition. Pre-fetched objects will be
deleted by the Archive Manager object management utility following
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
expiration of this time interval. Refer to the Lifecycle Director Archive
Manager User Guide for information about setting pre-fetch retention periods
in a database, and about executing the object management utility.
The DB2 Manager pre-fetch utility performs the following functions:
It will process and validate a series of execution parameters from a
SYSIN file, and an SQLIN row selection parameter which will govern
execution of the utility. The utility will then obtain information from DB2
about the table from which the rows to be pre-fetched were migrated.
It will scan the DB2 table, and select migrated rows for pre-fetching in the
Archive Manager database which satisfy the selection criteria specified in
the SYSIN dataset.
For each selected row, a pre-fetch request will be passed to Archive
Manager requesting that the object containing the selected row be copied
from tape to disk, using the standard pre-fetch application program
interface supplied by that component. If detailed print reporting has been
requested an entry will be written to the report file giving details of the
request passed to Archive Manager and the result of that request.
When the number of requests accepted by Archive Manager has reached
the batch size specified in the execution parameters, the program will
issue a request to Archive Manager to process the batch. This will cause
Archive Manager to sort all requests in the batch into the most efficient
sequence for retrieval from tape, and to create disk copies of each object
in the batch. Note that the same object may appear multiple times in
each batch, if multiple rows within that object have been selected for pre-
fetch processing. Archive Manager will ignore duplicate object requests
in the batch.
After all rows in the table have been processed in this manner, a report
will be produced giving the total number of rows which have been pre-
JCL requirements
The following JCL may be used to execute the utility:
//STEPLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Archive.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
//OTASxxxx DD DSN=Archive.Manager.index.dataset,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Execution.parameter.file,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Pre-fetch.criteria.file,DISP=SHR
DD entries should be specified as follows:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Enter the names of the DB2 Manager and Archive Manager
product load libraries.
OTASxxxx: Enter the name of the primary index dataset of the Archive
Manager database used for storage of objects from the DB2
table being processed by the utility. ‘xxxx’ should be set to the
4-character value used to identify the Archive Manager
database in the DB2 Manager control region procedure (see
SYSPRINT: This entry is used for all print reports created during utility
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 byte records, and is used for specification of the
to specify parameter entries in this file.
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 bytes records, and is used for specification of
the criteria to be used by the utility for pre-fetching of rows by
in this file.
SYSIN parameter specification
Parameters used to control execution of the utility are specified in file SYSIN.
This must be a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing one or
more fixed-length 80-byte records, each record containing one or more
separate parameter entries. Each parameter entry must be completely
contained within one record (ie) continuation of any single parameter entry
from one record to another is not permitted. A single record may contain
multiple parameter entries, each being separated by one or more spaces,
and optionally a single comma (‘,’).
A parameter entry has the general format:
keyword = value
Each keyword and its associated value are separated by an '=' sign, and
optionally one or more spaces. The first keyword parameter in a record may
begin in any character position from 1 onwards. Parameters may extend up
to character position 71 of the record. Individual keyword parameters may not
be continued over more than one record.
An asterisk ('*') in character position 1 will indicate a comment record, which
will be ignored for parameter validation processing.
The following parameters may be specified:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
This mandatory parameter is used to specify the subsystem identifier of
the DB2 subsystem to be used during execution of the utility. The
subsystem identifier ‘xxxx’ can be 1-4 characters in length.
This is an optional parameter which is used to specify the DB2 plan name
to be used during execution of the utility, where ‘xxxxxxxx’ is the 1-8
character identifier of the plan. If omitted, a default value of OTDBL130 is
information about DB2 Manager plan creation processing.
BATCH = nnnnn|0
This is an optional parameter used to specify the maximum number of
pre-fetch requests which are to be processed by Archive Manager in a
single batch. ‘nnnnn’ is a 1-5 digit numeric value in the range 0-99999,
specifying the number of requests to be processed per batch. A value of
0 indicates that there is no maximum to the size of the request batch – all
rows identified for pre-fetching during execution of the utility will be
processed in a single batch. If this parameter is omitted, a default value
of 0 is used.
This optional parameter is used to control whether the selection criteria
specified by the user for pre-fetching rows are to be capable of resolution
via table indexes only. The default value of “Y” indicates that the
selection criteria must be capable of resolution via indexes only. If this is
not the case, the program will issue an error message and terminate with
a condition code 12. A value of “N” indicates that the selection criteria do
not need to be capable of resolution via indexes only. In this case,
execution of the pre-fetch job may cause the utility to sequentially process
all migrated rows from the Archive Manager database.
If this parameter is omitted, the default value of “Y” is used.
This is an optional parameter which is used to control the level of
reporting performed by the utility. If a value of SUMMARY is specified for
this parameter, the detailed processing report will be omitted. All other
print reports will be produced as normal. If the default value of DETAIL is
specified, all print reports (including the detailed processing report) will be
SQLIN entry specification
The SQLIN file is a fixed-block sequential dataset with a logical record length
of 80 bytes. It must contain one or more records containing a free-format text
description of the rule(s) to be used for selection of rows to be pre-fetched by
Archive Manager. Character positions 1-71 will be used for this description.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Contents of character positions 72-80 in each record will be ignored. A
maximum of 15 records may be present in the SQLIN file.
Pre-fetch rules are specified in the format of a standard DB2-compatible SQL
SELECT command, which must have the general format:
SELECT key1, key2, .... keyn FROM table_name
WHERE pre-fetch_criteria
where ‘key1’, ‘key2’, …. ‘keyn’ are the names of the columns which are used
to establish a unique key for each row in the database, ‘table_name’ is the
name of the DB2 table which is to be processed by the utility, (ie. the name of
the table itself, not the view of the table created during product installation
processing), and ‘pre-fetch_criteria’ are the criteria specified by the user for
selection of rows which are to be pre-fetched by Archive Manager (eg):
WHERE ACNO = ‘123456789’
Note that pre-fetch criteria are specified using the standard DB2-compatible
SQL criteria specification format. Note also that where more than one unique
index exists for the table, keys from any of these indexes may be used in the
SELECT statement. In these circumstances, the choice of unique key(s)
should be influenced by the search argument, in order to allow selection of
rows for pre-fetching to be performed via INDEXONLY processing where
The pre-fetch utility will cause this statement to be validated by DB2 for
correct SQL syntax. Any invalid specification will cause an SQL error to be
received by the utility, which will cause it to terminate with a condition code of
12. In these circumstances, the SQL statement should be corrected and the
job restarted.
Print reports
The pre-fetch utility will write a number of print reports to the SYSPRINT
dataset during execution. These consist of:
Parameter specification and validation report. This will contain a list
of SYSIN parameters specified (or defaulted) for execution of the utility,
and a validation error report if errors are detected in parameter
specification. It will also specify the SQL pre-fetch selection statement
coded in the SQLIN file.
Execution report. Any errors or warning conditions encountered during
execution of the utility will be identified in this report.
Detail processing report. If PRINT=DETAIL has been specified (or
allowed to default) in the execution parameter file, a detail print line will
be written for each pre-fetch request passed to Archive Manager. This
will contain the following information:
o Request type (add to batch, or process batch)
o Archive Manager database identifier
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
o Primary key and archive date of the object containing the row to be
o Return and supplementary codes received from Archive Manager
after processing the request
o The concatenated key of the DB2 row to be pre-fetched
Note that there may be multiple entries in this report for the same Archive
Manager object, if multiple rows within that object have been selected for
pre-fetch processing. Repeated requests for pre-fetching of the same
object will be ignored by Archive Manager.
Summary processing report. At end of processing, the utility will write
the summary processing report. This will contain the following
o Number of rows selected for pre-fetching
o Number of DB2 error conditions received
o Total number of pre-fetch requests issued
o Number of pre-fetch requests accepted by Archive Manager
o Number of rows which were already pre-fetched
o Number of pre-fetch requests rejected by Archive Manager
o Number of batches successfully processed
o Number of batches processed with errors
Condition codes
The pre-fetch utility will set a condition code on completion. This code may
take the following values:
0 -
4 -
the utility has been executed successfully.
a warning condition has been encountered during processing
of the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 -
an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 -
a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Utility failure and restart considerations
If the pre-fetch utility fails to complete successfully (return code greater than
8), consult the error report in the SYSPRINT dataset to identify the cause of
the problem. Refer to chapter 7 for a description of the message(s)
appearing in the error report. Rows in all batches successfully processed
prior to the point of failure will have been successfully pre-fetched to disk
storage by Archive Manager.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
After correcting the error, the utility may be rerun normally. No special
actions need to be taken prior to re-starting the failed pre-fetch job.
Archive Manager housekeeping processing
Pre-fetched objects will be retained on disk in the Archive Manager database
for the period of time specified in the definition of the database. When that
time period has expired, the disk copies of pre-fetched objects will be eligible
for deletion by Archive Manager, at which point any retrieval access for rows
contained in those objects will be satisfied from tape.
Standard Archive Manager object management processing should be
performed on a regular basis to delete the expired disk-copies of pre-fetched
a description of Archive Manager database housekeeping processing
ꢀOTDBP140 - the table analysis utility
OTDBP140 is the DB2 Manager table analysis utility program. The program
is executed as a batch job in order to produce a detailed and/or summary
analysis of the rows in a DB2 table which has been enabled for row migration
processing by DB2 Manager.
A print report is issued by the utility giving details of the execution
parameters, summary information about the rows in the DB2 table, and
optionally a detailed report on the contents of the table.
The DB2 Manager table analysis utility performs the following functions:
It will process and validate a series of execution parameters from a
SYSIN file, and an SQLIN table identification parameter which will govern
execution of the utility. The utility will then obtain information from DB2
about the table to be analyzed.
It will scan the DB2 table, and identify whether a row has been migrated
to DB2 Manager or not. For each migrated row, it will optionally write an
entry to the detailed processing report, identifying the row and its location
in the associated Archive Manager database.
At the end of processing, a summary processing report will be produced
giving an analysis of table rows.
JCL requirements
The following JCL may be used to execute the utility:
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
//STEPLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Archive.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
//OTASxxxx DD DSN=Archive.Manager.index.dataset,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Execution.parameter.file,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Table.identification.file,DISP=SHR
DD entries should be specified as follows:
Enter the names of the DB2 Manager and Archive Manager
product load libraries.
OTASxxxx: Enter the name of the primary index dataset of the Archive
Manager database used for storage of objects from the DB2
table being analyzed by the utility. ‘xxxx’ should be set to the 4-
character value used to identify the Archive Manager database
SYSPRINT: This entry is used for all print reports created during utility
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 byte records, and is used for specification of the
to specify parameter entries in this file.
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 bytes records, and is used for specification of
entry in this file.
SYSIN parameter specification
Parameters used to control execution of the utility are specified in file SYSIN.
This must be a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing one or
more fixed-length 80-byte records, each record containing one or more
separate parameter entries. Each parameter entry must be completely
contained within one record (ie) continuation of any single parameter entry
from one record to another is not permitted. A single record may contain
multiple parameter entries, each being separated by one or more spaces,
and optionally a single comma (‘,’).
A parameter entry has the general format:
keyword = value
Each keyword and its associated value are separated by an '=' sign, and
optionally one or more spaces. The first keyword parameter in a record may
begin in any character position from 1 onwards. Parameters may extend up
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
to character position 71 of the record. Individual keyword parameters may not
be continued over more than one record.
An asterisk ('*') in character position 1 will indicate a comment record, which
will be ignored for parameter validation processing.
The following parameters may be specified:
This mandatory parameter is used to specify the subsystem identifier of
the DB2 subsystem to be used during execution of the utility. The
subsystem identifier ‘xxxx’ can be 1-4 characters in length.
This is an optional parameter which is used to specify the DB2 plan name
to be used during execution of the utility, where ‘xxxxxxxx’ is the 1-8
character identifier of the plan. If omitted, a default value of OTDBL140 is
information about DB2 Manager plan creation processing.
This is an optional parameter which is used to control the level of
reporting performed by the utility. If a value of SUMMARY is specified for
this parameter, the detailed processing report will be omitted. All other
print reports will be produced as normal. If the default value of DETAIL is
specified, all print reports (including the detailed processing report) will be
SQLIN entry specification
The SQLIN file is a fixed-block sequential dataset with a logical record length
of 80 bytes. It will contain one or more records containing a free-format SQL
SELECT command which will identify the DB2 table to be processed and the
key fields in the table. Character positions 1-71 will be used for this
description. Contents of character positions 72-80 in each record will be
ignored. A maximum of 15 records may be present in this file.
The SQL SELECT command should have the general format:
SELECT key1, key2, .. .., keyn FROM table_name
where ‘key1’, ‘key2’, …., ‘keyn’ are the names of the columns which are used
to establish a unique key for each row in the database, and ‘table_name’ is
the name of the DB2 table which is to be processed by the utility (ie. the
name of the table itself, not the view of the table created during product
installation processing)
The table analysis utility will cause this statement to be validated by DB2 for
correct SQL syntax. Any invalid specification will cause an SQL error to be
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
received by the utility, which will cause it to terminate with a condition code of
12. In these circumstances, the SQL statement should be corrected and the
job restarted.
Print reports
The table analysis utility will write a number of print reports to the SYSPRINT
dataset during execution. These consist of:
Parameter specification and validation report. This will contain a list
of execution parameters specified (or defaulted) in file SYSIN, and a
validation error report if errors are detected in parameter specification. It
will also specify the table identification statement coded in the SQLIN file.
Execution report. Any errors or warning conditions encountered during
execution of the utility will be identified in this report.
Summary processing report. At end of processing, the utility will write
the summary processing report which will identify the total number of
rows in the table, the number of un-migrated rows and the number of
migrated rows.
Detailed processing report. If PRINT=DETAIL is specified (or
defaulted) in the execution parameters, the utility will create an entry in
this report for each migrated row in the table. This entry will contain the
following information for each migrated row:
o Concatenated DB2 key of row
o Id of Archive Manager database containing migrated row
o Database storage level containing migrated row
o Key of Archive Manager object containing migrated row
o Archive date of Archive Manager object containing migrated row
o Start record number within Archive Manager object
o Record count
o Sequence number of tape containing start of object
o Sequence number of tape containing end of object
o Block id containing start of object
o An indicator (‘D’) which is set if a disk copy of the object exists in
the Archive Manager database
(C) StorageTek Corp.
Lifecycle Director
DB2 Manager V1.1
Table Analysis Utility
Processing report
DBid S Primary Archive
L Key Date
Count Seq
Start End
Block id
D DB2 Concatenated
ST01 0 000000A3 2003/03/06 00053 00001 00002 00002 02400150 D AC00001201002
ST01 0 000000A3 2003/03/06 00068 00001 00002 00002 02400150 D AC00002201002
ST01 0 000000A3 2003/03/06 00071 00001 00002 00002 02400150 D AC00003211002
ST01 0 000000A3 2003/03/06 00065 00001 00002 00002 02400150 D AC00006241002
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Figure 5: Detailed table analysis report
Condition codes
The table analysis utility will set a condition code on completion. This code
may take the following values:
0 - the utility has been executed successfully.
4 - a warning condition has been encountered during processing of the
utility. A warning message will have been written to the SYSPRINT
dataset. The utility has been executed successfully.
8 - an error condition has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the SYSPRINT
dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 - a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the SYSPRINT
dataset. Execution of the utility has been terminated.
Utility failure and restart considerations
If the table analysis utility fails to complete successfully (return code greater
than 8), consult the error report in the SYSPRINT dataset to identify the
cause of the problem. Refer to chapter 7 for a description of the message(s)
appearing in the error report.
After correcting the error, the utility may be rerun normally. The utility will
start analysis processing from the beginning of the table once again. No
special actions need to be taken prior to re-starting the failed table analysis
ꢀOTDBP170 - the database housekeeping utility
OTDBP170 is the DB2 Manager database housekeeping utility program.
The program is executed as a batch job in order to scan a DB2 table and
identify Archive Manager objects which no longer contain any active migrated
rows. These objects will be deleted from the Archive Manager database
used for storage of objects migrated from the DB2 table being processed by
the utility. Migrated rows are deleted from an Archive Manager object in
response to SQL UPDATE or DELETE commands issued by an application
program, or by selection for processing by the DB2 Manager row restore
The program will also “normalize” the storage of migrated rows in the DB2
table, if required, by ensuring that the stubs for migrated rows are only stored
in the archive partition of the tablespace used for storage of the table, and
that non-migrated rows are stored in one of the non-archive partitions of the
tablespace. Any inconsistencies with the storage of migrated and non-
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
migrated rows in the DB2 table will be resolved by the utility. This is required
to ensure that re-organization of non-archive partitions can occur without
reference to migrated rows in the Archive Manager database.
The table to be processed is identified by the customer via an SQL
command. Execution of the program is controlled via a series of parameters
in file SYSIN.
A print report is issued by the utility giving details of the execution
parameters, and detailed and/or summary information about objects which
have been deleted from Archive Manager. The detailed report will contain
one entry for each object which has been deleted from the Archive Manager
database. Each entry will contain the key of the Archive Manager object.
The DB2 Manager database housekeeping utility performs the following
It will process and validate a series of execution parameters from file
SYSIN, and a table identification parameter from file SQLIN which will
govern execution of the utility. The utility will then obtain information from
DB2 about the table to be analyzed.
It will sequentially scan the DB2 table identified in the SQLIN file, and for
each migrated row will record information about the Archive Manager
database object containing the migrated row. No access to the migrated
rows themselves is required during the procedure.
When all rows have been scanned, the utility will analyze the collected
information to identify objects in the Archive Manager database which no
longer contain any active migrated rows. It will issue a standard Archive
Manager object deletion request for each such object. An entry may
optionally be written to the detailed processing report for each deleted
At the end of processing, a report will be produced giving a summary
analysis of the rows in the DB2 table and the objects deleted from the
Archive Manager database.
JCL requirements
The following JCL may be used to execute the utility:
//STEPLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Archive.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
//OTASxxxx DD DSN=Archive.Manager.index.dataset,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Execution.parameter.file,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Table.identification.file,DISP=SHR
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DD entries should be specified as follows:
STEPLIB: Enter the names of the DB2 Manager and Archive Manager
product load libraries.
OTASxxxx: Enter the name of the primary index dataset of the Archive
Manager database used for storage of objects from the DB2
table being processed by the utility. ‘xxxx’ should be set to the
4-character value used to identify the Archive Manager
database in the DB2 Manager control region procedure (see
SYSPRINT: This entry is used for all print reports created during utility
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 byte records, and is used for specification of the
to specify parameter entries in this file.
This is a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing
fixed-length 80 bytes records, and is used for specification of
entry in this file.
SYSIN parameter specification
Parameters used to control execution of the utility are specified in file SYSIN.
This must be a sequential dataset or in-stream JCL file containing one or
more fixed-length 80-byte records, each record containing one or more
separate parameter entries. Each parameter entry must be completely
contained within one record (ie) continuation of any single parameter entry
from one record to another is not permitted. A single record may contain
multiple parameter entries, each being separated by one or more spaces,
and optionally a single comma (‘,’).
A parameter entry has the general format:
keyword = value
Each keyword and its associated value are separated by an '=' sign, and
optionally one or more spaces. The first keyword parameter in a record may
begin in any character position from 1 onwards. Parameters may extend up
to character position 71 of the record. Individual keyword parameters may not
be continued over more than one record.
An asterisk ('*') in character position 1 will indicate a comment record, which
will be ignored for parameter validation processing.
The following parameters may be specified:
DB2 Manager User Guide
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This mandatory parameter is used to specify the subsystem identifier of
the DB2 subsystem to be used during execution of the utility. The
subsystem identifier ‘xxxx’ can be 1-4 characters in length.
This is an optional parameter which is used to specify the DB2 plan name
to be used during execution of the utility, where ‘xxxxxxxx’ is the 1-8
character identifier of the plan. If omitted, a default value of OTDBL170 is
information about DB2 Manager plan creation processing.
This is an optional parameter which is used to control the level of
reporting performed by the utility. If a value of SUMMARY is specified for
this parameter, the detailed processing report will be omitted. All other
print reports will be produced as normal. If the default value of DETAIL is
specified, all print reports (including the detailed processing report) will be
SQLIN entry specification
The SQLIN file is a fixed-block sequential dataset with a logical record length
of 80 bytes. It will contain one or more records containing a free-format SQL
SELECT command which will identify the DB2 table to be processed and the
key fields in the table. Character positions 1-71 will be used for this
description. Contents of character positions 72-80 in each record will be
ignored. A maximum of 15 records may be present in this file.
The SQL SELECT command should have the general format:
SELECT key1, key2, .. .., keyn FROM table_name
where ‘key1’, ‘key2’, …., ‘keyn’ are the names of the columns which are used
to establish a unique key for each row in the database, and ‘table_name’ is
the name of the DB2 table which is to be processed by the utility (ie. the
name of the table itself, not the view of the table created during product
installation processing)
The database housekeeping utility will cause this statement to be validated
by DB2 for correct SQL syntax. Any invalid specification will cause an SQL
error to be received by the utility, which will cause it to terminate with a
condition code of 12. In these circumstances, the SQL statement should be
corrected and the job restarted.
Print reports
The database housekeeping utility will write a number of print reports to the
SYSPRINT dataset during execution. These consist of:
DB2 Manager User Guide
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Parameter specification and validation report. This will contain a list
of execution parameters specified (or defaulted) in file SYSIN, and a
validation error report if errors are detected in parameter specification. It
will also specify the table identification statement coded in the SQLIN file.
Execution report. Any errors or warning conditions encountered during
execution of the utility will be identified in this report.
Summary processing report. At end of processing, the utility will write
the summary processing report which will identify the total number of
rows in the table, the number of migrated rows, the number of rows
normalized during processing (ie. wrongly located migrated rows which
have been moved from a non-archive to the archive partition, and vice
versa), and number of Archive Manager objects deleted.
Detailed processing report. If PRINT=DETAIL is specified (or
defaulted) in the execution parameters, the utility will create an entry in
this report for each migrated row in the table. This entry will contain the
following information for each migrated row:
o Id of Archive Manager database containing deleted object
o Archive Manager database storage level containing deleted object
o Primary key of deleted object (4-byte hexadecimal value)
o Archive date of deleted object
o Archive Manager tape sequence number containing start of
deleted object
o Archive Manager tape sequence number containing end of
deleted object
o Identifier of tape block containing start of deleted object
(C) StorageTek Corp.
Lifecycle Director
DB2 Manager V1.1
Database Housekeeping Utility
Processing report
DBid S Primary Archive
L Key Date
Start End
Seq Seq
ST02 0 0000005C 2003/02/05 00001 00001 01400005
ST02 0 0000005D 2003/02/05 00001 00001 01400010
ST02 0 00000061 2003/02/12 00001 00001 014001A2
Figure 6: Detailed processing report
Condition codes
The database housekeeping utility will set a condition code on completion.
This code may take the following values:
0 - the utility has been executed successfully.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
4 -
a warning condition has been encountered during processing
of the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 -
an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 -
a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Utility failure and restart considerations
If the database housekeeping utility fails to complete successfully (return
code greater than 8), consult the error report in the SYSPRINT dataset to
identify the cause of the problem. Refer to chapter 7 for a description of the
message(s) appearing in the error report.
All deletes of Archive Manager objects completed up to the point of failure will
be committed in the Archive Manager database. All DB2 updates performed
for normalization of archive stub storage will be rolled back. DB2 updates are
only committed on successful completion of the utility.
After correcting the error, the utility may be rerun normally. The utility will
start housekeeping processing from the beginning of the table once again.
No special actions need to be taken prior to re-starting the failed database
housekeeping job.
Archive Manager database maintenance
Following successful completion of the DB2 Manager database
housekeeping utility, the Archive Manager database used for storage of
migrated rows from the processed DB2 table will contain one or more deleted
objects. In order to recover the index and tape and disk storage space
occupied by deleted objects, the Archive Manager database maintenance
procedure must be performed. Maintenance of an Archive Manager
database is performed by executing the following Archive Manager utilities:
OTASP040 – the object management utility. This will recover the
index entries for deleted objects and update tape residency statistics
to allow tape recycling to take place.
OTASP030 – the database maintenance utility. This will recycle data
from all tape volumes in one or more storage levels of an Archive
Manager database whose level of active objects falls below a user-
defined threshold.
Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a full description of this utility
and of its use in the Archive Manager database maintenance procedure.
Note carefully that automatic expiration of Archive Manager objects via this
DB2 Manager User Guide
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utility should not be permitted, by letting the data retention period default to
The database maintenance procedure should be performed at regular
intervals for each Archive Manager database used for storage of migrated
rows by DB2 Manager, in order to recover unused space from within the
database which has been freed due to object deletion. The frequency at
which the procedure needs to be performed will depend on the rate of object
deletion, and the level of requirement for reclaiming tapes from the database
in order to replenish scratch pools. The rate of object deletion, in turn, is
governed by the frequency of deletion of migrated rows, either through
explicit SQL DELETE request, SQL UPDATE requests, or restore of migrated
rows from Archive Manager to DB2 via the row restore utility OTDBP120.
Control of the tape recycling process for an Archive Manager database is via
the ‘recycle threshold’ entry set during the database definition process (see
executed for each DB2 table to be processed by DB2 Manager.
The recycle threshold specifies a numeric value in the range 00-99, which
represents a percentage of active objects for any volume in the database. A
tape volume becomes eligible for recycling by the Archive Manager database
maintenance utility if the level of active objects on that volume falls below this
threshold. If this entry is omitted during the database definition process, a
default value of ‘0’ is used; this indicates that no recycling is to be performed
on this database.
When a tape volume becomes eligible for recycling, the Archive Manager
database maintenance utility will write all active objects contained within it to
a new tape volume at the end of the database. The recycled volume will then
be released from the database and may be returned to the appropriate
scratch pool.
If the ‘autouncat during recycle’ entry has been set during the database
definition process, released volumes will be automatically uncataloged after
being released from the database. This facility may be used in conjunction
with an installed tape management system to automatically return
uncataloged volumes to the correct scratch pool.
The Archive Manager database maintenance utility processes a single
Archive Manager database for each execution. Any tape volume being used
by the database maintenance utility will be unavailable for allocation for row
migration or migrated row access processing. It is recommended therefore
that database maintenance for an Archive Manager database be scheduled
for execution when there is no row recall or migration activity for the DB2
table associated with that Archive Manager database. It is not necessary to
terminate the DB2 Manager control region while Archive Manager database
maintenance is being performed.
An Archive Manager database’s recycle threshold may be altered at any time,
via the supplied Archive Manager database administration dialogs. Note also
that where multiple storage levels are in use for an Archive Manager
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
database, a different recycle threshold may be supplied for each storage
As Archive Manager uses a discrete set of tape cartridge volumes and disk
datasets for each database, it is possible to perform the Archive Manager
database maintenance procedure on multiple DB2 Manager databases
concurrently. Each procedure will require a minimum of two tape cartridge
Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a complete description of the
Archive Manager object management and database maintenance utilities and
Archive Manager database housekeeping procedures.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
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DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Messages and Codes
DB2 Manager components communicate with the user through informational,
warning and error messages. All DB2 Manager messages begin with the characters
'OTD', followed by a 5-character numeric identifier. DB2 Manager messages may be
displayed on the system log or in an DB2 Manager print report.
DB2 Manager SQL interface processing (for storage, retrieval and deletion of
migrated rows) sets return and reason codes, using an SQL –652 error code, and a
two-byte reason code set in field SQLERRD(6) of the SQL Communication Area
This chapter documents all messages, categorized by DB2 Manager component,
and all SQL reason codes issued by DB2 Manager.
ꢀOTD100xx – table migration utility messages
Messages from the DB2 Manager table migration utility will be written to the SYSPRINT
dataset or the system log.
OTD10000 Row Migration Utility ended with completion code xx
Explanation: The DB2 Manager row migration utility has terminated. ‘xx’ gives the
job completion code. This can take the following values:
0 - the utility has been executed successfully.
4 - a warning condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 - an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 - a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Action: None. This is an informational message.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OPEN failed for xxxxxxxx dataset
Explanation: An attempt to open a non-VSAM dataset has failed. ‘xxxxxxxx’
identifies the filename assigned by the program to the dataset.
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Consult other available system messages for further information on
the cause of the open failure. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-run the utility.
The operand for keyword xxxxxxxx in exec parameters is too long
Explanation: The operand specified for the SYSIN parameter keyword ‘xxxxxxxx’
identified in the message is longer than the maximum value permitted.
The character string ‘xxxxxxxx’ can take one of the following values:
NEWTAPE, LCDDBID. Execution of the utility will terminate with
condition code 12.
row migration utility. Correct the parameter error and re-submit the
Mandatory exec parameters have not been specified
Explanation: One or more mandatory parameters have not been specified in the
SYSIN parameters used to control utility execution. Execution of the
utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
migration utility. Identify the missing mandatory parameter and re-
submit the job.
Invalid or duplicate exec | SQLIN parameter. Please refer to the User
Manual for valid specifications
Explanation: A SYSIN execution parameter or SQLIN parameter entry is invalid or
has been specified more than once. Execution of the utility is
terminated with condition code 12.
entries. Correct the error and re-submit the job.
Load failed for program DSNALI | DSNHLI2.
Explanation: An attempt to dynamically load the identified program has failed.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: This message indicates that DB2 run-time modules were unavailable
at time of execution. Ensure that the DB2 run-time load library is
available to the executing job, and re-submit the job.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DB2 CAF error occurred during CONNECT |OPEN |CLOSE |
DISCONNECT processing. Return Code = xxx, Reason Code =
Explanation: A DB2 Call Attachment Facility error has occurred attempting to
perform the type of processing identified in the message. ‘xxx’ gives
the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the hexadecimal reason code returned
by the Call Attachment Facility. Execution of the utility is terminated
with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide for a
description of CAF error and reason codes. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-start the utility.
The LCDDBID specified in the exec parameters is not consistent
with the DB2 table name specified in the SQLIN statements
Explanation: The Archive Manager database identifier specified in the SYSIN
execution parameters does not match that used previously for
migration of rows from the DB2 table specified in the SQLIN file.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the correct values have been specified for the LCDDBID
parameter in the SYSIN parameters, and the table name specified in
the SQLIN file. Correct the invalid entry and re-submit the job.
If no error can be found in the parameter specifications, check the row
entry in the LCDDB2.REGISTRY table for the table specified in the
SYSIN parameters. The LCDDBID column in this row contains the
Archive Manager database identifier associated with this table. The
DB2 Manager row migration utility may only be executed if this
combination of DB2 table and Archive Manager database identifier is
specified in the parameters used to execute the utility. Ensure that
the parameters supplied to the utility are consistent with the entry in
the LCDDB2.REGISTRY table.
DB2 Table contains Large Objects (LOBs) or 'distinct types'
Explanation: The DB2 table specified in the SQLIN file cannot be processed,
because it contains large objects (LOBs) or ‘distinct types’. Tables
containing these entities are not eligible for migration using DB2
Manager. Execution of the utility is terminated with a condition code
Action: Check that the correct DB2 table name has been specified in the
SQLIN file. If not, correct the entry and re-submit the job.
Key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was not found in DB2 table
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: The column name identified in the message has been specified as a
key field in the SQLIN file, but the column does not exist in the DB2
table. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the names of the columns which uniquely index each row
in the table have been specified correctly in the SQLIN file, and re-
submit the job.
SQL Error during execution of xxxxxxxx command SQLCODE = xxxx
Explanation: An error has been received executing the SQL command identified in
the message. Processing of the utility is terminated with a condition
code 12. All DB2 and Archive Manager updates performed by the
utility will be rolled-back to the last commit point. The following SQL
commands may appear in this message: DESCRIBE, PREPARE,
message will be followed by a line containing parameters from the
appropriate SQL error message.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Messages and Codes manual for a description of
the SQL error code displayed in the message. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-submit the job, with SYSIN parameter
“RESTART=YES” specified.
Return code X'xx’ retrieving Name/Token pair
Explanation: An error has occurred retrieving an OS/390 name/token pair. ‘xx’
gives the hexadecimal reason code received from the retrieve
request. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the IEANTRT callable service for a
description of the error code. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-submit the job. If no obvious cause for the error can be
identified, contact your local STK support representative.
Error locating ODCT
Explanation: The utility has been unable to locate the DB2 Manager control region
communications table (ODCT) in ECSA storage. Execution of the
utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: To resolve this error, terminate and re-start the DB2 Manager control
region, then re-submit the job. If the error persists, contact your local
STK support representative.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Return code ‘xx’ received during execution of TCBTOKEN |
LOCASCB | ENQ macro.
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to execute the system macro
identified in the message. ‘xx’ is the return code received from the
macro call. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code
Action: Consult IBM system macro documentation for a description of the
error. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If
no obvious cause for the error can be determined, contact your local
STK support representative.
Error X'xxxx’ Info X'yyyy’ dynamically allocating DDname OTDBS100
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to dynamically allocate
temporary file OTDBS100. ‘xxxx’ and ‘yyyy’ give the hexadecimal
error and information codes returned from the dynamic allocation
request. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on dynamic allocation (SVC99)
processing for a description of the error and information codes
displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action and
re-submit the job. If no obvious cause for the error can be
determined, contact your local STK support representative.
The control region is not active
Explanation: An attempt has been made to run the row migration utility while the
DB2 Manager is not started. Execution of the utility cannot continue.
Action: Ensure that the DB2 Manager control region is started before
attempting to run the utility.
Normal run requested but restart run required
Explanation: RESTART=NO has been specified or defaulted in the SYSIN
execution parameters specified for the jobstep, but the previous
attempt to migrate rows to the Archive Manager database specified in
the LCDDBID execution parameter failed. Execution of the utility is
terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the LCDDBID execution parameter has been specified
correctly. If it has, RESTART=YES must be specified in the SYSIN
parameters. Correct the SYSIN parameters as required, and re-
submit the job.
Unable to obtain ODRE request element
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: The utility has been unable to obtain an DB2 Manager control region
request element from ECSA storage, in order to pass a request to the
control region. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition
code 12.
Action: This can occur if more than 1024 concurrent migrated row storage
and retrieval requests are active in the system. If this is the case, re-
schedule the row migration job to avoid reaching this limit. If this is
not the case, try stopping and re-starting the DB2 Manager control
region, and re-submitting the job. If the problem still persists, contact
your local STK support representative.
Timeout error occurred when acquiring the scheduler lock
Explanation: The utility has been unable to obtain exclusive access to the control
region scheduler lock within a time interval of 1 minute. Execution of
the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: This condition may occur if the DB2 Manager control region is
exceptionally busy. If this is the case, re-schedule the row migration
job at a less busy time. If this is not the case, examine the control
region job log for exceptional messages which may give more
information about the abnormal condition. Contact your local STK
support representative if the problem cannot be resolved.
Timeout error occurred while waiting on response from the control
Explanation: The utility has passed a request to the control region, but a response
was not received within the timeout limit specified in the
READTIMEOUT parameter in the ENVCNTL parameter library
member. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Examine the job log for the DB2 Manager control region to determine
if any abnormal condition has occurred which prevented the control
region from responding to the request. If no obvious reason for the
timeout can be identified, contact your local STK support
Return code xx, supp codes X'yyyyyyyy’ received during database
OPEN | COMMIT | CLOSE processing.
Explanation: An error has been received from an Archive Manager open, commit or
close request. ‘xx’ gives the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the
hexadecimal supplementary reason codes received from Archive
Manager. Execution of the utility has been terminated with condition
code 12.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a description of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If no obvious
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
reason for the error can be identified, contact your local STK support
Insufficient storage for workareas
Explanation: An attempt by the utility to allocated virtual storage has failed
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Increase the region size specified for execution of the utility and re-
submit the job.
Table migration utility terminating in response to operator request
Explanation: This message is displayed on the system console to acknowledge
receipt of an operator STOP command by the utility. Execution of the
utility will terminate with condition code 4.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Execution terminated in response to operator request
Explanation: This message is displayed at jobstep completion when execution of
the utility has been terminated via an operator STOP command.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Non-index fields specified in SELECT statement in SQLIN file
Explanation: One or more of the columns specified for retrieval in the SELECT
statement in the SQLIN file do not appear in the unique table index.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: The columns specified in the SELECT statement must uniquely index
specification). Correct the SQLIN entry and re-submit the job.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
ꢀOTD120xx – row restore utility messages
Messages from the DB2 Manager row restore utility will be written to the SYSPRINT
OTD12000 Row Restore Utility ended with completion code xx
Explanation: The DB2 Manager row restore utility has terminated. ‘xx’ gives the job
completion code. This can take the following values:
0 - the utility has been executed successfully.
4 - a warning condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 - an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 - a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OPEN failed for xxxxxxxx dataset
Explanation: An attempt to open a non-VSAM dataset has failed. ‘xxxxxxxx’
identifies the filename assigned by the program to the dataset.
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Consult other available system messages for further information on
the cause of the open failure. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-run the utility.
The operand for keyword xxxxxxxx in exec parameters is too long
Explanation: The operand specified for the SYSIN parameter keyword ‘xxxxxxxx’
identified in the message is longer than the maximum value permitted.
The character string ‘xxxxxxxx’ can take one of the following values:
S120UNIT. Execution of the utility will terminate with condition code
row restore utility. Correct the parameter error and re-submit the job.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was not found in DB2 table
Explanation: The column name identified in the message has been specified as a
key field in the SQLIN file, but the column does not exist in the DB2
table. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the names of the columns which uniquely index each row
in the table have been specified correctly in the SQLIN file, and re-
submit the job.
Mandatory exec parameters have not been specified
Explanation: One or more mandatory parameters have not been specified in the
SYSIN execution parameters. Execution of the utility will be
terminated with condition code 12.
for the row restore utility. Identify the missing mandatory parameter
and re-submit the job.
Invalid or duplicate exec | SQLIN parameter. Please refer to the User
Manual for valid specifications
Explanation: A SYSIN parameter, or SQLIN parameter entry is invalid or has been
specified more than once. Execution of the utility is terminated with
condition code 12.
parameter entries. Correct the error and re-submit the job.
Insufficient storage for workareas
Explanation: An attempt by the utility to allocated virtual storage has failed
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Increase the region size specified for execution of the utility and re-
submit the job.
Load failed for program DSNALI | DSNHLI2
Explanation: An attempt to dynamically load the identified program has failed.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: This message indicates that DB2 run-time modules were unavailable
at time of execution. Ensure that the DB2 run-time load library is
available to the executing job, and re-submit the job.
Return code ‘xx’ received during execution of TCBTOKEN | ENQ
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to execute the system macro
identified in the message. ‘xx’ is the return code received from the
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
macro call. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code
Action: Consult IBM system macro documentation for a description of the
error. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If
no obvious cause for the error can be determined, contact your local
STK support representative.
DB2 CAF error occurred during CONNECT | OPEN | CLOSE |
DISCONNECT processing. Return Code = xxx, Reason Code =
Explanation: A DB2 Call Attachment Facility error has occurred attempting to
perform the type of processing identified in the message. ‘xxx’ gives
the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the hexadecimal reason code returned
by the Call Attachment Facility. Execution of the utility is terminated
with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide for a
description of CAF error and reason codes. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-start the utility.
SQL Error during execution of xxxxxxxx command SQLCODE = xxxx
Explanation: An error has been received executing the SQL command identified in
the message. Processing of the utility is terminated with a condition
code 12. All DB2 and Archive Manager updates performed by the
utility will be rolled-back to the last commit point. The following SQL
commands may appear in this message: DESCRIBE, PREPARE,
message will be followed by a line containing parameters from the
appropriate SQL error message.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Messages and Codes manual for a description of
the SQL error code displayed in the message. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-submit the job. No other special actions are
DB2 Table contains Large Objects (LOBs) or 'distinct types’
Explanation: The DB2 table specified in the SQLIN file cannot be processed,
because it contains large objects (LOBs) or ‘distinct types’. Tables
containing these entities are not eligible for migration using DB2
Manager. Execution of the utility is terminated with a condition code
Action: Check that the correct DB2 table name has been specified in the
SQLIN file. If not, correct the entry and re-submit the job.
Retrieval using the specified KEY fields cannot be made via
INDEXONLY processing
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: Identification of objects to be restored from Archive Manager to DB2
cannot be performed via index-only processing, and a SQLIN
parameter of INDEXONLY=Y has been specified (or defaulted).
Execution of the utility cannot continue, and is terminated with a
condition code 12.
Action: Refer to a description of the INDEXONLY execution parameter on
processing by the row restore utility. If necessary, change the setting
of the INDEXONLY parameter and re-submit the job.
Error X'xxxx’ Info X'yyyy’ dynamically allocating file SORTIN |
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to dynamically allocate the
temporary SORTIN or SORTOUT file used by the utility for internal
sort requirements. ‘xxxx’ and ‘yyyy’ give the hexadecimal error and
information codes returned from the dynamic allocation request.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on dynamic allocation (SVC99)
processing for a description of the error and information codes
displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action and
re-submit the job. If no obvious cause for the error can be
determined, contact your local STK support representative.
Return Code xx, Supp codes X'yyyyyyyy' received during OPEN |
QUERY | CLOSE processing for Archive Manager database zzzz
Explanation: An error has been received from an Archive Manager open, query or
close request. ‘xx’ gives the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the
hexadecimal supplementary reason codes received from Archive
Manager. Execution of the utility has been terminated with condition
code 12.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a description of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If no obvious
reason for the error can be identified, contact your local STK support
Condition Code xx returned from internal sort - examine SYSOUT
dataset for further information
Explanation: A non-zero condition code of ‘xx’ has been returned from an internal
sort request issued by the utility. Processing of the utility is
terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to documentation for the sort product in use on the system on
which the job was executing, for a description of the condition code
displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
and re-submit the job. If no obvious reason for the error can be
identified, contact your local STK support representative.
ꢀOTD130xx – pre-fetch utility messages
Messages from the DB2 Manager pre-fetch utility will be written to the SYSPRINT
OTD13000 Batch Pre-fetch Utility ended with completion code xx
Explanation: The DB2 Manager pre-fetch utility has terminated. ‘xx’ gives the job
completion code. This can take the following values:
0 - the utility has been executed successfully.
4 - a warning condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 - an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 - a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OPEN failed for xxxxxxxx dataset
Explanation: An attempt to open a non-VSAM dataset has failed. ‘xxxxxxxx’
identifies the filename assigned by the program to the dataset.
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Consult other available system messages for further information on
the cause of the open failure. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-run the utility.
The operand for keyword xxxxxxxx in exec parameters is too long
Explanation: The operand specified for the SYSIN parameter keyword ‘xxxxxxxx’
identified in the message is longer than the maximum value permitted.
The character string ‘xxxxxxxx’ can take one of the following values:
utility will terminate with condition code 12.
the row restore utility. Correct the parameter error and re-submit the
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was not found in DB2 table
Explanation: The column name identified in the message has been specified as a
key field in the SQLIN file, but the column does not exist in the DB2
table. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the names of the columns which uniquely index each row
in the table have been specified correctly in the SQLIN file, and re-
submit the job.
Mandatory exec parameters have not been specified
Explanation: One or more mandatory parameters have not been specified in the
SYSIN execution parameters. Execution of the utility will be
terminated with condition code 12.
parameters for the row restore utility. Identify the missing mandatory
parameter and re-submit the job.
Invalid or duplicate exec | SQLIN parameter. Please refer to the User
Manual for valid specifications
Explanation: A SYSIN parameter, or SQLIN parameter entry is invalid or has been
specified more than once. Execution of the utility is terminated with
condition code 12.
SQLIN parameter entries. Correct the error and re-submit the job.
Insufficient storage for workareas
Explanation: An attempt by the utility to allocated virtual storage has failed
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Increase the region size specified for execution of the utility and re-
submit the job.
Load failed for program DSNALI | DSNHLI2
Explanation: An attempt to dynamically load the identified program has failed.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: This message indicates that DB2 run-time modules were unavailable
at time of execution. Ensure that the DB2 run-time load library is
available to the executing job, and re-submit the job.
Return code ‘xx’ received during execution of TCBTOKEN | ENQ
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to execute the system macro
identified in the message. ‘xx’ is the return code received from the
macro call. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code
Action: Consult IBM system macro documentation for a description of the
error. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If
no obvious cause for the error can be determined, contact your local
STK support representative.
DB2 CAF error occurred during CONNECT | OPEN | CLOSE |
DISCONNECT processing. Return Code = xxx, Reason Code =
Explanation: A DB2 Call Attachment Facility error has occurred attempting to
perform the type of processing identified in the message. ‘xxx’ gives
the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the hexadecimal reason code returned
by the Call Attachment Facility. Execution of the utility is terminated
with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide for a
description of CAF error and reason codes. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-start the utility.
SQL Error during execution of xxxxxxxx command SQLCODE = xxxx
Explanation: An error has been received executing the SQL command identified in
the message. Processing of the utility is terminated with a condition
code 12. The following SQL commands may appear in this message:
CLOSE, COMMIT. The message will be followed by a line containing
parameters from the appropriate SQL error message.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Messages and Codes manual for a description of
the SQL error code displayed in the message. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-submit the job. No other special actions are
DB2 Table contains Large Objects (LOBs) or 'distinct types’
Explanation: The DB2 table specified in the SQLIN file cannot be processed,
because it contains large objects (LOBs) or ‘distinct types’. Tables
containing these entities are not eligible for migration using DB2
Manager. Execution of the utility is terminated with a condition code
Action: Check that the correct DB2 table name has been specified in the
SQLIN file. If not, correct the entry and re-submit the job.
Retrieval using the specified KEY fields cannot be made via
INDEXONLY processing
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: Identification of objects to be pre-fetch by Archive Manager cannot be
performed via index-only processing, and a SQLIN parameter of
INDEXONLY=Y has been specified (or defaulted). Execution of the
utility cannot continue, and is terminated with a condition code 12.
Action: Refer to a description of the INDEXONLY execution parameter on
processing by the row restore utility. If necessary, change the setting
of the INDEXONLY parameter and re-submit the job.
Archive Manager is not at the correct level
Explanation: Archive Manager v2.6 or higher must be installed in order to be able
to perform pre-fetch processing using the DB2 Manager pre-fetch
utility. The version of Archive Manager used during execution of the
utility is not at the correct level.
Action: Ensure that the correct Archive Manager load library has been
specified in the STEPLIB, JOBLIB or linklist library concatenations,
and rerun the job.
Return Code xx, Supp codes X'yyyyyyyy' received during OPEN |
CLOSE processing for Archive Manager database zzzz
Explanation: An error has been received from an Archive Manager open or close
request. ‘xx’ gives the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the hexadecimal
supplementary reason codes received from Archive Manager.
Execution of the utility has been terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a description of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If no obvious
reason for the error can be identified, contact your local STK support
ꢀOTD140xx – table analysis utility messages
Messages from the DB2 Manager table analysis utility will be written to the SYSPRINT
OTD14000 Table Analysis Utility ended with completion code xx
Explanation: The DB2 Manager table analysis utility has terminated. ‘xx’ gives the
job completion code. This can take the following values:
0 - the utility has been executed successfully.
4 - a warning condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 - an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 - a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OPEN failed for SYSIN|SQLIN dataset
Explanation: An attempt to open the SYSIN or SQLIN file has failed. Execution of
the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Consult other available system messages for further information on
the cause of the open failure. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-run the utility.
The operand for keyword XXXXXXXX in exec parameters is too long
Explanation: The operand specified for the SYSIN parameter keyword ‘xxxxxxxx’
identified in the message is longer than the maximum value permitted.
The character string ‘xxxxxxxx’ can take one of the following values:
PRINT, DB2SSID, PLAN. Execution of the utility will terminate with
condition code 12.
the table analysis utility. Correct the parameter error and re-submit
the job.
Key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was not found in DB2 table
Explanation: The column name identified in the message has been specified as a
key field in the SQLIN file, but the column does not exist in the DB2
table. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the names of the columns which uniquely index each row
in the table have been specified correctly in the SQLIN file, and re-
submit the job.
Mandatory exec parameters have not been specified
Explanation: One or more mandatory parameters have not been specified in the
SYSIN parameter file. Execution of the utility will be terminated with
condition code 12.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
parameter formats for the table analysis utility. Correct the parameter
error and re-submit the job.
Invalid or duplicate exec | SQLIN parameter. Please refer to the DB2
Manager User Manual for valid specifications
Explanation: A SYSIN parameter, or SQLIN parameter entry is invalid or has been
specified more than once. Execution of the utility is terminated with
condition code 12.
SQLIN parameter entries. Correct the error and re-submit the job.
Insufficient storage for workareas
Explanation: An attempt by the utility to allocated virtual storage has failed
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Increase the region size specified for execution of the utility and re-
submit the job.
Load failed for program DSNALI | DSNHLI2
Explanation: An attempt to dynamically load the identified program has failed.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: This message indicates that DB2 run-time modules were unavailable
at time of execution. Ensure that the DB2 run-time load library is
available to the executing job, and re-submit the job.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Return code ‘xx’ received during execution of TCBTOKEN | ENQ
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to execute the system macro
identified in the message. ‘xx’ is the return code received from the
macro call. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code
Action: Consult IBM system macro documentation for a description of the
error. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If
no obvious cause for the error can be determined, contact your local
STK support representative.
DB2 CAF error occurred during CONNECT | OPEN | CLOSE |
DISCONNECT processing. Return Code = xxx, Reason Code =
Explanation: A DB2 Call Attachment Facility error has occurred attempting to
perform the type of processing identified in the message. ‘xxx’ gives
the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the hexadecimal reason code returned
by the Call Attachment Facility. Execution of the utility is terminated
with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide for a
description of CAF error and reason codes. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-start the utility.
SQL Error during execution of xxxxxxxx command SQLCODE = xxxx
Explanation: An error has been received executing the SQL command identified in
the message. Processing of the utility is terminated with a condition
code 12. All DB2 and Archive Manager updates performed by the
utility will be rolled-back to the last commit point. The following SQL
commands may appear in this message: DESCRIBE, PREPARE,
The message will be followed by a line containing parameters from
the appropriate SQL error message.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Messages and Codes manual for a description of
the SQL error code displayed in the message. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-submit the job. No other special actions are
DB2 Table contains Large Objects (LOBs) or 'distinct types’
Explanation: The DB2 table specified in the SQLIN file cannot be processed,
because it contains large objects (LOBs) or ‘distinct types’. Tables
containing these entities are not eligible for migration using DB2
Manager. Execution of the utility is terminated with a condition code
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Action: Check that the correct DB2 table name has been specified in the
SQLIN file. If not, correct the entry and re-submit the job.
All columns in the DB2 table have been specified as KEY fields
Explanation: There are no non-indexed columns in the table being analyzed. The
utility requires that there be at least one non-index column in the
table. Processing of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the correct table name has been specified in the SQLIN
statement. If it has, and the table contains no non-index columns,
then the utility cannot be executed against this table.
Retrieval using the specified KEY fields cannot be made via
INDEXONLY processing
Explanation: Scanning of the table using the key fields specified in the SELECT
statement in the SQLIN file cannot be performed via index-only
processing. Execution of the utility cannot continue, and is
terminated with a condition code 12.
Action: Modify the SELECT statement in the SQLIN file to ensure that the
specified columns are those used to uniquely index a row in the table,
and re-submit the job.
Return Code xx, Supp codes X'yyyyyyyy' received during OPEN |
QUERY | CLOSE processing for Archive Manager database zzzz
Explanation: An error has been received from an Archive Manager open, query or
close request. ‘xx’ gives the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the
hexadecimal supplementary reason codes received from Archive
Manager. Execution of the utility has been terminated with condition
code 12.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a description of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If no obvious
reason for the error can be identified, contact your local STK support
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
ꢀOTD170xx – database housekeeping utility
Messages from the DB2 Manager database housekeeping utility will be written to the
Database Housekeeping Utility ended with completion code xx
Explanation: The DB2 Manager database housekeeping utility has terminated. ‘xx’
gives the job completion code. This can take the following values:
0 - the utility has been executed successfully.
4 - a warning condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. A warning message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. The utility has been executed
8 - an error condition has been encountered during processing of
the utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has continued.
12 - a serious error has been encountered during processing of the
utility. An error message will have been written to the
SYSPRINT dataset. Execution of the utility has been
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OPEN failed for SYSIN|SQLIN dataset
Explanation: An attempt to open the SYSIN or SQLIN file has failed. Execution of
the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Consult other available system messages for further information on
the cause of the open failure. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-run the utility.
The operand for keyword xxxxxxxx in exec parameters is too long
Explanation: The operand specified for the SYSIN parameter keyword ‘xxxxxxxx’
identified in the message is longer than the maximum value permitted.
The character string ‘xxxxxxxx’ can take one of the following values:
PRINT, DB2SSID, PLAN. Execution of the utility will terminate with
condition code 12.
parameter formats for the database housekeeping utility. Correct the
parameter error and re-submit the job.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was not found in DB2 table
Explanation: The column name identified in the message has been specified as a
key field in the SQLIN file, but the column does not exist in the DB2
table. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Check that the names of the columns which uniquely index each row
in the table have been specified correctly in the SQLIN file, and re-
submit the job.
Mandatory exec parameters have not been specified
Explanation: One or more mandatory parameters have not been specified in the
SYSIN parameter file. Execution of the utility will be terminated with
condition code 12.
parameter formats for the database housekeeping utility. Correct the
parameter error and re-submit the job.
Invalid or duplicate exec | SQLIN parameter. Please refer to the DB2
Manager User Manual for valid specifications
Explanation: A SYSIN parameter, or SQLIN parameter entry is invalid or has been
specified more than once. Execution of the utility is terminated with
condition code 12.
SQLIN parameter entries. Correct the error and re-submit the job.
Insufficient storage for workareas
Explanation: An attempt by the utility to allocated virtual storage has failed
Execution of the utility will be terminated with condition code 12.
Action: Increase the region size specified for execution of the utility and re-
submit the job.
Load failed for program DSNALI | DSNHLI2
Explanation: An attempt to dynamically load the identified program has failed.
Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code 12.
Action: This message indicates that DB2 run-time modules were unavailable
at time of execution. Ensure that the DB2 run-time load library is
available to the executing job, and re-submit the job.
Return code ‘xx’ received during execution of TCBTOKEN | ENQ
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to execute the system macro
identified in the message. ‘xx’ is the return code received from the
macro call. Execution of the utility is terminated with condition code
Action: Consult IBM system macro documentation for a description of the
error. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If
no obvious cause for the error can be determined, contact your local
STK support representative.
DB2 CAF error occurred during CONNECT | OPEN | CLOSE |
DISCONNECT processing. Return Code = xxx, Reason Code =
Explanation: A DB2 Call Attachment Facility error has occurred attempting to
perform the type of processing identified in the message. ‘xxx’ gives
the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the hexadecimal reason code returned
by the Call Attachment Facility. Execution of the utility is terminated
with condition code 12.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide for a
description of CAF error and reason codes. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-start the utility.
SQL Error during execution of xxxxxxxx command SQLCODE = xxxx
Explanation: An error has been received executing the SQL command identified in
the message. Processing of the utility is terminated with a condition
code 12. All DB2 and Archive Manager updates performed by the
utility will be rolled-back to the last commit point. The following SQL
commands may appear in this message: DESCRIBE, PREPARE,
will be followed by a line containing parameters from the appropriate
SQL error message.
Action: Refer to the DB2 Messages and Codes manual for a description of
the SQL error code displayed in the message. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-submit the job. No other special actions are
DB2 Table contains Large Objects (LOBs) or 'distinct types’
Explanation: The DB2 table specified in the SQLIN file cannot be processed,
because it contains large objects (LOBs) or ‘distinct types’. Tables
containing these entities are not eligible for migration using DB2
Manager. Execution of the utility is terminated with a condition code
Action: Check that the correct DB2 table name has been specified in the
SQLIN file. If not, correct the entry and re-submit the job.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Retrieval using the specified KEY fields cannot be made via
INDEXONLY processing
Explanation: Scanning of the table using the key fields specified in the SELECT
statement in the SQLIN file cannot be performed via index-only
processing. Execution of the utility cannot continue, and is
terminated with a condition code 12.
Action: Modify the SELECT statement in the SQLIN file to ensure that the
specified columns are those used to uniquely index a row in the table,
and re-submit the job.
Return Code xx, Supp codes X'yyyyyyyy' received during OPEN |
QUERY | DELETE | CLOSE processing for Archive Manager
database zzzz
Explanation: An error has been received from an Archive Manager open, query,
delete or close request. ‘xx’ gives the return code and ‘yyyyyyyy’ the
hexadecimal supplementary reason codes received from Archive
Manager. Execution of the utility has been terminated with condition
code 12.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for a description of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-submit the job. If no obvious
reason for the error can be identified, contact your local STK support
ꢀOTD200xx – control region master processor
Messages from the DB2 Manager control region master processor are written to the
system log.
OTD20000 Enter request:
Explanation: This is the operator reply message displayed by the control region
after successful initialization.
Action: All DB2 Manager operator commands are entered as responses to
this message. After processing a command, the control region will
redisplay this message.
Error opening parameter file SYSPARM
Explanation: An error has occurred opening the DB2 Manager parameter library
during initialization processing. Initialization is terminated.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Action: Examine other system messages for more information on the open
error. Take the appropriate corrective action and restart the control
Error X'xxxx' locating member ENVCNTL | TAPECNTL on SYSPARM
Explanation: Hexadecimal error code 'xxxx' has been received attempting to locate
the ENVCNTL or TAPECNTL member on the DB2 Manager
parameter library. Control region initialization processing is aborted.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation of the LOCATE macro for a description of
the error code. Take the appropriate corrective action and restart the
control region.
ENVCNTL | TAPECNTL member not found in parameter file
Explanation: The member identified in the message was not present on the DB2
Manager parameter library during control region initialization.
Processing is aborted.
Action: Add the missing member to the Archive Manager/OAM parameter
library. Refer to chapter 3 for a description of parameter library setup.
Explanation: This message is used to display a record from an DB2 Manager
parameter library member which contains an invalid parameter, and a
message explaining the nature of the error.
Two OTD20004 messages are used to display the record - the first
message displays characters 1-40 of the record, and the second
message displays characters 41-80.
ENVCNTL | TAPECNTL parameters being processed
Explanation: The DB2 Manager parameter library member identified in the
message is about to be processed during control region initialization.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
ENVCNTL | TAPECNTL parameter validation errors
Explanation: Errors were detected during validation of parameters in the ENVCNTL
or TAPECNTL member of the Archive Manager/OAM parameter
library during control region initialization processing. The control
region has been terminated.
Action: Refer to the prior OTD20004 messages for details of the individual
parameter validation errors. Correct the invalid parameters and
restart the control region.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
ENVCNTL | TAPECNTL parameters successfully processed
Explanation: Validation of parameters in the ENVCNTL or TAPECNTL member of
the DB2 Manager parameter library has completed successfully.
Control region initialization processing continues.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
ODCT GETMAIN failure x'xxxx'
Explanation: A request for virtual storage in subpool 241 of the MVS ECSA has
been denied by the operating system with return code 'xx'.
Initialization of the control region is aborted.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the GETMAIN macro for an
explanation of the return code. Take the appropriate corrective action
and restart the control region.
Communications table initialized
Explanation: The DB2 Manager communications table has been successfully
initialized during control region initialization. Processing continues.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Error X'xx' during initialization of task tnnn
Explanation: Error code 'xx' was returned by a sub-task during Archive
Manager/OAM initialization processing. Control region initialization
has been aborted. ‘t’ identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader;
‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’ – scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer)
and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-task number.
Action: Consult other messages displayed during control region initialization
for a description of the sub-task error. Take the action specified for
the error message, and restart the control region.
If the cause of the error is not apparent from any displayed message,
contact your DB2 Manager product support representative.
Timeout error during initialization of task tnnn
Explanation: A control region sub-task has not responded with one minute during
initialization processing. Initialization of the control region has been
aborted. ‘t’ identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ –
housekeeping; ‘S’ – scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and
‘nnn’ gives the sub-task number.
Action: Consult other messages displayed during control region initialization
for possible information as to why the sub-task is not responding.
Take the action specified for the error message, and restart the
control region.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
If no other abnormal message is present, or the cause of the error is
not apparent from any displayed message, contact your DB2 Manager
product support representative.
Return code X'xx' retrieving | creating | deleting Name/Token pair
Explanation: An error has occurred retrieving, creating or deleting an OS/390
name/token pair. ‘xx’ gives the hexadecimal reason code received
from the retrieve request. Execution of the utility is terminated with
condition code 12.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the IEANTRT callable service (for
retrieval errors), the IEANTCR callable service (for creation errors) or
the IEANTDL callable service (for deletion errors) for a description of
the error code. Take the appropriate corrective action and re-submit
the job. If no obvious cause for the error can be identified, contact
your local STK support representative.
GETMAIN failure X'xx' allocating task tnnn
Explanation: A request for virtual storage in the private area of the control region
during sub-task creation has been denied by the operating system
with return code 'xx'. Initialization of the control region is aborted. ‘t’
identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’
– scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-
task number.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the GETMAIN macro for an
explanation of the return code. Take the appropriate corrective action
and restart the control region.
Error X'xx' received attaching task tnnn
Explanation: Hexadecimal error code 'xx' was received from the ATTACH macro
that was used to initiate a sub-task during DB2 Manager control
region initialization processing. The control region is terminated. ‘t’
identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’
– scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-
task number.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the ATTACH macro for a description
of the error code. Take the appropriate corrective action and restart
the control region.
If no apparent cause for the failure can be identified, contact your DB2
Manager product support representative.
nnn Scheduler | Tape reader | Disk reader | Tape writer |
Housekeeping tasks initialized successfully
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: All sub-tasks of the type identified in the message have been
successfully initialized during start-up of the DB2 Manager control
region. ‘nnn’ gives the number of sub-tasks initialized.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
OTDBP300 is not in Link Pack Area
Explanation: The DB2 Manager row edit routine OTDBP300 was not found in the
FLPA or MLPA during control region initialization processing. The
control region is terminated.
Action: Ensure that module OTDBP300 is installed in the FLPA or MLPA
Intercept successfully established
Explanation: The Archive Manager /DB2 row edit routine OTDBP300 has been
located in the FLPA or MLPA, and has been successfully initialized.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
ENQueue Error: Major: mmmmmmmm Minor: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Return code=X'xx'
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to enqueue on the resource
whose major and minor names are identified in the message. ‘xx’ is
the return code received from the ENQ macro.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on ENQ macro processing for a
description of the return code. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-start the control region. If no apparent cause for the error can
be detected, contact your DB2 Manager product support
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Error locating DB2 Manager ASCB | Jobname
Explanation: An error has been detected attempting to locate the ASCB for the
DB2 Manager control region, or retrieving the started task name
assigned to the control region.
Action: This indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing. Report
the error to your local DB2 Manager product support representative.
Lifecycle Director V1.1 initialization starting
Explanation: This message is displayed at start of control region initialization
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Initialization completed successfully
Explanation: All control region initialization processing has been performed
Action: None. This is an informational message. If COMMAND=REPLY has
been specified in the DB2 Manager parameter library member
TAPECNTL, it will be followed by message OTM20000.
Error xx Reason xxxxxxxx received during authorization code
Explanation: An internal error has occurred during authorization code checking.
Control region initialization processing is aborted.
Action: This is an internal error. Report the problem to your DB2 Manager
product support representative.
Control region already initialized - job terminating
Explanation: An attempt has been made to start the DB2 Manager control region,
but a control region is already active in the same system image.
Initialization of the second control region is terminated.
Action: Ensure that any existing control region execution is terminated before
attempting to start the control region.
System abend 'xxx' intercepted – processing will continue
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during control region operation.
The system abend code is 'xxx'. Control region processing will
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Action: A system abend has been trapped during processing of an operator
request. If possible, DB2 Manager will recover from the abend.
Operator requests may continue to be entered as normal.
If it is not possible for DB2 Manager to recover from the abend,
control region processing will be terminated abnormally.
The problem should be reported to your DB2 Manager product
support representative.
Unable to continue after abend - job terminating
Explanation: The DB2 Manager control region was unable to recover after trapping
an abend condition. The control region will be terminated abnormally.
Action: Report the problem to your DB2 Manager product support
representative. Preserve all diagnostic information and system
dumps for further analysis.
Recursive abends intercepted - job terminating
Explanation: A recursive abend has occurred after the DB2 Manager control region
trapped a system abend condition. The control region will be
terminated abnormally.
Action: Report the problem to your DB2 Manager product support
representative. Preserve all diagnostic information and system dumps
for further analysis.
Error received posting requestor ECB
Explanation: An error occurred posting an outstanding request for access to a
migrated row. The DB2 Manager control region will attempt to
recover from this error condition and continue processing.
Action: Consult other available system messages for additional information
regarding the error. If no apparent cause for the failure can be
determined, report the problem to your DB2 Manager product support
representative. Preserve all diagnostic information and system dumps
for further analysis.
Initialization processing aborted
Explanation: An error has occurred during DB2 Manager control region initialization
processing. Initialization has been terminated.
Action: Examine other messages displayed by the control region during the
initialization process for details of the error. Take the appropriate
corrective action and restart the control region.
Command rejected - enter request via MODIFY command
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: ‘COMMAND=MODIFY’ is set in the Archive Manager/OAM
TAPECNTL parameter library member, but an MVS command other
than ‘MODIFY’ has been issued to the DB2 Manager control region.
Action: Re-enter the DB2 Manager command using the standard MVS
control region commands.
I/O error X'xxxx' processing ENVCNTL | TAPECNTL parameter
Explanation: An I/O error has occurred processing the identified member from the
DB2 Manager parameter library during control region initialization
processing. 'xxxx' gives the first two sense bytes from the IOB at the
time of the error. Control region initialization is aborted.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation for a description of the error code. Take
the appropriate corrective action and restart the control region.
If no apparent cause for the error can be detected, contact your DB2
Manager product support representative.
Error X’xx’ received loading program XXXXXXXX
Explanation: An error has occurred dynamically loading the program identified in
the message. ‘xx’ gives the hexadecimal error record received from
the LOAD request.
Action: Refer to IBM macro documentation for a description of the error code
in the message. Ensure that the program identified in the message is
available to be loaded from the steplib, joblib or linklist concatenation.
Consult other available system messages for additional information on
the load error. Take the appropriate corrective action and restart the
control region.
Task tnnn shutdown request has failed - error X'xx'
Explanation: Shutdown of a sub-task has failed during control region termination
processing. ‘xx’ gives the hexadecimal return code from the DETACH
macro. ‘t’ identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ –
housekeeping; ‘S’ – scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and
‘nnn’ gives the sub-task number. Termination of the control region
Action: None. This is an informational message. System abend ‘A03’ may
be received on termination of the control region after display of this
Missing or invalid request - ignored
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: An invalid operator command has been entered in response to the
DB2 Manager OTD20000 message or via MODIFY command.
Action: Re-enter the correct operator command in response to the OTD20000
message or via MODIFY command.
Invalid Set operand(s) - request ignored
Explanation: An invalid operand has been entered with the SET operator
Action: Ensure that the SET command is specified correctly and re-enter the
Configuration altered successfully
Explanation: The operator SET command has been processed successfully to alter
the current DB2 Manager configuration.
Action: None. This is an informational message. If COMMAND=REPLY has
been specified in the DB2 Manager TAPECNTL parameter library
member, the OTD20000 operator reply message will be redisplayed.
Unable to reduce value of MAXTRDR | MAXDRDR | MAXTWTR |
MAXSCHED as requested
Explanation: All available tasks have been examined but the control region has
been unable to reduce the value of the initialization parameter
specified in the message to that requested.
Action: This is an DB2 Manager error condition. Report the message to your
DB2 Manager product support representative. Obtain as much
information as you can about the status of the DB2 Manager control
region at the time of the message display.
Timeout error occurred when acquiring the Scheduler lock
Explanation: The control region has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
scheduler lock within 1 minute. Processing of the operator command
is unable to continue.
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Missing/invalid operand - request rejected
Explanation: A mandatory operand is missing from an DB2 Manager operator
command formats.
Errors altering configuration – check system status
Explanation: Errors have been detected attempting to alter the current DB2
Manager configuration using the operator SET command. Other
messages will give details of the error encountered.
Action: Check the system status via the operator DISPLAY command to verify
that the system configuration has not been altered erroneously.
Requested task tnnn does not exist - request ignored
Explanation: A sub-task specified in an operator command does not exist. The
request is ignored. ‘t’ identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader;
‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’ – scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer)
and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-task number.
Action: Ensure that the correct task number is specified in the operator
command. If necessary, use the DISPLAY command to display
details of all currently active sub-tasks.
Display processing completed
Explanation: Processing of an operator DISPLAY command has been successfully
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Task tnnn is not active - request ignored
Explanation: A request to purge a sub-task in the control region cannot be
performed because the task is either not initialized or already
terminated. ‘t’ identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ –
housekeeping; ‘S’ – scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and
‘nnn’ gives the sub-task number.
Action: Ensure that the correct task number is specified in the operator
command. If necessary, use the DISPLAY command to display
details of all currently active sub-tasks.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Task tnnn has been shutdown successfully
Explanation: A request to purge the identified sub-task has been completed
successfully. ‘t’ identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ –
housekeeping; ‘S’ – scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and
‘nnn’ gives the sub-task number.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Invalid Display operand(s) – request ignored
Explanation: An invalid operand has been entered with the DISPLAY operator
Action: Ensure that the DISPLAY command is specified correctly and re-enter
operator command.
Retaintape= nnnn Tapewait=nnnn Objsize=nnnnn
Readtimeout=nnnn Writetimeout=nnnn
Scheduler qlen=nnn unlocked | lkd/Xnnn; held request qlen=nnn
Explanation: This group of messages is displayed in response to an operator
DISPLAY command, and gives a summary of current control region
configuration settings.
For a locked scheduler queue display, ‘Xnnn’ identifies the lock
owner, where ‘X’ is the resource type (‘M’ = master task, ‘S’ =
scheduler task, ‘P’ = external program), and ‘nnn’ is the resource
Action: None. This is an information message only.
Task tnnn: Status=aaaa Qlen=bbb
DBid=cccc Stg_level=d Tape=eeeee Lastuse=hh:mm:ss
Explanation: This message is displayed in response to a detailed or summary
operator DISPLAY command. For summary commands, it will be
displayed once for each subtask in the control region, where:
‘t’ identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping;
‘S’ – scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the
sub-task number.
aaaa’ indicates the task status, and can take the following values:
NULL – the task has not yet been initialized
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
WAIT – the task is currently waiting for work
WTSH – a shutdown request has been queued for the task
BUSY – the task is currently processing requests
BYSH – the task is currently processing requests, and will
terminate when all requests have been processed
TERM – the task has terminated
’bbb’ gives the number of requests currently queued for the task. For
busy reader and writer tasks, ‘cccc’ gives the identifier of the
database being processed by the subtask. For busy reader tasks or
waiting tape reader tasks which have retained allocation of a tape
volume, ‘d’ gives the database storage level and ‘eeeee’ the
sequence number within storage level of the tape or disk dataset
being processed. The ‘Lastuse’ entry will only be displayed for waiting
tape reader tasks which have retained allocation of a tape volume.
‘hh:mm:ss gives the time the tape was last in use. The tape volume
will be automatically de-allocated and dismounted if a retrieval request
for that volume is not received within the time specified in the
RETAINTAPE system initialization parameter.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Request nnn: Type=xxxxxxxx DBid=yyyy Jobname=zzzzzzzz
Explanation: This message is displayed for busy tasks in response to a detailed
operator DISPLAY command. ‘nnn’ gives the position of the request
in the sub-task request queue. ‘xxxxxxxx’ gives the type of request,
and can take the following values: ‘Open’, ‘Retrieve’, ‘Store’, ‘Commit’
or ‘Close’. ‘yyyy’ gives the identifier of the Archive Manager database
being processed by the subtask, and ‘zzzzzzzz’ the name of the job
from which the request was originally submitted.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Request nnn: Stg Level=x Tape=yyyyy Blockid=zzzzzzzz
Explanation: This message is displayed as a supplement to message OTD20066
for retrieve or store requests. ‘nnn’ gives the position of the request
in the sub-task request queue, ‘x’ the Archive Manager database
storage level and ‘yyyyy’ the sequence number within the database
storage level of the disk or tape dataset being processed by the sub-
task. ‘zzzzzzzz’ gives the hexadecimal identifier of the block
containing the migrated row being processed by the sub-task.
Action: None. This is an informational message only.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Invalid Purge operand(s) – request ignored
Explanation: An invalid operand has been entered with the PURGE operator
Action: Ensure that the PURGE command is specified correctly and re-enter
Task tnnn is already being purged – request ignored
Explanation: A second PURGE request has been entered for a busy sub-task
before the first PURGE request has been processed, where ‘t’
identifies the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’
– scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-
task number.. The request is ignored.
Action: Wait for the queued PURGE command to be processed after all
outstanding retrieval requests have been completed. To immediately
terminate the sub-task, enter the FORCE command.
Task tnnn purge request is being processed
Explanation: A PURGE request has been queued for a sub-task, where ‘t’ identifies
the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’ –
scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-task
number. Waiting tasks will terminate immediately; busy tasks will
terminate when all currently queued requests have been processed.
Action: None this is an informational message.
Invalid Force operand(s) – request ignored
Explanation: An invalid operand has been entered with the FORCE operator
Action: Ensure that the FORCE command is specified correctly and re-enter
FORCE operator command format.
Controller received error posting requestor ECB
Explanation: An error occurred posting an outstanding request during force purge
processing. The DB2 Manager control region will attempt to recover
from this error condition and continue processing.
Action: Consult other available system messages for additional information
regarding the error. If no apparent cause for the failure can be
determined, report the problem to your DB2 Manager product support
representative. Preserve all diagnostic information and system dumps
for further analysis.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Task tnnn has not been purged – request ignored
Explanation: A FORCE request has been entered for task 'tnnn', where ‘t’ identifies
the sub-task type (‘D’ – disk reader; ‘H’ – housekeeping; ‘S’ –
scheduler; ‘T’ – tape reader; ‘W’ – writer) and ‘nnn’ gives the sub-task
number, but no prior PURGE request has been entered. A PURGE
request must already have been entered for a task before a FORCE
request is accepted. The request is ignored.
Action: Enter a PURGE request for the task. All outstanding retrieval
requests will be completed before the specified task is terminated. If
necessary a FORCE request may then be entered for the task.
Invalid Shutdown operand(s)
Explanation: An invalid operand has been entered with the operator SHUTDOWN
for details of the operator SHUTDOWN command format.
Do you want to proceed with shutdown (y/n)?
Explanation: An operator SHUTDOWN request has been entered on the console
via the operator reply facility. This message is displayed to ask for
confirmation of the shutdown request.
Action: To proceed with DB2 Manager control region shutdown processing,
enter 'Y'.
To abort the shutdown request, enter 'N'. The operator reply message
OTD20000 will then be redisplayed.
Shutdown in progress
Explanation: An operator SHUTDOWN request has been entered and accepted.
Termination of the control region will continue.
Action: None. This is an informational message only.
Error freeing communications table storage
Explanation: The storage area allocated in subpool 241 in the MVS ECSA during
control region initialization processing for the DB2 Manager
communications table was not freed successfully during control region
shutdown. Termination processing continues.
Action: Refer to other available system messages for more information
regarding the error. When the cause has been identified, take the
appropriate corrective action to ensure that the error does not re-
occur during future shutdown of the control region.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
If no apparent cause of the error can be identified, contact your DB2
Manager product support representative.
The ECSA storage used for the DB2 Manager communications table
in this invocation of the control region will be unavailable for allocation
until after the next IPL of the system. Approximately 200 kbytes of
storage are used for the communications table in extended CSA
Communications table storage area freed
Explanation: The storage area obtained from subpool 241 in extended CSA during
control region initialization processing has been successfully released
during control region shutdown. Processing continues.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Shutdown processing complete
Explanation: DB2 Manager shutdown processing has been completed successfully.
The control region will terminate normally.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
ꢀOTD220xx – control region scheduler messages
Messages from the DB2 Manager control region scheduler are written to the system log.
OTD22001 Scheduler initialization error: invalid control block
Explanation: An invalid control block has been encountered by the scheduler task
during initialization processing. Control region initialization will be
Action: This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing.
Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
OTD22002 Scheduler initialization error: insufficient storage available for
Explanation: A request for virtual storage in the DB2 Manager control region has
been rejected by the operating system. Control region initialization
processing is aborted.
Action: Allocate more virtual storage to the control region, by increasing the
value of the SIZE parameter in the DB2 Manager procedure. Restart
the control region.
Storage Release Error: Return Code=X'xx' T=Snnn
Explanation: An error has been received trying to free a virtual storage area during
scheduler task shutdown processing. ‘xx’ gives the hexadecimal
return code from the STORAGE macro, and ‘nnn’ identifies the
scheduler task number. Shutdown processing will continue normally.
Action: Consult IBM documentation on the STORAGE macro for an
explanation of the return code displayed in the message. If
necessary, take appropriate action to ensure the problem does not re-
occur. If the error persists, and no apparent cause can be identifier,
report the problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
Invalid request on Scheduler Queue
Explanation: A request in the scheduler queue is not a valid DB2 Manager request
element. Processing of the request cannot continue. The scheduler
task will continue by waiting for the next request to arrive.
Action: This message indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing.
Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
ENQueue Error: Major: mmmmmmmm Minor: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Return code=X'xx' T=Snnn
Explanation: An error has been received attempting to enqueue on the resource
whose major and minor names are identified in the message. ‘xx’ is
the return code received from the ENQ macro, and ‘nnn’ identifies the
scheduler task receiving the error.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on ENQ macro processing for a
description of the return code. Take the appropriate corrective action
and re-start the control region. If no apparent cause for the error can
be detected, contact your DB2 Manager product support
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Scheduler terminating because of recursive abends T=Snnn
Explanation: An abend condition has been detected by a scheduler task, when
attempting to recover from an earlier abend condition. ‘nnn’ identifies
the scheduler task receiving the error. The scheduler task will
terminate automatically and the current value of the MAXSCHED
initialization parameter will be reduced by 1.
Action: Examine the original abend condition, and take any corrective action
required. Other scheduler tasks may continue to process requests
normally. To restart the terminated scheduler task, reset the value of
MAXSCHED back to its value prior to termination of the scheduler
Scheduler received error posting requestor ECB T=Snnn
Explanation: An error occurred posting an outstanding request. The scheduler task
will attempt to recover from this error condition and continue
Action: Consult other available system messages for additional information
regarding the error. If no apparent cause for the failure can be
determined, report the problem to your DB2 Manager product support
representative. Preserve all diagnostic information and system dumps
for further analysis.
Scheduler task nnn abend Sxxx intercepted
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during operation of scheduler
task ‘nnn’. The system abend code is 'xxx'. Scheduler processing will
Action: A system abend has been trapped during processing of a migrated
row access request. If possible, DB2 Manager will recover from the
If it is not possible for DB2 Manager to recover from the abend,
scheduler task processing will be terminated abnormally.
The problem should be reported to your DB2 Manager product
support representative.
Scheduler task nnn terminated
Explanation: Scheduler task number ‘nnn’ has terminated processing in response
to an operator command, or following an unrecoverable error
Action: None. This is an informational message.
VSAM error X'aabb' received opening | reading dataset OTASxxxx,
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: An error has been received by scheduler task ‘nnn’ opening or
reading the primary index dataset of Archive Manager database
‘xxxx’. ‘aa’ and ‘bb’ give the hexadecimal return and reason codes
from the VSAM request. The migrated row access request being
processed by the task will be rejected.
Action: Refer to IBM VSAM macro documentation for an explanation of the
return and reason codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action before re-submitting the request which
generated the error condition.
OTD22040 System abend ‘xxx’ intercepted – control region will attempt to
Explanation: A system abend condition has occurred during scheduler operation,
and has been intercepted by the program. The scheduler will attempt
to recover from this condition and continue processing normally.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation for an explanation of the system abend
code displayed in the message. If no apparent cause for the problem
can be identifier, report the error to your StorageTek customer support
ꢀOTD250xx – control region tape reader messages
Messages from DB2 Manager control region tape reader tasks are written to the system
Invalid ODRH received on entry
Explanation: An invalid reader task header control block has been encountered by
a tape reader task during initialization processing. Reader task
initialization will be terminated.
Action: This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing.
Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
Unable to get exclusive access to TAPEREADER resource
Explanation: A tape reader task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
tape reader request queue within 1 minute. Processing of the
request continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager
control region may have been compromised.
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Unable to get exclusive access to ODRE resource
Explanation: A tape reader task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
scheduler request queue within 1 minute. Processing of the request
continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager control
region may have been compromised.
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
Insufficient storage for workareas
Explanation: A request by a reader task for virtual storage in the DB2 Manager
control region has been rejected by the operating system. Tape
reader task initialization processing is aborted.
Action: Allocate more virtual storage to the control region, by increasing the
value of the SIZE parameter in the DB2 Manager procedure. Restart
the control region.
Tape rdr task nnn initialization failed
Explanation: Initialization of tape reader sub-task ‘nnn’ has failed. Tape reader
task initialization processing will be terminated.
Action: Examine the system log for other messages displayed by the DB2
Manager, giving the cause of tape reader task initialization failure.
Take the appropriate action described for those messages, and retry
the tape reader task initialization request.
Tape rdr task nnn abend Sxxx intercepted
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during operation of tape reader
task ‘nnn’. The system abend code is 'xxx'. Tape reader processing
will continue.
Action: A system abend has been trapped during processing of a migrated
row access request. If possible, DB2 Manager will recover from the
If it is not possible for DB2 Manager to recover from the abend, the
tape reader task will be terminated abnormally.
The problem should be reported to your DB2 Manager product
support representative.
Tape rdr task nnn terminated
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: Tape reader task number ‘nnn’ has terminated processing in
response to an operator command, or following an unrecoverable
error condition.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Return code xx Supp codes X'yyyyzzzz' received opening | reading |
closing d/b dddd, T=Tnnn
Explanation: An error has been received by tape reader task ‘nnn’ accessing the
Archive Manager database with identifier ‘dddd’, for the type of
processing identified in the message. ‘xx’ gives the return code
received from the Archive Manager call, and ‘yyyy’ and ‘zzzz’ give
supplementary error codes 1 and 2. Processing of the current request
is terminated with an error.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for an explanation of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-submit the request.
Unrecoverable error condition - tape reader task nnn terminating
Explanation: An error condition has been encountered during processing of a
request by tape reader task ‘nnn’, and the task is unable to recover.
The request will be terminated with an error condition and the reader
task will terminate. The value of the MAXTRDR initialization
parameter will be automatically decremented by 1.
Action: Examine the system log for other DB2 Manager messages giving
information about the original error condition. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-submit the failing request. To restart the
terminated reader task, set the value of MAXTRDR to its value prior to
termination of the task.
Error xx received writing SMF record
Explanation: An error has been detected by a tape reader task writing a record to
the SMF dataset. ‘xx’ gives the return code received from the
SMFWTM macro. Tape reader task processing will continue
Action: Refer to IBM documentation for an explanation of the return code
displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action to
resolve the problem.
OTD25040 System abend ‘xxx’ intercepted – control region will attempt to
Explanation: A system abend condition has occurred during tape reader task
operation, and has been intercepted by the program. The tape
reader task will attempt to recover from this condition and continue
processing normally.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Action: Refer to IBM documentation for an explanation of the system abend
code displayed in the message. If no apparent cause for the problem
can be identifier, report the error to your StorageTek customer support
ꢀOTD254xx – control region disk reader messages
Messages from DB2 Manager control region disk reader tasks are written to the system
Invalid ODRH received on entry
Explanation: An invalid reader task header control block has been encountered by
a disk reader task during initialization processing. Reader task
initialization will be terminated.
Action: This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing.
Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
Unable to get exclusive access to DISKREADER resource
Explanation: A disk reader task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
disk reader request queue within 1 minute. Processing of the request
continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager control
region may have been compromised.
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
Unable to get exclusive access to ODRE resource
Explanation: A disk reader task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
scheduler request queue within 1 minute. Processing of the request
continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager control
region may have been compromised.
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
Insufficient storage for workareas
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: A request by a disk reader task for virtual storage in the DB2 Manager
control region has been rejected by the operating system. Disk reader
task initialization processing is aborted.
Action: Allocate more virtual storage to the control region, by increasing the
value of the SIZE parameter in the DB2 Manager procedure. Restart
the control region.
Disk rdr task nnn initialization failed
Explanation: Initialization of disk reader sub-task ‘nnn’ has failed. Disk reader task
initialization processing will be terminated.
Action: Examine the system log for other messages displayed by the DB2
Manager, giving the cause of tape reader task initialization failure.
Take the appropriate action described for those messages, and retry
the disk reader task initialization request.
Disk rdr task nnn abend Sxxx intercepted
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during operation of disk reader
task ‘nnn’. The system abend code is 'xxx'. Disk reader processing
will continue.
Action: A system abend has been trapped during processing of a migrated
row access request. If possible, DB2 Manager will recover from the
If it is not possible for DB2 Manager to recover from the abend, the
disk reader task will be terminated abnormally.
The problem should be reported to your DB2 Manager product
support representative.
Disk rdr task nnn terminated
Explanation: Disk reader task number ‘nnn’ has terminated processing in response
to an operator command, or following an unrecoverable error
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Return code xx Supp codes X'xxxxxxxx' received opening | reading |
closing d/b dddd, T=Dnnn
Explanation: An error has been received by disk reader task ‘nnn’ accessing the
Archive Manager database with identifier ‘dddd’, for the type of
processing identified in the message. ‘xx’ gives the return code
received from the Archive Manager call, and ‘yyyy’ and ‘zzzz’ give
supplementary error codes 1 and 2. Processing of the current request
is terminated with an error.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for an explanation of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-submit the request.
Unrecoverable error condition - disk reader task nnn terminating
Explanation: An error condition has been encountered during processing of a
request by disk reader task ‘nnn’, and the task is unable to recover.
The request will be terminated with an error condition and the reader
task will terminate. The value of the MAXDRDR initialization
parameter will be automatically decremented by 1.
Action: Examine the system log for other DB2 Manager messages giving
information about the original error condition. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-submit the failing request. To restart the
terminated reader task, set the value of MAXDRDR to its value prior
to termination of the task.
Error xx received writing SMF record
Explanation: An error has been detected by a disk reader task writing a record to
the SMF dataset. ‘xx’ gives the return code received from the
SMFWTM macro. Disk reader task processing will continue normally.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation for an explanation of the return code
displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action to
resolve the problem.
ꢀOTD260xx – control region writer messages
Messages from DB2 Manager control region writer tasks are written to the system log.
Invalid ODWH received on entry
Explanation: An invalid writer task header control block has been encountered by a
tape reader task during initialization processing. Writer task
initialization will be terminated.
Action: This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing.
Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
Unable to get exclusive access to TAPEWRITER resource
Explanation: A tape writer task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
tape writer request queue within 1 minute. Processing of the request
continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager control
region may have been compromised.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
Unable to get exclusive access to ODRE resource
Explanation: A tape writer task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
scheduler request queue within 1 minute. Processing of the request
continues, but request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager control
region may have been compromised.
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
Insufficient storage for workareas
Explanation: A request by a writer task for virtual storage in the DB2 Manager
control region has been rejected by the operating system. Tape writer
task initialization processing is aborted.
Action: Allocate more virtual storage to the control region, by increasing the
value of the SIZE parameter in the DB2 Manager procedure. Restart
the control region.
Tape wtr task nnn initialization failed
Explanation: Initialization of tape writer sub-task ‘nnn’ has failed. Tape writer task
initialization processing will be terminated.
Action: Examine the system log for other messages displayed by the DB2
Manager, giving the cause of tape writer task initialization failure.
Take the appropriate action described for those messages, and retry
the tape writer task initialization request.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Tape wtr task nnn abend Sxxx intercepted
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during operation of tape writer
task ‘nnn’. The system abend code is 'xxx'. Tape writer processing
will continue.
Action: A system abend has been trapped during processing of a migrated
row storage request. If possible, DB2 Manager will recover from the
If it is not possible for DB2 Manager to recover from the abend, the
tape writer task will be terminated abnormally.
The problem should be reported to your DB2 Manager product
support representative.
Tape wtr task nnn terminated
Explanation: Tape writer task number ‘nnn’ has terminated processing in response
to an operator command, or following an unrecoverable error
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Return code xx Supp codes X'yyyyzzzz' received opening | updating
| committing | closing d/b dddd, T=Wnnn
Explanation: An error has been received by tape writer task ‘nnn’ accessing the
Archive Manager database with identifier ‘dddd’, for the type of
processing identified in the message. ‘xx’ gives the return code
received from the Archive Manager call, and ‘yyyy’ and ‘zzzz’ give
supplementary error codes 1 and 2. Processing of the current request
is terminated with an error.
Action: Refer to the Archive Manager User Manual for an explanation of the
return and supplementary codes displayed in the message. Take the
appropriate corrective action and re-start the row migration job.
Unrecoverable error condition – tape writer task nnn terminating
Explanation: An error condition has been encountered during processing of a
request by tape writer task ‘nnn’, and the task is unable to recover.
The request will be terminated with an error condition and the writer
task will terminate. The value of the MAXTWTR initialization
parameter will be automatically decremented by 1.
Action: Examine the system log for other DB2 Manager messages giving
information about the original error condition. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-start the row migration job. To restart the
terminated writer task, set the value of MAXTWTR to its value prior to
termination of the task.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Error xx received writing SMF record
Explanation: An error has been detected by a tape writer task writing a record to
the SMF dataset. ‘xx’ gives the return code received from the
SMFWTM macro. Tape writer task processing will continue normally.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation for an explanation of the return code
displayed in the message. Take the appropriate corrective action to
resolve the problem.
ꢀOTD270xx - control region housekeeping task
Messages from the DB2 Manager control region housekeeping tasks are written to the
system log.
Invalid ODCT received on entry
Explanation: An invalid communications table control block has been encountered
by the housekeeping task during initialization processing.
Housekeeping task initialization will be terminated.
Action: This condition indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing.
Retain as much information about the error as possible and report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
Unable to get exclusive access to ODRE resource
Explanation: A housekeeping task has been unable to gain exclusive access to the
scheduler request queue within 1 minute. Processing continues, but
request queue integrity in the DB2 Manager control region may have
been compromised.
Action: Examine the system log for other abnormal messages issued by the
DB2 Manager control region. If there is no apparent reason for the
failure, contact your local DB2 Manager product support
ODRE table is not valid
Explanation: The table of DB2 Manager request elements in extended common
storage is not in a valid format. Housekeeping processing cannot
continue, and the task will terminate.
Action: This indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager processing. Report
the problem to your local DB2 Manager support representative.
Insufficient storage for workareas
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Explanation: A request by a housekeeping task for virtual storage in the DB2
Manager control region has been rejected by the operating system.
Housekeeping task initialization processing is aborted.
Action: Allocate more virtual storage to the control region, by increasing the
value of the SIZE parameter in the DB2 Manager procedure. Restart
the control region.
Housekeeping task Hnnn terminated
Explanation: Housekeeping task number ‘nnn’ has terminated processing in
response to an operator command, or following an unrecoverable
error condition.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
Unrecoverable error condition - housekeeping task nnn terminating
Explanation: An error condition has been encountered during processing of
housekeeping task ‘nnn’, and the task is unable to recover. The
housekeeping task will terminate.
Action: Examine the system log for other DB2 Manager messages giving
information about the original error condition. Take the appropriate
corrective action and re-start the control region.
Housekeeping task nnn abend Sxxx intercepted
Explanation: A system abend has been intercepted during operation of
housekeeping task ‘nnn’. The system abend code is 'xxx'.
Housekeeping processing will continue.
Action: If possible, DB2 Manager will recover from the abend. If it is not
possible for DB2 Manager to recover from the abend, the
housekeeping task will be terminated abnormally.
The problem should be reported to your DB2 Manager product
support representative.
Hnnn request timed out - ODRE xxxxxxxx
Explanation: A stalled request has been timed out by a housekeeping task.
‘xxxxxxxx’ gives the virtual storage address of the DB2 Manager
request element used by the timed out request.
Action: None. This is an informational message.
ꢀDB2 Manager error and reason codes
Any error condition encountered by DB2 Manager during processing of a row
access request generated by an application program SQL command will be
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
communicated back to the calling program via generation of an SQL –652
error. The two bytes at character positions 6 and 7 in field SQLERRD in the
SQL communication area (SQLCA) at the time of the error will contain a
reason code giving additional information about the error condition.
Messages giving additional error information may also be displayed in the
system log by the DB2 Manager control region.
This section lists reason codes set by DB2 Manager in the SQLCA. Note that
reason codes in this list are displayed in hexadecimal format.
Reason code
Storage obtain request by the DB2 Manager row edit processor failed.
‘xx’ gives the hexadecimal return code received from the STORAGE
macro request.
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the STORAGE macro for a
description of the error. Take the appropriate corrective
action before continuing with DB2 Manager processing.
An invalid row edit request code has been received from DB2. ‘xx’
gives the invalid request code.
Action: This indicates either an internal DB2 Manager error or a
possible DB2 error. Report the problem to your local DB2
Manager support representative
Error received from TCBTOKEN macro request. ‘xx’ gives the
hexadecimal return code received from the macro call.
Refer to IBM documentation on the TCBTOKEN macro for
a description of the error. Take the appropriate corrective
action before continuing with DB2 Manager processing.
There is no free request element available for processing the request.
DB2 Manager allows up to 1024 migrated row access
requests to be processed concurrently. If this limit is
exceeded, the error documented here will be received. In
this case, the request should be retried at a less busy time.
If the number of concurrent requests in the system is less
than this figure, report the problem to your local DB2
Manager support representative.
Error received from ALESERV macro request. ‘xx’ gives the
hexadecimal return code received from the macro call.
Refer to IBM documentation on the ALESERV macro for a
description of the error. Take the appropriate corrective
action before continuing with DB2 Manager processing.
Error received from LOCASCB macro request. ‘xx’ gives the
hexadecimal return code received from the macro call.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Reason code
Action: Refer to IBM documentation on the LOCASCB macro for a
description of the error. Take the appropriate corrective
action before continuing with DB2 Manager processing.
A request has been unable to obtain exclusive access to the DB2
Manager control region scheduler lock within the time interval set in
the READTIMEOUT or WRITETIMEOUT initialization parameter
(depending on type of request).
This condition normally indicates a problem with the
control region. Issue a series of operator summary
display commands (see page 51) to display the current
condition of the scheduler lock. If this indicates that it is
unlocked, re-try the request. If it is consistently locked,
review the control region joblog for other error messages.
If no reason for the error can be identified, report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support
representative. To relieve the condition, perform an
immediate stop on the control region and restart the
A migrated row has been accessed by the row migration utility
This is a normal condition when running an DB2 Manager
utility program, and will be handled by the program. This
error should not occur when executing any other type of
Field TCBUSER was not correctly initialized during DB2 Manager
utility processing. The utility job will terminate with an error.
This indicates an internal DB2 Manager error. Report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support
A problem has occurred attempting to communicate with the DB2
Manager control region. The second byte of the reason code (‘xx’)
will contain a two-digit explanation code, as follows:
01 - An invalid DB2 Manager communications table was found by the
row edit procedure OTDBP300.
Action: This indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager
processing. Stop and restart the control region to try to
clear the error condition. If this does not work, report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support
02 - The name of the DB2 Manager control region held in the ASCB
addressed by the row edit procedure OTDBP300 does not
match that of the control region at start-up time.
Action: This indicates an internal error in DB2 Manager
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Reason code
processing. Stop and restart the control region to try to
clear the error condition. If this does not work, report the
problem to your local DB2 Manager support
An error condition has been received by the DB2 Manager control
region during processing of the request. The second byte of the
reason code contains a two-digit hexadecimal value describing the
error. Refer to page 169 for a description of possible control region
reason codes.
ꢀControl region return codes
On completion of a migrated row access request, the DB2 Manager control
region issues a two-character return code to the row edit routine OTDBP300,
indicating the result of the request. Unsuccessful return codes will result in
an SQL –652 error with a reason code of x’10xx’ in field SQLERRD(6) being
issued to the SQL caller by DB2 Manager (where ‘xx’ is the error code
returned from the control region).
The control region return code is included in the corresponding entry in the
request section of the SMF record created during migrated row access
processing. The value of the return code may be used by the customer’s
own SMF record processing for an analysis of successful and unsuccessful
DB2 Manager migrated row access requests.
A return code value of '00' indicates successful storage or retrieval of a
migrated row in an Archive Manager database. Non-zero return codes
indicate that an abnormal condition was encountered during migrated row
access processing. This section lists all possible non-zero values generated
by the control region.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Return code
(hex value in
21 (15)
No free tape reader task available to perform migrated row retrieval
request, or task processing tape volume containing migrated row is
currently at its maximum request level (as set by the MAXQLEN
initialization parameter).
If a non-zero value of the TAPEWAIT initialization parameter is
specified, DB2 Manager will queue the request internally on receipt of
this condition, until the request can be processed or until the time
interval specified in the parameter has been exceeded, at which point
a return code of 21 will be generated.
23 (17)
Abend condition intercepted during control region processing.
24 (18)
Control region failed to gain exclusive access to a serialized resource
within a 1-minute time interval.
28 (1C)
31 (1F)
64 (40)
Invalid Archive Manager database identifier specified in migrated row
access request.
Object containing migrated row not found in Archive Manager
An error has been received by a control region component when
issuing an ALESERV macro, or the name of the DB2 Manager control
region held in the ASCB stored with the request does not match that
of the control region at start-up time
65 (41)
Request has been timed out by control region, because value
specified in READTIMEOUT or WRITETIMEOUT initialization
parameter has been exceeded.
87 (57)
Required Archive Manager database not connected on receipt of
migrated row storage request.
88 (58)
Archive Manager database connection request received for database
which is already connected for update processing. Only one update
process may be executed against a single Archive Manager database
at any one time.
94 (5E)
VSAM error received accessing primary index of Archive Manager
database. Message OTD22011 or OTD26010 will be displayed by
the control region giving the error and reason codes returned from
97 (61)
98 (62)
99 (63)
VSAM error received opening primary index of Archive Manager
database. Message OTD26010 will be displayed by the control
region giving the error and reason codes returned from VSAM.
Internal error received during control region processing. Review
other error messages issued by the control region for more
information about the error condition.
Invalid request code received by control region.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Return code
(hex value in
Any other return code issued by the control region indicates that an
error has been received from an Archive Manager call. A message
will be issued by the control region giving details of the call and the
return and reason codes received from Archive Manager. Refer to
the Archive Manager User Manual for a description of this error
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Appendix A: Sample JCL members
Appendix A gives listings of members on the distributed DB2 Manager sample JCL library.
Member LCDDB2 is a sample procedure for execution of the DB2 Manager control region
started task.
//* Lifecycle Director
//* DB2 Manager started task procedure.
//* Change history:
//* 19-Mar-03 GW V1.1 CREATED.
//* 02-Apr-04 GW V1.1 Re-branded.
Edit each of the lines marked "<===" to update:
1. Name of installed DB2 Manager load library
2. Name of installed Archive Manager load library
3. Name of Archive Manager parameter library
If any of the above load libraries are present in the
system linklist, they may be omitted from the STEPLIB
concatenation in this procedure.
Add one OTASxxxx entry for each Archive Manager database
used for storage of migrated rows from DB2, where
"xxxx" is the unique 4-character value used
to identify an Archive Manager database. Each
entry should specify the name of the primary index
dataset for the corresponding Archive Manager database.
//STEPLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
DD DSN=Archive.Manager.load.library,DISP=SHR
//SYSPARM DD DSN=Database.Manager.parameter.library,DISP=SHR <===
Archive Manager database list
//OTASxxxx DD DSN=Archive.Manager.database.index,DISP=SHR
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Member OTDBDEF creates the DB2 Manager system database.
//* DB2 Manager system database creation job.
//* Change history:
//* GW 19-Mar-03 V1.1 created
//* GW 02-Apr-04 V1.1 re-branded
//* This job creates the database manager system database. It
//* includes steps to allocate files, define the database and
//* grant authorities for database access.
//* Before submitting the job, review each line marked with
//* with "<===" and modify as appropriate for execution at
//* your installation.
DD *
DD *
- <===
- <===
- <===
- <===
- <===
- <===
- <===
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
- <===
- <===
DD *
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Member OTDBPKG creates the DB2 Manager DB2 application packages.
//* DB2 Manager DB2 package creation job.
//* Change history:
//* GW 19-Mar-03 V1.1 created
//* GW 02-Apr-04 V1.1 re-branded
//* GW 30-Apr-04 V1.1 OTDBL130 added
//* This job creates the DB2 application packages
//* required for DB2 Manager implementation.
//* Amend the job as follows before submitting:
//* 1. Alter the STEPLIB DD card to specify name of the
DB2 runtime load library on the host system.
//* 2. Change the name of the DB2 subsystem (DB2) in
the DSN statement to match the subsystem name
in use on the host system.
//* 3. Change the dataset name on the DBRMLIB card
to specify the name of the DB2 Manager DBRM
library unloaded from file 2 of the distribution tape.
//STEPLIB DD DSN=DB2.runtime.library,DISP=SHR
//DBRMLIB DD DSN=Database.Manager.DBRM.library,DISP=SHR
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
Member OTDBPLAN creates the DB2 application plan required for execution of DB2
//* DB2 Manager DB2 plan creation job.
//* Change history:
//* GW 19-Mar-03 V1.1 created
//* GW 02-Apr-04 V1.1 re-branded
//* GW 30-Apr-04 V1.1 OTDBL130 added
//* This job creates the DB2 application plan
//* required for DB2 Manager implementation.
//* Review lines marked with a "<===" before submitting
//* and amend as follows:
//* 1. Alter the STEPLIB DD cards to specify name of the
DB2 runtime load library on the host system.
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
//* 2. Change the name of the DB2 subsystem (DB2) in
the DSN statements to match the subsystem name
in use on the host system.
//* 3. Replace the character string 'pppppppp' with
the name of the DB2 plan to be generated.
//* 4. Change the plan name in the RUN statement (DSNTIAnn)
to match the version of DB2 in use on the host
//STEPLIB DD DSN=DB2.runtime.library,DISP=SHR
BIND PLAN(pppppppp)
//STEPLIB DD DSN=DB2.runtime.library,DISP=SHR
ON PLAN pppppppp
DD *
DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
housekeeping task, 168
initialization, 45
master processor, 143
return codes, 172
scheduler, 157
shutdown, 63, 74
started task, 175
summary status display, 52
tape reader, 160
Access Method Services, 31
allocation recovery, 74
AMS, 31
APF-authorization, 22, 46
archive date, 14
archive indicator, 10
Archive Manager, 7, 8, 13, 28
database, 13, 28, 46, 82
database administration, 28
database backup, 91
writer, 165
database definition, 118
database identifier, 14, 54, 55, 97,
103, 108, 113
database maintenance, 24, 50, 117
database maintenance utility, 117
database recovery, 93
database storage level, 14, 54, 55
disk copy processing, 9
journal dataset, 31, 91
data management, 90
database maintenance, 13
database reorganization, 16
dataset naming standards, 92
DB2, 46
application plan, 27, 180
image copy, 90
modifications, 26
packages, 27, 179
plans, 27, 86
object, 10, 13, 37, 91
object deletion, 112, 117
object management, 50
object management utility, 117
primary index, 31, 46, 91
archive partition, 78, 91, 112
archive stub, 10, 14, 78, 112
audit options, 29
table, 28, 82, 115
table backup, 90
table migration, 77
table recovery, 90
table reorganization, 91
DB2 JOIN, 10
automated operator reply, 26
AUTOUNCAT, 24, 118
DB2SSID, 86, 98, 104, 109, 114
DBRM, 27
deleted row, 51
disaster recovery, 14, 94
distinct types, 78
block identifier, 56
blocksize, 30
distribution libraries, 20
duplex backup copy, 24
duplex copy, 24
CICS, 19
COMMAND, 43, 51
dynamic load balancing, 14, 82
commit processing, 85
control processor, 48
control region, 10, 22, 33, 39, 45, 47
detail status display, 55
disk reader, 163
edit procedure, 10, 47
ENVCNTL, 21, 36, 88
error codes, 170
StorageTek Proprietary
MLPA, 23
MODIFY, 43, 46, 51, 64
FLPA, 23
force purge, 56
new tape volume, 86
HLQ, 28
OBJSIZE, 13, 14, 32, 37, 53, 59, 60, 62,
Host Software Component, 25, 72
operator commands, 51
operator interface, 51
OTASP030, 117
failure, 117
housekeeping processing, 13
HSC, 25
OTASP040, 117
OTD20000, 51
OTDBDEF, 27, 176
OTDBIND, 78, 81
IEF238D, 25, 74, 75
IEF247I, 25
image copy, 15
implementation, 14, 19
INDEXONLY, 98, 104
installation verification, 33
OTDBL100, 86
OTDBL120, 98, 104
OTDBL140, 109
OTDBL170, 114
OTDBP100, 24, 77, 95, 96, 102, 171
OTDBP120, 95, 101, 118
OTDBP140, 95, 107
OTDBP170, 95, 112
OTDBP300, 10, 23, 47, 78, 79, 81, 147,
OTDBPKG, 27, 28, 179
OTDBPLAN, 27, 28, 180
OTSN4300, 28
large objects, 78
LCDDB2, 175
LCDDB2 database, 26
LOB, 13, 78
OTSN4301, 29
OTSN4302, 31
locks, 53, 75
MAXDRDR, 39, 40, 48, 52, 53, 56, 59,
60, 73, 151, 165
MAXDRIVE, 56, 58, 60, 61
MAXQLEN, 41, 49, 52, 53, 59, 60, 61,
65, 72, 73, 75, 173
MAXSCHED, 40, 41, 48, 53, 56, 58, 59,
60, 61, 151, 159
parameter format, 35
parameter library, 21, 35
partitioned tablespace, 78, 81
performance, 11
PLAN, 98, 104, 109, 114
PPT, 22
pre-requisites, 16
primary backup copy, 24
primary keylength, 13, 28
PRINT, 105, 109, 114
print reports, 88, 100, 106, 110, 115
Program Properties Table, 22
MAXTRDR, 39, 43, 48, 52, 53, 58, 59,
60, 71, 72, 75, 151, 162
MAXTWTR, 40, 48, 53, 56, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 151, 167
migrated rows, 47, 49, 95, 101, 112, 117
migration criteria, 84, 87, 97, 103
migration rule, 87
SMP/E, 20
reader task, 72
READTIMEOUT, 37, 53, 59, 60, 62, 63,
126, 171, 173
reason codes, 170
record offset, 14
recovery status, 93
recycle threshold, 118
selection criteria, 95, 99, 102
utility failure, 101
REPLY, 46, 51, 63
request queue, 41
request queue length, 53, 72
request status, 53
resource unavailable, 42, 56, 71, 73, 74,
75, 82
response time, 74
restart processing, 85
RETAINTAPE, 42, 49, 53, 59, 60, 61,
retention period, 29
row deletion, 12
row migration, 9, 77
row update, 12
-652 error, 38, 39, 41, 50, 51, 63, 71,
73, 75, 82, 170, 172
command, 8, 15
DELETE, 49, 51, 112, 118
error codes, 51
FETCH, 9, 15
intercept, 10, 48
SELECT, 49, 82, 87, 99, 105, 110, 115
UPDATE, 49, 50, 112, 118
SQLCA, 26, 38, 39, 41, 50, 51, 72, 73,
75, 82, 121, 170
SQLERRD, 26, 38, 39, 41, 50, 51, 72,
73, 75, 82, 121, 170, 172
storage level, 92
subsystem identifier, 86
disk reader, 39, 48, 52, 73
housekeeping, 48
purging, 58
scheduler, 40, 48
selection, 49
tape reader, 39, 48, 52, 82
writer, 40, 48, 52, 82
SVC, 28
S100PRI, 86
S100SEC, 86, 87, 99
S120PRI, 98
S120SEC, 99
SYSIN file, 82, 87, 99, 105, 110, 115
System Management Facility, 65
scratch pool, 24
sequential processing, 9
SET, 60
SHUTDOWN, 63, 74
SMF, 36, 65
SMF header section, 66
SMF record descriptor section, 67
SMF records, 24
partition, 16
table analysis
failure, 112
table backup, 15
table partition, 10
table recovery, 15
table view, 80
tape dataset
naming convention, 24
tape management software, 24
tape processing, 42, 43
tape recycling, 14
tape volume recovery, 93
SMF request section, 68
SMF storage group section, 68
SMFRECID, 24, 36, 65
StorageTek Proprietary
tape volume recycling, 117
TAPECNTL, 22, 38
database housekeeping, 13, 95, 101,
112, 140
TAPEWAIT, 39, 41, 42, 43, 49, 53, 59,
60, 62, 71, 73, 74, 75, 173
timestamps, 66
re-migration, 13, 95, 101, 128, 132
table analysis, 13, 95, 107, 136
table migration, 40, 77, 82, 121
view, 80
VIO dataset, 86, 98
unique key, 78, 87, 99, 105, 110, 115
unit name, 30
updated row, 50
user identification, 22
user SVC, 28
WRITETIMEOUT, 38, 53, 59, 60, 62, 88,
171, 173
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